Source: Sphere Being Alliance

David Wilcock: All right, welcome back to “Cosmic Disclosure”. I’m your host,David Wilcock. And we’re going into part two of our examination into the great solar flash with our special guest, Jay Weidner, who has been researching this exact subject and how it relates to alchemy and how it relates to Stanley Kubrick and the movies “2001”, etc., for many, many years now.

He’s one of the only people out there who’s been doing this longer than I have. So, Jay, welcome back to the show.

Jay Weidner: Hey, thanks.

David: Corey, welcome back to the show.

Corey Goode: Thank you.

David: So we’re going to get right back to where we were with the Brown Notebook, which is amazing information given to someone who was actually contacted in person – just like what’s been happening to you, Corey – brought on board a ship by benevolent beings, brought up there, given a tour, and then they get telepathic information, which comes in the form of this channeling.

And what we’re seeing here is one of the earliest verified channelings from the 1950s. This guy W. B. Smith gave people a list of 200 questions, and everybody who answered in the same way, he was able to verify, because it was based on classified intel.

So people all over the country who have never spoken to each other, they all could answer these questions properly.

This is a verified channeling. It’s one of the only ones we have. And when you read what W. B. Smith said about those channelings, he said it contained religious-sounding information about the end of the age. But he never went into detail.

Now, look at this. This is mind-blowing.

1 Brown Notebook 1

“I’m happy to be with you this morning. The things we will talk about this morning are very serious. Humans in their present state on your planet must change in order to survive. Many things will take place on this planet. Therefore, you will have to change with the planet.”

Now check this out.

“This solar system is moving into an area of space where the vibrations are much higher. This will cause changes in your planet’s features. It will also cause changes in your peoples. The vibrations on the planet will become higher. Therefore, you will have to raise your vibrations in order to exist on your planet. These vibrations can only be raised by the peoples’ thinking.”

Jay: Well, there you go.

David: I mean . . .

Jay: Wow!

David: That’s the money shot right there.

Jay: That really is.

David: Now, Corey, do you think, based on this, that if the Sphere Alliance is putting up an outer barrier around the Solar System, and these ETs, these Draco, Orion-types can’t get out, do you think that, based on this kind of information, that they’re just not even going to be able to exist if they stay in here once this happens?

2 Corey Goode

Corey: That’s exactly what the Sphere Being Alliance communicated to me.

David: Oh, they did?

Corey: Yeah. And not only the Draco, but other non-terrestrials that are here intervening. They will not be compatible with the new vibration, or energy.

David: Let me just play devil’s advocate for just a moment. Don’t you think it’s possible that, for people in the Cabal, that if they’re looking at these benevolent ETs, or allegedly benevolent ETs, as actually facilitating things like the fall of Atlantis, which we talked about last time, things like this, in which there actually is a mass death of negative beings, don’t you think that the negative beings could see these benevolent beings as terrorists?

Corey: Oh, yeah. Yeah. They’re going to see them as the enemy, of course.

David: Because they just want to be able to go on doing what they’re doing forever and not be interrupted.

Corey: And according to their theologies and philosophies, they’re doing what is ‘good’. So they see these, what we call benevolent beings, they see them as evil.

David: Now, Jay, why do you think it’s necessary for these negative entities to physically expire?

3 Jay Weidner

Jay: Well, because they’re dictators of the whole Solar System, and this is a good thing.

Fulcanelli tells us in his chapter on the Cross of Hendaye that many beings will die when this event comes, all right, but not all. And I think he was really talking about this cleansing, a cleansing of the whole area and getting rid of a lot of negative entities.

So I think that they are going to die, and I think that they’re really worried – very worried. And I’ve heard this from other sources, not just Corey.

David: I mean, how bizarre is it that we got this guy – I think it’s Nebraska or something like that, in the middle of Nebraska – [who] doesn’t know anything about ancient prophecy? He’s just an ordinary dude, gets brought up there, and they start giving this information through him.

Jay: Definitely my sources have told me that in the 1950s aliens began telepathically talking to very good humans, giving them information in order to facilitate the evolutionary shift of the human race to bring us into a larger manifold. That’s what I’ve been told.

