Why Full Disclosure Movement Will Overcome the Partial Disclosure Narrative

Now I’ve been seeing a lot of people concerned about partial disclosure and I wanted to share my perspective on this whole debacle. First off; let’s start out by stating that no matter what these military and world leaders do, full disclosure will happen regardless of their decisions and plans.

I draw this conclusion not based on actionable data or some kind of special insider. I base this assessment upon the simple, but powerful virtue we call the Truth. As the Buddha so eloquently put “Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.”


The partial disclosure narrative will not be successful based upon the fact that so many people now know the Truth. There is a huge community of awakened souls that are following world events, starting websites and contributing to the success of Full Disclosure. With all this information floating in cyber space it’s essentially created a huge library of information about this topic for future researchers.

The diversity and sheer volume of information available about UFOs, extraterrestrials and cosmic history makes partial disclosure very difficult. There is just too many people writing, researching and inquiring about these topics to pull partial disclosure off. Since the dawning of the internet; the dissemination of information has helped awaken humanity to the Truth. We have access to information with a few simple clicks of the mouse and keyboard.

Now they could attempt to smear every single person who attempts to share the Truth; but then that would require a lot of work and effort on their part. They simply don’t have the resources to silence everyone. The cabal lost control of the flow of information; the switching of the guard will not change this because it is we the people who are advancing disclosure.

We are the driving force behind disclosure. Not some government agency, secret space program or extraterrestrial conglomeration or federation. We the people have the power to disclose the Truth. That’s why we’re seeing the Truth start to breach to the surface; because of the fact it’s been building up pressure for so long. It’s now unstoppable.

Think of it like this; in the past information wasn’t able to go viral like it can now. We as a people have developed systems and means of communication that allow instant transfer of knowledge and information. Videos, articles and information go viral very quickly nowadays. It’s not uncommon for videos to receive thousands of views per day; some even close to millions of views per day.

We’ve all seen those Cat videos where they have upwards to 20-100 million views. Well my friends; even if partial disclosure was to be acted upon it would created a catalyzing platform for the Truth to boil to the surface. On the day of disclosure, regardless of partial of full; so many people would start researching these topics. In there attempts to find the Truth; they would stumble upon many websites. We in the awakening community who have websites are acting in a capacity to assist these individuals in their search.

We’ve reached a point where much of the information is available for everyone regardless of who they are. Now certain agencies may have an abundance of minute details regarding certain aspects of the story; but overall the internet provides the broader perspective. The big picture resides on the internet; it is from the internet that much of the Truth reaches humanity; even those in government.

Agencies such as NSA, FBI, CIA and even the SSP are heavily controlled. Thus the information available to them is subject to manipulation. Any system that is based upon authority is receptacle to manipulation. Authority is the very idea of giving your power away to an idea. While the internet is peer based; meaning the people determine most of the content on the web. No one person has authority over another; because all ideas can coexist and this creates the perfect platform for others to disseminate knowledge and information.

The point being, no matter the form of disclosure that is acted upon is irrelevant in terms to the outcome. Full Disclosure is inevitable; the best they can achieve is a tiny delay. These people who believe their calling the shots don’t understand that this is not something isolated to this world alone. Other species and races have contributed to make this full disclosure an reality.

There are many of us who come from other star systems. You may be a Wanderer, Starseed or a Lightworker. Many of us came here on Earth to assist in this transition. Do you honestly think those who love us will allow this partial disclosure narrative to take place? They’ll push for full disclosure in whatever capacity they can; but they can only assist in certain ways because at the end of the day it’s up to us.

At this point; we’ve been largely successful and now it’s just a matter of figuring out whose going to embody what reality. Timeline splitting may occur; where a negative reality and positive reality split at a certain point in this current timeline. Those who are negative will go on the negative timeline; those who are positive will go on the positive timeline. The point being; it doesn’t matter what these leaders decide; you can choose to embody a reality that has full disclosure.

Another thing these leaders don’t realize is that people already don’t trust the government or politicians. When they roll out this partial disclosure people are going to be very reluctant to trust mainstream media and will be skeptical. There is so much distrust with the government and authorities that no matter what they do; people will not trust them.

