The Imminent Demise Of The Archonic Grid As Crystalline Light Codes Sweep The Surface Population

Source: In5D

by Eric Raines,

The dismantling of the Veil continues as crystalline light codes sweep the surface population. During the last two eclipses, much was pushed up to the surface that needed to be dealt with and released for good. Much turmoil was noticed internally around the planet with friends, family and people themselves reacting to the incredibly strong detoxification/purging energies of the dual eclipses.

Significant others, family, and chosen family begin to settle down into comfortability as the energies begin to subside and the darkness, or purged energy is expunged and flow begins to resume through the planet and the people. Relationships that were meant to burn away have begun to finalize the ending processes and “breaking up” or moving in different directions is not only being done in a loving, healthy manner, but much healing is being done on these levels because of this awareness.

Directly following this upgrade was a massive collective, worldwide meditation on Sunday, February 26th. The results of this harnessing of the collective will, and giving it a direction, motive and *PUSH* have expanded the capabilities of humanity, and the light forces exponentially.

Many were able to begin to tap into these healing codes of light, and were able to begin broadcasting them as well as receiving them. The result was a massive push forward in the light quotient of the collective consciousness, and the availability for positive light forces much more advanced than anything we have been in contact with so far are able to begin interacting with us.

7th and 8th dimensional positive polarity entities are now able to freely move in and out of 3rd density, and people who are becoming much more Service to Others, loving, compassionate, and are actively turning on the light energetically are creating positive polarity vortexes or portals that these higher dimensional light forces are using to bypass the external planetary Veil, and interact with the surface population.

This new frequency anchored into the core of the planet through the multiple rips in the veil created by men and women actively connecting to Source and bypassing the Veil to allow Gaia an echo of her former Galactic Consciousness is huge. Multiple groundbreaking barriers and quotients have been met, and collective healing is beginning.

The original DNA incursion that shut down humanity from our multidimensionality tens if not hundreds of thousands of years ago has begun to be repaired. The information of the ancients that has been blocked from manifesting in our stunted DNA has no incursion into the flow from the past anymore. What is happening because of this, is ancient modalities, ancient awarenesses and understandings are beginning to become manifest. These are no longer the doctrines that people look at longingly, wishing they had the willpower to fulfill these commitments to a pure way of life. These are becoming the new way of life.

Men and women across the planet are waking up changed from who they were when they placed their head on their pillow and closed their eyes. The are waking up with the understanding and majesty of humanity and what we truly are. A sense of purpose and motivation has grown overnight, and understanding dawns. We know why we are here. We are the light bringers, the light warriors, the light workers, the light healers. We understand what the darkness is, and why we are here.

Now is the time of the Great Beginning. When do you want to see it? It depends on YOU and the choices YOU make. WE are all in this together, but WE is just a reflection of YOU. When YOU begin to shift, WE all do. YOU create YOUR own reality, and WE agree on what is viable together in it. Break YOUR cage. YOU will break OURS by proxy.

This is our work. Our job. Our reason for existing. Stand up to the darkness, unafraid. Shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand. Let us look up as one into the chaos and laugh. The darkness needs our fear, and we have none left to give. All we have is joy and love. Shine. Just shine dear Starseed, Wanderer, Indigo, Being of Love, Life and Light. Just shine. Just love. Just be.

From me to you,


Calling ALL Empaths


by Zoe Davenport,
Guest writer

If you are like me one of the first things you discovered along your awakening path was that you were an “Empath” – Perceived to be wired differently to the rest of the world. Being empathic and open to the energies around you of people, places or things can be a blessing when the energy is clear – joyful and love. But when the energies are low – fear and negative it can have detrimental effects on our well- being. Quite often it can be hard to know what is our energy and what is not – leading to overwhelm and sickness.

I was taught to shield these energies – to not let anything in to avoid at all costs those around me on a lower vibration…….this is great in theory but these concepts can lead us feeling even more overwhelmed as everyone is going through their awakening journey. Everyone inherently is empathic, I believe it’s the gateway to understanding the rest of our journeys – Being empathic gives us the spiritual tools to understand energy – to FEEL the vibrations around us and to help step into the concept that as much as we feel the energy around us we are also of that energy for we are ALL ONE.