And the Sun is a central part of this thing. And the change that the Sun is going through is a central part of this thing.

David: Now, Corey, in The Law of One – we discussed this already – there was a statement about the idea that the illusion of space-time is granted for us to have the experiencer of seeing the results of our actions.

Do these . . . Is death part of the illusion of space-time?

Corey: Well, I guess it would be, since we’re having our experience within that medium. But death is a part of also the learning experience.

David: So these beings aren’t really dying per se. They’re just being removed from one level of the planetary or interplanetary game.

Corey: They’re being, I guess, recycled.

David: Right. And because space-time is ultimately an illusion, it does appear that these potential . . . that these periodic mass catastrophes, although there is the appearance of physical death within the illusion, that it’s more like gardening, right?

Jay: Hm mm.

David: It’s like plowing the field to harvest.

Jay: Yes.

David: What is the harvest? What happens, Jay?

Jay: Yeah.

David: It’s the tilling of the soil, right?

Jay: That’s right, yeah.

David: So what do the alchemists think about this idea of the metaphor of rebirth? They’ve used the ‘new dawn’ language in this.

Jay: Yep. They are not . . . They don’t believe that death is the end. They believe that you want to extend human life to give each human enough time to figure things out. And they think we’ve been somehow messed with, so we have a short lifespan. And so we can never figure things out.

We die at like 70, 80, and that’s it, right? And it’s really not enough time to actually figure things out.

So alchemists try to do things to extend their life so they have more time here to figure it out. And the alchemists lore is that the average human can live to be 300 to 800 years old.

And just imagine if we lived to be 800 years old, how the world would be changed. There would be no wars, because nobody’s going to fight war if you’ve got 780 years left to live, right?

David: Sure.

Jay: You’re not going to have children until you’re 200 years old. You’re going to be very wise when you have children. Your children are going to be very wise.

You go to college until you’re 150. You know what I mean? I mean, it’s just a completely different world, and they’ve denied this to us.

The patriarchs in the Bible lived to be 900 years old, so . . .

David: Right.

Corey: Well, even the oldest and wisest among us right now are still spiritual children.

Jay: They are. And it’s a very important part of our future to have us live longer lives. I think that’s part of the vibratory change that’s going to happen. And we’re going to start living longer.

We already are actually living longer lives. When my grandparents were in their 60s, they looked like they were in their 90s, right? Nowadays, people in their 90s looked like people who used to be in their 60s.

Corey: And it’s not because of all the pharmaceuticals we’re pumping through them?

Jay: Ha, ha.

Corey: Ha, ha.

Jay: I hope not. Again, the pharmaceuticals could be a way to mitigate the shift that they don’t want, right?

Corey: Yes.

Jay: Right? The fluoride in the water – when did it happen? The 1950s, right? And what does fluoride do? It calcifies your pineal gland.

Corey: Well, on that point, they do put things in the food and water that have metals and things that bring down our density, that keep our density lower.

Jay: That’s right. We know that.

David: Well, the first Project Camelot whistleblower, alias, Mr. X, said that he was going through documents at a military defense contractor, and documents from the 1950s described that meeting with what you were calling the Blues and Eisenhower, in which the government denied them their request to bring us into a peaceful age as long as we had nuclear disarmament.

But then they said, “If you cover this up, you can get away with it up until 2012, and at that point we’re coming back whether you like it or not. There’s nothing you can do about it.”

So, Corey, since so many of these prophecies have revolved around the year 2012, the Mayan Calendar end date – there were crop circles that said it – does it appear, since you’re got this date range of 2018 to 2023, that maybe we got an extension to have a little more time from what the original intention of the end date was?

Corey: You know, I don’t know, but it’s become very obvious from the panic and how quickly things are changing in the programs that the 2018 beginning date has obviously moved up.

Things are happening very quickly. So I think things are happening before these different Cabal groups had planned out. They were using these different techniques to view the probable future, getting information from non-terrestrials, and they were basing their plans on that – on that date.

David: Well, we’re actually not done with The Brown Notebook. And if this hasn’t already blown you away, there’s more to come. So let’s check that out.