Let’s not forget how much the Alternative Media has grown in the last decade. We literally are the driving force when it comes to a lot of the information on the web. The only areas left that are heavily controlled are the TV, newspapers, radio and movies; which is why mainstream media is losing so much viewers. We the people control the flow of information on the web; because it’s enhanced our ability to become aware of certain ideas, information and facts. The internet literally is an embodiment of our collective consciousness and what it’s stating right now is “Fun and games is over; time for full disclosure.”

If partial disclosure was to happen; it would open up the floodgates for others to come forward. Many of them may be upset, pissed off or confused why the world leaders are pursuing partial disclosure. This would gives us access to even more information and allow full disclosure to come into fruition.

The final reason that full disclosure will happen is because we the people. Disclosure is not something external of us. Disclosure is us if we choose to be it. When we embody disclosure; be disclosure; it will happen regardless of these would be leaders. So just keep doing what you can to bring disclosure to fruition; because we the people are it. Act and behave as if disclosure is occurring, has occurred and will occur. Then you will see it manifest into your reality.

Timothy Frappier

Don’t Allow Fear To Control You; Be Yourself and Shine On

As the year is closely coming to an end; I’ve been contemplating what exactly the theme of this years was for me. I’ve discovered that fear is the primary focus for this year. There has been a lot of fear being brought into my awareness. All of my unhappiness, frustration and sadness is a by-product of fear.

We in modern society have really watered down our understanding of fear. There are many situations, thoughts and beliefs that are a by product of fear. Most the time we don’t even realize it’s fear; it’s just what we’ve grown up into. Much of the fear in our life comes from society. Take for example; I see many people afraid of West Nile, they use chemicals on themselves to keep mosquitoes away from them, stay indoors more often or even spray their yard with mosquito killer.

When I hear or see people doing this, I find it quite perplexing because of the fact most people don’t even realize the likelihood of contracting West Nile is very remote. In fact, here in Minnesota the Department of Health reported there were only 9 cases of West Nile for 2015, There were no deaths; but three people did get neuroinvasive illness including encephalitis or meningitis.

Let’s compare these numbers to road fatalities for 2015. According to Minnesota’s Department of Public Safety, 405 people died from Vehicular related accidents. As you can see; more people die from car accidents then they do from West Nile.

Yet most people don’t fear getting into their car and going to drive to work. Yet we fear this West Nile virus as if it’s a real threat. That is unwarranted and irrational fear. We shouldn’t waste our time worrying about something that we’re most likely not going to encounter.

I’m currently in the process of discovering this type of fear within myself. I’ve been doing a lot of shadow work as of lately and these types of fear have been coming up. What I’ve discovered is that most of these fears are a result of society. We get “programmed” with these fears from the media, movies, schools and parents. Many of the fears were adopted into our belief system without us really taking the time to evaluate the rationale behind them.

The lovely Bridget Nielsen’s video above has really resonated with what I’ve been dealing with lately. I need, no we all need to stop being so fearful and just be ourselves. This is the problem many of us face nowadays. We’ve constructed a prison around ourselves that keeps us subject to expectations, beliefs and opinions of others. Many of us are afraid to express our true self in fear of being exiled, cast away, misunderstood or judged.

Many feel this fear is rational based upon the fact that if we were to reveal the Truth; people wouldn’t be able to handle it. That couldn’t be furthest from the Truth, because like the old saying goes “The Truth will Set you Free” and these words ring true to this very day. Being your true self doesn’t mean you tell everybody your beliefs, thoughts and ideas. No no, it’s about being the Truth, embodying your True Self, and allowing yourself to shine.

People don’t need to know everything about you in order for you to be yourself. The key is to find a balance between being true to yourself while also remaining compassionate to others. Be the Truth from within and reflect what you know yourself to be. If someone does ask you about something you once thought people wouldn’t be able to understand or accept; take the time to consider the possibility that you can share your thoughts and beliefs without worrying about how others receive them.