To truly walk an awakened path – to embody oneness is to FEEL the energy of who we ALL are. This means the ability to show empathy when there is feelings that may not be up to the vibrations we would like. It is our responsibility to no longer shy away from these energies – to no longer let them effect our vibrations through using our spiritual tools to help heal – transmute and send unconditional love.

This can be done with the simple use of grounding – bringing in the light and daily heart opening to the person, place or things you are FEELING effected by. Don’t be shy anymore to use your beautiful gifts to show empathy and help to dissolve these lower vibrations into the light. Don’t be in fear of the FEELINGS you are feeling for another soul/s for we are all part of the same and we all deserve being sent love.

In this video I talk more about why it’s important to be empathic, and I wanted to share my experiences to help others understand it is ok to FEEL. My soul path requires me to transmute trapped karmic energy and lost souls – as much as I feel the pain of what they went through I also feel the joy as they are freed back into the light. Tears are a powerful conducer of the lower vibrational energies as well as your personal daily self care, grounding and heart opening.

We are ALL called at this time to assist with the planetary healing and raising the levels of consciousness through sharing our gifts to transmute the pain, suffering, fears, egos and all lower energies.

It is ok to be an empathic, it is ok to feel – open your Hearts and this will help 150% to bring light through to where it’s most needed.

I love you all

Zoe Davenport

Spiritual Mentor & Author
She is offering a Live group program in March 22nd, click here for more information

Recent Accelerations in the 5D Shift and How You Might Personally Benefit

Source: Humans Are Free

Since the culmination of my personal relationship prior to the festive season (2017), I’m feeling a profound shift from within.

It’s a strong acceleration of energy which happens when you break any fixed energetic ties. This in turn is accelerating the strength of the Openhand energies.

What’s actually taking place here? and most importantly, how might it come to help people such as yourself in the wider Openhand community? How might you benefit in your own life?

It’s about seeing Openhand as a higher dimensional bridge — an energy which is working intensively within this Great 5D shift which is taking place on the Earth right now.

A breaking down of the Old Consensus Reality

In the bigger picture, what’s happening is a breaking down of the old karmic reality that Gaia and humanity have been constrained within for millions of years.

A consensus of collective consciousness came together to explore particular conundrums of truth:

  • How to stay connected to the source in an especially dense environment?
  • How to trust in the divine, when it might appear that there’s not always enough resource?
  • How to work harmoniously with the universal flow in a world of predator and prey?
  • How to love unconditionally even though other sentient life may judge and project?
  • How to follow the synchronistic flow in a system of limitation and control?

These are just some of the explorations people are clearly having in the wider community. And Gaia too has been having her karmic explorations — how to maintain balanced harmony for all life, where some sentient forms over exploit and ravage.

The Great 5D Shift

For some time now, I’ve felt that Gaia has released the need to sustain this old reality — she’s processed out her own karma, shifted her centre into the Fifth Density and is now progressively moving her energies on.

Although the breakdown in the 3D biosphere is clearly being greatly accelerated by human activity, to me, it is most clearly a synchronistic reflection of this Great 5D Shift, where everything is working in concert, including the exposure and playing out of humanity’s shadow side.

And so the shift is accelerating. It’s greatly gearing up. We see this in the acceleration of the sixth mass extinction of 3D life here — the sixth mass moving on — at a rate which has increased to around 200 species per day.

It’s a rate which is unprecedented in earth’s history. We see it in the increasingly chaotic weather patterns as the old harmonious systems — like the jetstream for example — break down.

And we see it in the increasing earthquake and volcanic activity as Gaia’s pole shift and concurrent dwindling of the magnetic shield intensifies.

But there is something that now needs very focused attention.
Here’s where you, I, and Openhand come in.

Unraveling Bottlenecks in the Flow

Imagine the light of Gaia and the consensus reality still caught within the lower densities, stuck within bottlenecks of energy. These will manifest in a very synchronistic physical way — like the gridlock we often experience in failing, over-burdened transport systems for example.

Or where communities come into direct conflict, as in Syria right now. The higher dimensional light is stuck within eddy currents that have sucked in density and distortion.

This will be true in most people’s personal lives where relationships have been stuck within out-dated behavioural patterning.

What must happen is that these choke points must be brought into consciousness, where they appear on our landscape and worked with to resolve.