4 Brown Notebook 2

“Thinking better thoughts of everything in the creation, more spiritual thoughts, thoughts that will lift the people of Earth out of the darkness and mud they have lived in for so long. The principal of free will still exists. You may change and live on this planet in a true divine kingdom, or you may choose not to and destroy yourself and then be reincarnated back in another third-density, materialistic world, where you continue to try to learn your lessons. You should change so you can see the revealing of this divine kingdom. This has been a rather long message, so I will leave you now.”

David: So what they’re saying there is the idea of planetary recycling, people being transported.

So, Corey, when we have these giant Spheres coming into the Solar System and then The Law of One source says that their job is the management and transfer of planetary populations, how do the Spheres . . . do you think . . . is it possible that those Spheres will be transporting people to other worlds once this transition is complete based on what we’re seeing here?

Corey: It’s absolutely possible because that’s how they’ve transported me.

David: Ah, right. So why wouldn’t they have the technology to portal out people by the hundreds of millions or billions?

Corey: Oh, yeah, easily.

David: The same way that they just did with you.

Corey: Yeah. And if they can use these Spheres to contain the entire Solar System, that’s child’s play to them.

Jay: And I’ve heard from high sources that they can just – “pfshht” – pick you right up and take you away. It just happens in a flash. And a lot of these missing people disappear this way, I think.

David: Absolutely.

Jay: Yeah.

David: Now, this is another quote from a later session. It’s the same kind of thing – totally amazing.

5 Brown Notebook 3

“This planet and solar system are moving into a new area of vibrations in which the conditions as they are now on this planet will not survive. That is why the people of this planet must learn the truth concerning the divine creation. Love, peace and harmony is all that will exist in the true creation. Many will not believe our story, but if they do not they are not punished . . . They are simply [David clears his throat] removed to another planet, in a just manner . . . where they will try to learn their lessons of love, peace and harmony all over again. . . .”

Jay: Interesting.

“People of all planets must live in love, peace and harmony if they are to receive the full blessings of the divine kingdom.”

Jay: Nice.

David: So once again, they’re reiterating that everybody has to learn this, and if you don’t get it, you continue your education on another planet somewhere else. And again, this seems totally to be what’s happening with these Spheres.

We’re actually seeing the technological or more measurable physical aspect of how they all kind of come in at the last minute right before this thing’s going to happen.

Corey: Right.

David: Do you think . . . I mean, the Spheres have to be here to do something, don’t you think, Jay?

Jay: I do.

David: They’re not just there for show.

Jay: I do. This is very interesting, because, I mean, you know, that’s . . . it’s almost like the New Age Rapture. It makes you wonder if this is where the Rapture and all of that came from.

David: Absolutely. Let’s go on [and] have another one, because this is actually talking about the Cabal now and then why that change is necessary.

6 Brown Notebook 4

“Others try to rule by force. This should not be. Free will was created, but why should the wrong thinking of a few be forced upon many? All of these things are making an unbalanced condition on and around your planet. At times, the [father-mother-god] has to rebalance some of the planets and solar systems. That is what is about to take place on your planet. Conditions on your planet can cause unbalance in the whole Solar System, so it must be balanced back into the harmony of the creation.”

Jay: There you go.

David: So doesn’t it sound like here, if they’re saying . . . and they’re using a patriarchal term, but as people are reading, “the Father has to rebalance the planets and solar systems.”

Doesn’t that sound like the idea of these Spheres, like the Outer Barrier and all this kind of stuff?

Corey: Well, yes, because one of the things that was explained and shown to me was that these Spheres were spaced out throughout our Solar System and acting as a buffer, like a harmonic buffer, for these energies that were coming into our Solar System to give us more time to acclimate and adjust.

David: And it says here that the “rule by force” is creating an “unbalanced condition” and that they will, or whoever this Father is that they’re talking about, has to rebalance what the Cabal has done.

So the defeat of the Cabal is obviously of key importance in this solar-system-wide rebalancing, which they’re saying is some kind of flash of energy from the Sun.

I mean, to me this stuff pays off everything we’ve been talking about. It’s just amazing.