Don’t allow judgments to cause you to act in a manner that is unbecoming to your true self. Be bold, assertive and brave enough to share exactly how you feel about that subject or topic. From my experience, rarely is there going to be a situation in where someone close to you will ask these deep questions. My family is unaware of the situation with UFOs and the SSP, they’ve never asked me anything to this day. I don’t need them to know either; I can be myself without them knowing what I read and write about. That is what many of us lose sight of; the fact that we can be ourselves without others knowing things or stuff about us.

So don’t allow your judgments to prevent you from shining your light. Know that what others believe about you has no relevance or value whatsoever to how you feel about yourself. You are the one who defines your own worth; others do not do that for you. As Shakespeare(Or Francis Bacon) so eloquently put “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder”. You are the definer of your experiences, thoughts and beliefs. Don’t allow social engineering to commandeer your God given right to define who it is you are. We are not subject to the thoughts of others; we are subject to the thoughts of ourselves. What others think or believe about us is irrelevant when it comes to our sense of worth.

So my friends; allow yourself to recognize these fearful patterns within and to take the time to evaluate whether or not these serve you. If not; make the effort in removing them.

Until next time; have a great weekend

Timothy Frappier


Everything You Need is Within You

Everything that you could ever need is within you. The worries of life that we constantly bog ourselves down with are nothing but ideas of separation. It is our lack of knowing the interconnectedness that keeps us in Maya.

When you come to believe that your beingness houses everything that you could ever need in life; you start to understand that you truly do have everything you need. The universe will provide for you and there isn’t anything that can stop you from attaining your desires, except for yourself.

We’ve been bombarded with messages of being unworthy, stupid and incapable of manifesting our desires that it has become our reality. We feel trapped and alone; thoughts of being a failure is frequent and the torment seems never ending. Yet this is far from the Truth and the fact that we can actually believe ourselves as being a failure or unworthy is a testament to the power we have.


It is only because we are powerful that we’re able to convince ourselves that we’re not. Even our powerlessness is an testament of us being powerful. You cannot be powerless unless you’re already powerful. One starts as being powerful and has to work to get themselves powerless. Do you actually believe we’re born powerless? We come from the Infinite Source; the very moment of our creation, when the Prime Creator gifted us with life we were created in the image of being powerful.

From nothing we become what is; through the process of life we start(ed) to see ourselves as the infinite in a finite form. We originate from the realm where all is one and held within a single moment. We are that single moment; we’re a expression of the Eternal Now that holds everything into place. There isn’t anything we don’t already know or haven’t done. You don’t live within the universe; you are the universe!


You may be wondering how everything is within you. Some questions/situations seem to express the opposite; that being we don’t have all that we need within us. For example, let’s say your car gets scratched; you don’t know how it happened or who did it. Thus in your mind this stands as a testament to why we don’t have everything within us.

Read: Be Yourself and Watch the Whole World Flourish

Granted at one moment it may seem like the details as to what happened to your vehicle evade you; but that doesn’t mean you cannot discover the cause. If you believe you don’t have the answer within you it’s very unlikely you’ll come to the awareness of who did it. This is because your using the Law of Attraction to experience a reality that is separate from you; thus being out of your control. You could try and try, but since you’ve come to believe that you don’t already have the answer you’re most likely not going to come to that awareness of who did it.

If you on the other hand believe that you hold all the answers within yourself; your consciousness opens up opportunities for you to discover the cause. Let’s say your son/daughter confesses that they accidentally scratched your car when they parked next to yours. You see, the most important part in discovering the answers is to understand you have them within you; it’s not in contextual form; but instead in the form of a process. This process is a internal technique that is capable of answering all your questions.

That is what it means to have all everything within you. It is the process of bringing that knowingness into manifestation that is meant by the term “Everything you need is within you.

Read: To Be Happy Or Not Be Happy, That Is The Question

Literally everything you could ever experience or possess isn’t achieved from a external point of view; you don’t get rich by creating some great idea that will bank you big mega bucks. You don’t become happy by achieving some kind of worldly goal or mission. You become rich through a process; you become happy through a process. It is our focus and attention to things that bring it into manifestation. When you fine tune your mental processes you make it easier to manifest whatever it is you need. Everything is a result of our internal world; by refining your internal world; you improve your chances of manifesting your desires.