Which means to explore the distortion and why it’s happening; to ‘normalise’ in it, which means to completely accept it, then to express the higher truth within it.

At a soul level, each of you is naturally yearning for this in the very personal exchanges of your life. By bringing focused awareness to the process is going to greatly benefit your own life by restoring higher harmony, which then ripples into the wider field.

That’s what much of the Openhand work is about facilitating. And there’ll be plenty of you who’ve evolved to such a degree personally, that you’re now able to have a wider beneficial effect on the field itself — you’re rapidly realising yourself as energy workers in the field (which is a fundamental part of the Openhand Facilitator Program).
Your Personal Torus

Here’s where the notion of Openhand as a higher dimensional bridge is now coming to the fore. And how you might personally benefit from that.

And if you’re relatively new to “Openhand”, it is a word we’ve applied to describe a universal phenomenon of benevolent support within higher consciousness shifts like this one.

It’s a highly evolved consciousness acting to restore harmony and balance within convoluted systems of consciousness as on Earth right now.

Imagine the earth’s consensus consciousness as a field, shaped something like an apple — scientifically known as “The Torus”. Through the core of the apple is a torsional vortex which resolves out to a void of presence — as in all sentient life.

From the vortex unity consciousness (as soul) flows out and through separation consciousness (that which forms the visible physical). But in places where’s there’s karma, unity consciousness identifies and gets stuck within the separation consciousness.

There are many such choke points out there in the field at the moment, just as there are in many people who’ve still got karma to work on.

Now here’s the crucial point, as the light progressively shifts into the Fifth Density, it’s going to pull on all of those choke points, like a balloon struggling to rise against its tethering.

If the pressure builds too greatly, the ties will snap, resulting in a chaotic breakdown of the limiting density — it collapses in on itself. So energy workers have come here to facilitate a more harmonious shift.

The way we work is by bringing focused attention to disharmony within ourselves. We work to realise out the distortion. Upon which, we send a realigning rippling beacon of truth (for that particular issue) out through the field.

The more you’ve processed personally, the more into alignment you’ve come, the clearer is your resonance, and therefore the greater beneficial impact you can have. In short, you experience greater harmony in your own life and a greater creative flow around you.

The question is, how might you maximise this personal effect for the good of yourself and more widely through society?

A Higher Dimensional Bridge

Since the necessary shift in my own personal life, I’ve felt a concurrent strengthening of the “Openhand” energy. As previously mentioned, it’s an ancient consciousness that works to restore evolutionary balance in convoluted areas.

Openhand is working as an energetic bridge between the old karmic reality and the new one taking shape within the 5D.

Consider the Torus which is depicted in the video below. You don’t at all need to understand it at an intellectual level.

Just get the feeling that energy is flowing out from the central vortex in waves, flowing through the physical phenomenal thereby animating it, before flowing back to the central vortex — the source — once more.

As you might intuit from the animation, there’s an outer circle which can represent the old 3D reality, and there’s an inner circle which might represent the higher vibrational 5D — take a brief peek at the animation (but feel it rather than intellectualising it).

In the animation, the energy is shown flowing smoothly. But this is far from the case for Gaia right now, where there are countless blockages — choke points — in her field.

And many of those choke points are caused by, and contain, human consciousness connected into her consensus field. As many of these must be unraveled as possible so as to facilitate a smoother 5D shift.

What can you do directly?
This is where it gets really exciting!

Establishing a free flowing energy torus in your own life

Take yourself off in meditation. Reflect on the animation of the Torus above. Get the sense that there are flows going on within you, where higher alignment wants to happen (use this Breakthrough Meditation to facilitate the alignment of the torus within you).

Work within the sense of a shift taking place from the lower 3D consciousness to the higher 5D one. The higher has a much greater sense of connectivity, of peace, trust, unconditional love, and above all, synchronous flow supporting all life.

You should get some sense of movement, flow, joy and harmony.

Now, during the rest of the day, especially where there might be some disharmony or dissonance, pay attention to that sense of realigning flow inside of you (I’ve found it works great to resolve traffic jams!).

The more you can activate the flow in you, the greater the resolving effect you’ll witness.

And if you can’t catch that at the time it’s happening, take yourself off into meditation later in the day and reflect again on those particular circumstances, working to bring realigning flow to them.