Jay: It certainly is. Now it goes back to what I’ve heard was happening in the ’50s. And again, everything happened in the ’50s. Everything started there.

Corey: Oh, yeah.

David: Tompkins’ data was that 1,500 different people were getting . . .

Jay: 1,442 people. The intelligence agencies had discovered 1,400 people who were in telepathic communication, just normal people, not physicists or anything. There were physicists, but others were guys like this guy from Nebraska and uncovering amazing amounts of knowledge, including Tompkins himself, who was receiving one of the 1,400, and he was receiving information about how to build space vehicles and things like that.

Corey: Now, is this “the 1,442 contactees”?

Jay: Yeah.

Corey: They call them “the 1,442”?

Jay: Yeah, “the 1,442”.

Corey: Huh.

David: Tompkins, in his book, describes that the people he’s working with are throwing him these impossible questions and saying, design us a transport vehicle to get from cavern A to cavern B, and we need it by Saturday.

And he has no idea what he’s going to do, and then he just channels it. And then they don’t tell him what they’re doing with it.

Jay: No. And he’s unsure of where he’s getting the information from. At the same time, he doesn’t know how he could possibly build a ship that can house 300 people in a weekend. Ha, ha.

David: And then he concludes that they must be getting it telepathically from extraterrestrials.

Jay: Yes. Right – good extraterrestrials. And you think about if what Corey is saying is true, there’s bad ETs here. You don’t want to really face them. So how would you defeat them? You would do it this way. This is the most intelligent way to do it.

David: Balance the Solar System.

Jay: Yeah, balance the Solar System by taking good people, like this guy is, and feeding them information and getting him to release it. This stuff should have probably been released in the ’50s.

7 Brown Notebook 5

David: Yeah. So now this little quote, I’m not going to go into too much detail except just to say that it says, “I am your teacher and friend Hatton” at the end of the top one, and then “I am Latue” at the bottom one.

Hatonn and Latue are the two beings that were talking to Carla that she was channeling before she starts to channel The Law of One.

So these same beings found their way to Carla. Here’s the beings – they’re naming themselves – that are giving us these prophecies.

So they’re still out there. Nebraska guy is not online anymore, but they jump over to Carla, and they start giving her the information. And that’s what tuned her up to be able to receive The Law of One.

Jay: Right.


8 Publication Date Of The Space Story

David: So now what we have here is this book by Baird Wallace that summarizes all of what these different contactees were saying in the 1950s and ’60s. He puts it all together in one unified message.

9 The Space Story And The Inner Light

And I’m going to show you the publication date, June 1972. [i] scanned it right out of the book. You could probably still find this if you really look for it. It’s called “The Space Story and The Inner Light”, and I’m going to read you some quotes from this. We’re not going to read it from the typewritten form here. You can pause it on your TV if you want to see that.

I’m just going to read it in a nice, favorable way like this.

10 The Space Story 1

“The contact information states that our Solar System is at this time in transit. . .” – remember this is 1972 – “. . . from the Third to the Fourth Density . . . ” [David: There it is. That’s all the way back before The Law of One. They’re already using the word ‘density’.] “. . . of the System of Vela . . . “ [David: That comes from George Van Tassel’s information.] “. . . and that this change which literally is a transition into a new area of space is happening now. This movement changes the vibratory rate of the magnetic energies in the nucleus of the atoms of our world now.”

David: So, Jay, this sounds a lot like alchemical.

Jay: It is. It is. Fulcanelli intimates several times in his book, “Mysteries of the Cathedrals”, that the entire human race is an alchemical experiment.

Corey says that 22 different races have come here to experiment on us. Other people have told me the same thing. And I think that, if I may, the experiment, I think, is, can we take a guttural creature, like in “2001”, and transform them into a very advanced spiritual being?

That, I think, is the main experiment. There’s other experiments, like Corey says.

Corey: But you’re right. It’s genetic and spiritual. They say it’s genetic and spiritual in context.

Jay: Genetic and spiritual. And as things like Gaia come out into the world, we’re raising the vibe of everything and changing the game. And I think that Gaia is a big part of this whole change in consciousness.