The Law of Attraction is very important when it comes to understanding all is within you; it teaches that reality is a manifestation of your own internal world. What is out is in and what is in is out. Everything that surrounds you, your life circumstances, how much money you have and the type of things that happen in your life is a result of the law of attraction working in your life. It is of your own doing, plain and simple. Take responsibility over your life and start the journey towards empowerment.

So remember that everything you need is within you. Discover the process that works best for you and open up the channel to easy breezy manifestation. Be one with the process, see not contextual objects in life; but instead identify the patterns and processes that make up their form. Everything is a result of a process; learn this process and you shall know that everything you need is within you.

Timothy Frappier

Comments and Insights on Aug’s Latest Article | War Is A Racket, Not What You Think

Totally resonated with Aug and what he shared in this article. We as a species need to take responsibility over ourselves and the state of the world. Take responsibility of your emotional world, do your inner work and be involved with what is happening around the world.

I agree 100% with Aug in that we should continue to grow and learn; rather than waste our time playing videos games and participating in other distractions. Don’t get me wrong; video games in themselves can be very fun and helpful, but what we have nowadays though is people sending hours upon hours on games. When I was younger I used to play on average 5 hours of video games a day….. That’s what we need to avoid. Playing games like 2-3 hours a week is acceptable; but when you start getting into the double digits; that’s where you encounter problems. 

I’ve known that the life as it is depicted on TV, radio, newspapers and many other sources is an illusion. All constructed to appease the power that dwells within us all. The point of the game isn’t control, the point of the game isn’t money; the point of the game is to experience life according to the ego. That’s the main purpose and the control, money and conflict is a result of living from the ego.

We’ve chosen as a species to experience a life based in separation; where we would forget our divinity; play around with the idea of creating without the creator and becoming our own gods. We all choose to turn away from the Prime Creator and do what we wanted to do. Many of us made this decision thousands of years ago, some millions and some maybe even longer than that. The point is we’re on this planet surrounded by Maya because of our own Free-Will.

There was once a time where many of us where higher dimensional beings playing around with the infinite energy that is prevalent everywhere in creation. You may have created worlds, galaxies, universes and even entire existences at one point. That’s the divinity you hold within you; the possibility of creating worlds upon worlds is housed within us all. It is our spirit; the essence of our being that makes these feats possible.

Eventually though we started to descend through the octaves because of our disconnection to the source. Thus we find ourselves in this situation because of our own doing; but we’re not victims or inheritors of some kind of bleak situation. Instead we on the surface have many opportunities that others throughout creation couldn’t dream of. To be in the state of limitation we find ourselves in is actually a blessing; because it’s unique in the sense of how much we’ve accomplished through separation. We’re not victims; we’re masters of limitation. One must know their own limits before they can truly embody their full potential. One can only be powerful if they have known themselves as being powerless. One can only spell powerless with the word power; thus the “power” has always been with us and the “less” is nothing but an illusion we created ourselves.

The time has come though to evolve past limitations and our negative emotions. That’s the task we’ve all been assigned. We’re here to heal ourselves and others. Disclosure is a by product of this healing, but it is not our priority. When we heal from within, disclosure will happen as a result of that inner work. It’s that simple at the end of the day; that’s why a lot of the messages from the Law of One, Sphere-Being Alliance, David Wilcock and many others proclaim the necessity to be more loving, forgiving and compassionate.

That is the key and many of us nowadays get lost in the rat race. We want to know what’s going on in the SSP, which in of itself isn’t necessary a bad thing; but we’re using it to distract us from the real work that needs to be done. The real work is the work we do within ourselves, to know thyself as God is only possible when we know our inner landscape.

Think about it; most of what we hear about the SSP, The Cabal and extraterrestrials is from second hand sources. There is no real way for us to verify it’s authenticity with 100% certainty. Thus what we have right now is many people memorizing facts, learning about this stuff, but then what are they doing with it? Knowing what kind of technology the Secret Space Program has right Now isn’t going to help you as much as focusing on one’s own inner world and doing the shadow work.

Don’t get me wrong; I watch Cosmic Disclosure, read Michael Salla’s articles and check out Justin Deschamp’s articles frequently because I like to learn whats going on; but I also focus on my inner world. I write in a journal; which I probably have written over 1000 pages total since doing it. I read books and write chapter summaries summarizing how it affects me and what I can do with that information to help my life. The point is to achieve a state of balance between the inner and external worlds.

Granted I fall into the embrace of Maya from time to time, but I can see myself getting out of the ruts faster and embracing a loving and compassionate state of being more frequently. Be that loving state and know thyself. Create balance in your life, focus on yourself just as much as you focus on what is happening on & around this world. Then you’ll achieve the necessary balance that will catapult you to what you’ve envisioned and dreamed of for your life. Because all of life is but a dream; be the creator of your reality; not the receiver. 

Timothy Frappier

Source: Aug Tellez

Imagine a military has the capabilities to produce sonar or electromagnetic waves which can penetrate armor and disable the living beings in the theater of war.

Technology that can disable the central nervous systems of the individuals without actually even having to permanently disable their biological functions.

If this technology was present, would you, as a military or national leader, send your men out to fight in a ‘modern’ war using ballistic weapons and close to medium range combat? Would you risk their lives to produce whatever outcome you desire?

If you had access to this technology, and you were serious, you could make the war end within one day.

But then if both sides have access to this technology? Well then you have a surety that whatever happens would happen swiftly, accurately, and involving as much or as little casualty as possible.

Now, if you didn’t want to inform the world that this technology was capable and that war, effectively, is over for this civilization. What options would you have?

Think deeper. If you met with the other nations, and everyone realized that war was over, that there could be no war, because this kind of weaponry effectively satisfies the highest demand for power and security to each who wields it, what would you do?

Would you agree to continue engaging in ‘modern’ battles using bombs, ballistic weaponry and espionage against countries that do not have access to the more advanced weaponry?

What would the nations that know of this technology, and each others’ access, agree to?

Might they agree to sending their troops into battle, using the current tech, just to keep up the charades that there is no advanced technology that could solve power requirements for the world at large? Would you agree to keep up the charades of dangerous and casualty inducing battles that would send a clear message to the world that we don’t have the advanced technology that could provide enough energy without the requirement of fossil fuel?

Would you let each battle play out, regardless, changing just enough to keep the population from realizing that you have access to temporal viewing technology and could plan and finish each war before they occur (far beyond the traditional sense of planning)?

War is a racket, not because it’s all for money. No, no, no, and not because it’s all for the control of the populations and national themes that people hold about other nations in the world.

It is an agreement by each of the most advanced nations on the world to produce a show that would be so unbelievable that the population at large would never question the possibility that war is unnecessary, that the dangers of war could be avoided, and that the power and informational capacity could never be used to circumvent the reasons or ‘benefits’ for going to war. In fact, it is the opposite, as there is technology, informational capacity, and energy efficient methods that can render war useless as each nation could provide for itself as well as protect itself.

What we see is a charade, a show, designed to keep the idea that war is necessary, that physical battles over resources is a way of life, and that advanced technology that could finish the task within one day certainly does not exist.

Would we want to finish the task in one day? Only if the technology that avoids all casualties were used, but then, again, if people are to gain access to advanced technology they must emotionally mature otherwise they will destroy themselves. That is what this is truly about.

People must get out the negative emotions, the weakness, the quickness to fight or to surrender to lower emotions otherwise no matter how secure the situation becomes those individuals and groups will lead to the downfall of the human species. That is how it plays out, time and time again, cycle after cycle. Think, how many ruins of past civilizations do you know of all around the world? There are many, where did they go and why?

When we reach access to this technology height, Humanity must be prepared to lose the hate, the ego, the emotional insecurity and mature otherwise that will be the end.

With that said, the current system is a show, a charade. If you have a microwave beam weapon that can disable bombs before they explode, wouldn’t you use it?