David: Let’s hear more of what he had to say about this meta analysis of all the different contact information.

“[This event] will have great impacts on the form and expression of plant and animal life on our planet and it will have great impact on the consciousness of [humanity]. This has already started and is being amplified because [Earth humans have] fallen behind the evolution of [their] planet in [their] spiritual evolution and [are] not prepared for this change.”

David: Now, Corey, this is from 1972. Did you hear anything that sounded like that?

Corey: Well, what I said earlier, the Spheres are here to buffer the energy so we can acclimate at a slower rate because the Earth is changing faster than we are. And that’s why . . . If they didn’t do that, there were going to be more catastrophe . . . Earth changes happening and catastrophes because of it, and there would be fear and all that kind of stuff that would make it harder for us to raise our vibration.

David: So they really have needed this sort of intercession of the Sphere technology because we’re not ready, just like it said here in ’72.

Corey: Right.

David: Pretty amazing, huh?

Jay: Pretty amazing.

David: 40 years before 2012.

Corey: And them talking about the Solar System moving . . . because I hear people talking about the Solar System as being hit by all these energies . . .

David: Or the photon belt.

Corey: Right. It’s shocking to hear that they’re saying the same thing the Secret Space Program was saying, is that our Solar System is moving into a part of the galaxy that has like a nebula of clouds, high-energy particle clouds, that are causing changes to our Sun and our Solar System.

David: And you said they were sending guys into those clouds in spaceships to see what happened to them, right?

Corey: Right. Well, they were sending them out there to investigate. And people . . . weird things were happening to them. They were having breakdowns, psychological breakdowns.

David: Well, could you go through that? Like, different . . . Not everybody responds to the cloud the same way, right?

Corey: Exactly. And they were artificially recreating this energy in closed environments and having unsuspecting people go in thinking that they’re doing unrelated work and seeing what it did to them. And they were doing it to our own people.

David: What are some of the things that happened?

Corey: Well, people that went in that were like sociopaths, they went nuts. They lost it.

Jay: That’s actually what I’ve heard is about to happen.

Corey: Yeah. And the people that were positively oriented started getting all blissful and just happy and whistling, that kind of thing. And people that had, you know, people that had psychological issues, those became enhanced.

David: Wow! So this is really lining up very beautifully with what he’s saying.

Jay: So the good get better and the bad get worse.

David: Ha, ha.

Corey: And the crazy get crazier.

David: All right, so now we’re going to go on with this quote from this amazingly vetted-out material and just see how much more it lines up with everything we’ve been discussing.

“The quality of life in the Fourth Vela Density, which we are now moving into, is the quality of emergence, the recognition from childhood of the Inner Presence of our Creator. [Earth humans] in this cycle, will undergo many changes and refinements in the sensitivity of [their] own [bodies].”

Now, Jay, you said before that there was a really interesting Masonic ritual where they keep you in the dark for a long time . . .

Jay: Right.

David: . . . and then bring you out. Could you just kind of go over that again here?

Jay: Well, again, this goes back to the pineal gland. It’s kind of like tricking the pineal gland, you might say. This is a poor man’s way of getting the Elixir of Life.

So we know that serotonin is emitted from the pineal gland when light strikes it in the morning. And we know that melatonin comes out of the pineal gland when you’re in the dark.

We know that melatonin reverses the aging process, okay? And so what they would do, in my opinion, was they would put you in a dark room for three days, complete darkness, and then your brothers, the Freemasonic brothers, would come, and they would put you into a dark coffin, light-free coffin, and then they would take you to either the top of a mountain or the top of a building, somewhere where you could see the rising Sun. And you’re blindfolded.

And if anybody knows the Masonic rituals, this is starting to make a lot of sense.

David: Oh, yeah.

Jay: And so then you’re taken out of the coffin, and your brothers face you towards the Sun. They take off your blindfold, and the Sun hits your eyes. And for three minutes, you have to stare into the Sun.

Then you put your blind . . . By the way, it’s like a psychedelic experience when this happens.

David: Well, your brain has generated tons of melatonin.