If you have a sonic weapon that can literally set up and distribute energy equally across a field and no human would be able to pass without extremely intense pain, wouldn’t you use it? Why would you stick to guns and bombs and poisons? This is just the racket, the show, and it’s designed to make people think the truth is still waiting to be found.

Their idea is that as long as people don’t know the actual technological advancement of this civilization, they still have time to reach intellectual and emotional maturity before destroying everything.

I could see the future lined in illusion, even further than this one is, where only those who prove themselves to be mature enough can gain access or gain the knowledge of the advanced technology. Where everything is controlled, and rightfully so.

Just imagine, people don’t revolt when they should, they riot when they should be gathering silently, and they play video games when they should be learning. Just how well will this civilization control itself when they get power that could change everything, instantly, for ever?

It’s not applicable.

Then you must bring into the situation the notion that the entire civilization, all societies around would have to get to the same level. You might ship Mexicans across the border of the US so that the citizens of the US can see what it’s really like taking over a country (just as one done to the original natives years ago). You might ship citizens of a third world country in the middle east, over to the European countries so that the folks with the Western lifestyles may see how it is to live next to people who have not had running water for the past 2 years.

In this way, the Western world is to see and be shocked by the truth of the situation as a whole. They must see how each other truly appear to one another. They must see how far the charades have gone.

Why? Because if one nation reaches technological advancement that changes the world forever, do you think the other nations will just sit by and starve to death or suffer from the weather or the natural declines as others watch?

No, and that would be irresponsible for those with the advanced technology in the first place.

So the whole world gets lumped together and this begins to partially look like the NWO situation that people dread. But if people don’t come together and realize that they are in the same situation in terms of emotional maturity (or lack of which) having the capacity to destroy the ENTIRE civilization, then they will continue to wait and be subject to the charades which have been specifically designed to present the false truth of another world entirely.

And now we have this, very old stuff: https://www.rt.com/news/362672-radio-electronic-weapon-russia/

Short Update from Cobra | Breakaway

Well by golly; slap me silly and call me miss molly! Form a nation in space definitely sounds like something I would love to be involved in. Whatever we can do to help lift the quarantine on Earth is a plus to me.

I do like how they’ve incorporated the Flower of Life and the Eye of Horus in their insignia. Kind of lighten the mood and makes it much more appealing. I for have decided to join because I don’t think it would hurt to try anyways.

So if your feel compelled; join up. I would recommend to check out their website and read the article Cobra posted to get a better feel for whether or not it is something you feel guided to join in.

Victory of the Light!

Timothy Frappier


Source: The Portal

By Cobra


The first public breakaway civilization initiative has been announced yesterday at a press conference in Paris:
If you feel guided to be one of the 100,000 people that are guaranteed to become citizens of Asgardia, you can register here:
As the applications are coming in very fast, it is expected that the 100,00 mark will be reached within 6-12 hours.
According to my sources  this initiative is NOT connected to the Cabal, and the Eye of Horus symbol in their logo was added for the purpose of energetic protection of the project against the dark forces by the suggestion of a certain positive secret occult society.
If enough Lightwarriors and Lightworkers join the project, their group consciousness can ensure that this breakaway initiative will lead in the right direction, away from technological dystopia and more into spiritually aware society.
Victory of the Light!

Overcoming Character Defects

Overcoming character defects isn’t something to take lightly and we should give much attention to this topic. Many people encounter difficulties when trying to overcome their character flaws and defects. I’ve gone through the same thing and all I can say is that it isn’t easy. If you’re looking for a quick fix, well you’re not going to find it here. Overcoming character defects will take a lot of time and effort, but not as much as you would think. In this article I’m going to go over 4 strategies that will assist you in overcoming them.


Number 1, write a journal. At the end of each day I write in what I have called “My Emotional Journal”. This helps me keep track of what happened throughout the day, how I felt/reacted and what I would have done differently. The journal can assist you in identifying behaviors that need your attention. Your awareness of various character defects will increase.

When I started journaling it became obvious to me that I had a habit of playing the victim. I wouldn’t have discovered that if I didn’t write in my journal. The best way to utilize this journal is to just let your mind speak freely without any judgments on your part. Let the mind express itself fully; so that the light of awareness can be shed upon it. Only when you allow all that is within yourself to attempt to communicate with you will you attain the necessary information to see what you need to heal.

You can also use this journal as a tool in reprogramming your brain. For example, let’s say you discover through this journal that you have a underlying belief that you are not worthy. You could use this journal to be a channel to help remove this belief by writing things that you would prefer to believe. Such as “I am worthy because of the fact I am alive.” or “I am Worthy, because I choice to be this worthiness right now.” You can commit yourself to writing this in your journal for a week, month or even year. However long it takes for you to believe it.

There are many entries in my journal where I would write “I am Worthy” and start explaining why that is so. You could also spend some time just writing the term repetitively; whatever works for you, that’s what matters. I like to write the terms “I am Worthy” or “I am Successful” repeatedly so that this belief can be instilled into my consciousness more firmly. I even write poetry in my entries to help enrich my emotional experience for purposes of upliftment or releasement. For example, if I’m feeling down, I write darker poetry to help release these toxic thoughts and feelings; if I’m feeling uplifted I write about love, compassion and unity. This will assist you greatly, allow your creative self to shine.


Strategy number 2, acceptance. Acceptance allows you to see that you really don’t have any character defects; instead they are testaments of your perfection. When you accept yourself for who you are, including your character defects; you discover that it is your perceived deficiencies that make you perfect. Everything is held in balance, you will have traits you excel in, then you’ll have traits you do not excel in. They’re all meant to keep the perfection of your being balanced in a way that allows you to reach for the infinite understanding that is housed within your beingness.

Acceptance dissolves the illusion of perfection by showing you that all is already perfect. These traits or character defects you don’t like are a result of judgments. Acceptance doesn’t place any sort of judgment on life, because it sees it all as being good. There is never a moment of judgment from the awareness of our Creator, because it sees everything as the perfection it constantly is. Thus when you see all as being perfect, when you accept the perfection that surrounds you; judgments melt away and all that is left is the perfect being you’ve always been.

One way to practice acceptance is to question everything. Question your beliefs, judgments, ideas and understandings in a way that allows you to grow from them. When I started using acceptance in my life I discovered that the idea of negativity is actually positivity in a disguise. All that is needed is for your focus in discovering the good in it. Question everything to get to the core cause, then accept the reality of the problem, release the blockage(whether mental or emotional) and replace it with a more preferable idea/feeling. You can only find and locate the cause when you acknowledge it’s existence, that’s where acceptance comes into play.

For example, I have a past that I once believed was negative, but in reality it was a blessing in disguise. The only reason I couldn’t see this Truth was because of the fact I didn’t look for it. When I started to evaluate my life I discovered if it wasn’t for my past, I wouldn’t be who I am right now. I wouldn’t have had an spiritual awakening. Literally everything that I’ve come to believe and discover wouldn’t have been possible without my past. From the moment I accepted my past experiences I was able to release the built up trauma from the past and discover the Truth that has always been hiding behind it.

So make sure to find the positivity in your seemingly negative character defects. They’re merely attempting to help guide you to a train of thought, a understanding that will truly help you grow. Don’t reject your defects, accept them for what they are and find the positivity imbued within them. So remember, question till you find the cause, accept the cause, release the toxic idea behind it and then replace it with an version of the Truth you prefer. It’s really that easy, but can be difficult at times to practice.


The 3rd strategy in overcoming character defects is take responsibility over your life. You are the one who is in control of your life. No one can influence you unless you allow them to. Take responsibility over your life and realize that only you can overcome your character defects. No external person can do that for you, it must happen by your effort alone. Explore your inner world, take responsibility of your inner world. Quit blaming outside circumstances for why you are where you are in life.

Many times we cannot overcome our character defects because we still give into the belief that things external of us can influence us. For example, let’s say your trying to get over anger, but you live with someone who makes you angry. You blame this person for why you cannot overcome this anger, because you believe they’re interfering with your ability to handle anger. You want to get them out of your life, but you can’t; thus you blame them or even the creator for your misfortune.