Jay: Absolutely. We know that DMT is very close anatomically to serotonin, okay? And so what you’re doing is you’re getting almost like an endogenous DMT rush. It’s your own DMT, though. It’s homeopathic.

David: So it’s like the melatonin is methylated. It gets suddenly transformed.

Jay: Into a super-serotonin.

David: Right.

Jay: And then they put you back in the casket, and they take you back into the dark room. You have to stay for 40 days.

David: Total darkness.

Jay: Total darkness. No light. And then what happens is that the super-serotonin turns into super-melatonin, all right?

So first it was melatonin. Then the light activates. It turns into a higher vibratory super-serotonin. And then once you get in the dark, that’s transferred to super high vibratory super-melatonin, which begins to almost immediately reverse the aging process.

And supposedly you will lose 15, 20 years in this 40 days that you’re in there.

And it’s not a pleasant experience, from what I’ve heard.

David: Do they hit you with light again at the end of the 40 days?

Jay: No, they let you out.

David: Oh.

Jay: That’s supposed to be . . . They let you out at night because it’s very, very difficult to get back into the light after you’ve been in this experience. Your eyes are very sensitive. So usually, they let you out at night, and you usually become a night person for a little while.

David: Corey, have you heard of maybe some more advanced, perhaps chemical or energetic, means where some process, like what he’s describing, might be able to advance people’s psychic ability?

Corey: Well, yes. They chemically enhanced intuitive empaths with shots. Intuitive empaths that I run into are extremely advanced, but if they were to go for like six weeks or eight weeks without these shots, their abilities begin to diminish.

Jay: Right.

David: All right, well let’s go on with this because we got a little more of this to get through.

“The whole new vista and scope of the nature of life will open up before them, and they will live with the knowledge of their purpose and a deep, in-dwelling allegiance to the Spirit of the Creator.”

David: That sounds great. Now, we’re going to talk about this quote here, about what happens. And, again, we’re not going to read it off the paper. We’re going to do these nice slides.

11 The Space Story 2

“Summarizing various sources dealing with these events . . . “ [the solar flash] “. . . major rearrangements in the orientation of the planets and the satellites within the Solar System will occur.”

David: Now, before we go on any further here, Corey, have you heard about planetary orbits changing, like maybe the Earth’s orbit extending in the number of days it takes, things like that, once this happens?

Corey: Yeah. And also about the orbits of the planets, that unlike some other solar systems, the planets are all askew. They’re not in harmony at all. That’s . . . Yeah, that’s very interesting.

David: Isn’t this crazy? 1972.

Corey: Yeah.

“Vulcan, the closest planet to the Sun, will be absorbed into the Sun; . . . “

David: And in The Law of One, they say it’s a first-density planet, so it’s not visible to us. It’s like an energy ball.

Jay: Right.

David: It’s not actually visible, but it gets reabsorbed.

“. . . Pluto will be [kicked out of our Solar System]; . . .”

David: It kind of already has been by NASA. Ha, ha.

Jay: It already has. Ha, ha.

“. . . our Moon is expected to leave [the] orbit of [the] Earth and become [its own] planet; . . .”

David: That’s interesting. I don’t know if I’d agree with that, but it probably will get kicked out, at least jettisoned from the Earth’s orbit.

Jay: It is slowly moving away from the Earth.

“. . . and there will be major changes in the orbital paths of the remaining planets.”

David: So I mean, there again is exactly what we’re anticipating based on insider data. Now, let’s go on and read the rest of this.

12 The Space Story 3

“A new balance will come about, which will result in many advantages to the expression of a more spiritualized life within the Solar System.”

David: That is Ascension, obviously.

“I believe . . . “ [This is the author speaking.] “. . . that this event is literally the cosmic manifestation of the fulfillment of the words which Jesus the Christ spoke in describing these times, the event of the coming of the bridegroom.”

David: And that is in the same book of Matthew right after they talk about the harvest metaphor. The bridegroom is just another symbol – the wedding, the alchemical wedding – . . .

Jay: It’s the alchemical wedding.

David: . . . the wedding of flesh to spirit.

Jay: That’s right.