The Truth is though, if someone makes you angry and you cannot get away from them, it’s because your being guiding by your higher self to take responsibility over your life. Those situations that trigger your anger are not meant to be perceived negatively, but instead be opportunities for you to take responsibility over your life and show to the universe that you have what it takes to be peace even if someone does something that would have triggered anger from you in the past. The reason you become angry is not to show you that you’re not evolving or suggest you’re doing something wrong; instead it’s meant to be a golden opportunity for you acquire the trait of acceptance and tolerance.

If your able to allow others to be themselves, without being triggered negatively; you’ve mastered acceptance and tolerance. Thus you become a powerful example for others to emulate. Be the peace in the midst of the storm. Peace comes from within; take responsibility of your state of being in each waking moment. Remember that you have the capacity to be whatever you want to be in each moment. No one can make you feel something that you haven’t allowed to feel yourself. Thus take responsibility of your life and stop allowing others to trigger you.

We have been raised in a culture where we focus upon the external world, but not the internal. We perceive events and circumstances in our life from a external point of view. We derive a sense of understanding that places causes outside of us. Thus we’re swept away by disempowerment from the very moment of our birth. We’re taught by our parents, culture and media that things that happen in our life are external of us. This is far from the truth, because we always have responsibility over our life. What outside of us was inside of us before it manifested into our external world.

We create our own reality with our thoughts, emotions and actions. So much so that we can even choose to ignore this fact in order to experience a life that seems like we are not in control of. Yet that is an illusion and will not hold up over the test of time; so do yourself a favor and take responsibility of your life. Be who you want to be in every moment and don’t depend on external stimulus to act as a permission slip for you to feel good about yourself. Be the goodness you desire in this moment right now.

The final 4th strategy in overcoming character defects is perseverance. There are going to be times that you find yourself struggling to overcome some character defects; especially when it comes to mental/behavioral types. You see, when it comes to how you think, speak and act, there is no quick fix because of the fact this is part of your internal world. Your not going to find a way to get this accomplished right away; there is no magic pill to help you with this, it’s going to take time. Thus you must persevere through the tough times.


Overcoming bodily character defects is much easier then overcoming your mental/emotional character defects. For example, a smoker can use Nicorette Gum in helping them overcome the bodily addiction to certain chemicals from cigarettes, but when it comes to your mental/emotional addiction it’s not that simple. A smoker will have to persevere through the times that they are triggered to smoke by some kind of mental, emotional or even external stimulus. You must find the strength within yourself to maintain the course that your on. If you stay the course; freedom shall be yours.

We must also remember to not get so hard on ourselves if we slip. If you find some character defects keep reappearing or repeating; be gentle with yourself and avoid feelings of guilt. Guilt will only destroy your sense of perseverance and thus never allow you to overcome it. You must accept the fact that you may repeat certain behaviors from time to time. There is nothing wrong with this; it is merely an opportunity to help you discover the perfection within you. When your able to do the things that you once would have felt guilty over with a positive attitude, you’re able to release the behavior because of the fact you’ve risen above the old programming.

I like to think of Thomas Edison and the light bulb. Did you know that he made 1,000 unsuccessful attempts in creating the light bulb? He’s not remembered for his failures though, but instead for that one time he was successful with inventing the light bulb. Thus you can see that our failures are actually assets. This goes the same with character defects, you could fail a 1000 times at changing them, but after that 1st time you’ve successfully done so, that’s all that matters. The sooner you accept the fact you will fail at times, the sooner you can accept the idea that your failures are meant to help you become successful in your endeavor.

That’s what I’ve discovered with my life; many times I would become very upset with myself over things I kept doing that I no longer wanted to. I would become angry and upset. I discovered though that I failed in order to help me come to a understanding that would allow myself to be successful. When you fail at changing a character defect; it’s meant to encourage you to look deeper into oneself, not to be distracted by guilt or negativity.

These are some of the strategies that I’ve used to help me on my journey. I do hope you find something here that will assist you. Have a blessed day and remember always that you are worthy, you are loved and you are magnificent.

Much Love,

Timothy Frappier