David: Like the eclipse.

Jay: That’s exactly right. That’s what they’re saying there. They’re talking alchemy there.

David: And Jay, Kubrick is using eclipses and stuff all the time in “2001”, isn’t he?

Jay: All through “2001” there’s at least five eclipses in the movie.

David: So do you think Kubrick was aware of this biblical analogy to the wedding of flesh and spirit?

Jay: Oh, I do. Absolutely, I do. I believe that he was . . . I don’t know if he was a practicing alchemist, but he definitely understood alchemy . . . and the Cabal.

David: Now, why do you think Kubrick at the last minute dissed the guy that wrote the score and then picks “Thus Spake Zarathustra”?

Jay: What do you think? Ha, ha, ha.

David: Well, I already know the answer. I’m just kind of throwing him a bone here.

Jay: I know the answer, too, because Zarathustra was the Persian alchemist. And from the very beginning, he’s saying, “This is alchemy. Thus spoke the alchemist.”

And the opening trumpet from “Thus Spake Zarathustra” is over the eclipse at the beginning of “2001”. So there you go.

David: Zarathurstra is Zoroaster, . . .

Jay: That’s right.

David: . . . who is the author of the prophecy of Frashokereti, . . .

Jay: That’s right.

David: . . . where the Sun gives off this flash and transforms humanity.

Jay: Yep.

David: All right. So we’re just going to finish this out really quickly, because we’re almost done there. I just want you guys to hear this last little bit.

“The contact sources tell us that the solar emanations from the new Sun will have a direct impact in the refining and spiritualizing of [our] nervous systems as we pass into the new condition of life which celestial events are bringing to this world.”

Jay: Okay. So the “refining and spiritualizing of the nervous system” . . . The nervous system carries electrical currents through your body.

David: Yeah.

Jay: The Sun is essentially an electric Sun, as Corey has pointed out.

Corey: It is.

Jay: And so when the new Sun comes, it again goes through your eyes, hits your endocrine system, changes the nervous system, makes us more electric, advanced. So we can live longer.

David: Right.

Jay: We’re light bodies.

David: And the eclipse is like a metaphorical example of a conjunction that’s much greater, an alignment that leads to this solar emanation.

Jay: That’s right. That is exactly right.

David: All right. Well, Corey, I mean, what do you think about all this from 1972?

Corey: It’s unbelievable. I mean, I was two years old. Ha, ha. And this information, I didn’t hear until fairly recently from, of course, a much different nonterrestrial source.

David: Do you think there’s any possibility that somebody could have faked all this – the guy in Nebraska in 1958 – Baird Spalding [David means Baird Wallace.], 1972, reading all these different vetted-out channelers and how well it lines up with what you know?

Is there any way this could have been faked or somebody could have made this as a big hoax?

Corey: This is way before the time of the Internet, and your average library, I don’t know if they would have all this information. And if it did, you would have to hunt and peck for years. That just doesn’t seem practical.

David: Well, knowledge was kept secret, too, right, Jay?

Jay: Yeah, of course it was kept secret. This is clearly absolute proof, as proof as you can get, that what they’re saying about this extraterrestrial telepathic contact was really truly going on.

David: Absolutely.

Jay: Yeah. I mean, I was around back then. I wasn’t very old, but we were not very sophisticated in 1972. This is pretty sophisticated stuff.

David: Yeah, it’s stunning. And this is stuff that was classified in secret societies, and yet, these guys in Nebraska are pulling it in.

Jay: And probably driving the Cabal crazy.

David: Oh, yeah.

Jay: Yeah.

David: Oh, yeah. They’re trying to stop this.

Jay: Yeah.

David: Well, that’s all the time we have for this episode. I hope you’re as amazed as I am.

I wanted to present this information to you properly. I’ve been holding onto this stuff for a long time. I used to always close my conferences with this.

This to me is some of the crown jewels of my whole collection. And now with the three of us together, it’s really the right way to present it to you. I hope you’ve enjoyed it.

This is “Cosmic Disclosure:”. I’m your host, David Wilcock, with our special guest, Jay Weidner, and I thank you for watching.




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