Of course you can’t simply override your own attachment or unrealised consciousness in it to have a beneficial effect. In which case, you’re need to explore and unravel your own tightness first (check out this video to give you a sense of how to work).

Hugely exciting times to be alive

So these are really exciting times. As we prepare for the beginning of the New Year (2017), the consciousness field is so loosened, it’s ripe for major shifts both in your own personal circumstances and society at large.

Even, and especially, since the shadow side has revealed itself, means that shifts can greatly strengthen.

Do call on the “Openhand” energy if it feels appropriate for you. It will respond. It always does so by highlighting personal limitation and resonating the possibility of the higher truth. So if you look for that possibility, it will be highlighted for you.

Thankyou for all that you are, and your involvement in this essential work — at what ever level you feel to commit to it.

By Open, (on behalf of Openhand)

The Essence Of Gratitude And How It Can Help You Cultivate Happiness


Gratitude is more then an idea; it’s a state of being. Gratitude is the embodiment of unconditional love because with it comes a means to be positive regardless of outside circumstances.

You can be in a very bleak situation and it may seem like things are not going your way, but with gratitude you can change that perspective. By focusing on what your grateful for; you’ll invite more people, things and events into your life that bring feelings of gratitude. We are what we focus on; by focusing on gratefulness you will become more grateful.

Now many of us find it difficulty to be grateful at times but that’s only because we’re blinded by our desires. Many of us have narrowly conceptualized our sense of worth according to our desires. If we’re unable to fulfill our desires we have the tendency to fall into a negative stupor. This state of mind hinders our ability to feel positive emotions; such as gratitude, happiness, joy and love.

Which is why it’s important to carefully evaluate our thoughts, beliefs and desires to better understand ourselves. Many of our beliefs and thoughts are the result of unbridled desires. We live in a world governed by materialism; thus desires rein supreme. Many of these desires though are unfounded and irrelevant. That is something we must all become aware of.

For example, many people in today’s society equate happiness with possessions. People strive to have a house, car, family and wealth thinking these things will increase the amount of happiness in their life. Unfortunately though that’s not how it works, it is not the thing that makes you happy; it is your choice(consent) in believing that things will make you happy that makes you happy. Happiness is a choice; when you choose to believe things will make you happy; they will; but only temporally because this world is temporal; by focusing on that which is temporal; you equate your sense of happiness as being temporal. Thus happiness becomes a fleeting idea to you.

Now by all means don’t believe that I’m bashing the idea of raising a family, accumulating wealth or buying a car or house. These things are neutral upon themselves; what I’m merely attempting to convey is the need to focus on one’s own sense of happiness from within. When we externalize our sense of happiness we give our power away to a external source. All that we need can be found from within; that includes happiness.

Gratitude helps in cultivating happiness, joy and love. By being grateful for what you already have you receive more positivity. Don’t spend so much time focusing on what you don’t have; instead focus on what you do have. You are what you focus on; so if you focus on negativity; you will reap negativity. If you focus on positivity; you will reap positivity. It really is that simple.

So if you find yourself getting into negative thoughts and behaviors; first thing you should do is to accept how you feel. Don’t condemn your thoughts or feelings; that will not help you in anyway. Practice acceptance and let them go; start to think about the things that you’re grateful for.

What I tend to do when I find myself in a negative state of being is start thinking to myself what I have in my life that I am grateful for. At first; this may seem difficult; especially when your feeling very negative. Yet; when you start thinking about it; you’ll have many things come to your awareness that bring feelings of gratitude. Such as “I’m grateful for my health.” or “I’m grateful for my family” and even “I’m grateful my Creator.” By doing this; you’re sending out positive vibes to the universe; which the universe will gladly respond to with more positivity. When you send out positive thoughts and deeds; you shall receive positive thoughts and deeds.

Many times though; we may fall into the pattern of comparing ourselves to others. Which will diminish our sense of gratitude and happiness. This is only because we’ve allowed ourselves to believe in some kind of idea. This idea is based in the realm of desire; we have an idea of what we think we should be like; if we’re not like that we get hard on ourselves. This leads to poor self esteem and negative state of mind.

I’ve come to discover this for myself. I had this idea of how I should be and if I fail to meet those expectations; I become very negative. If I come across anyone who I feel is exhibiting what I desire to be; I become envious and embroiled with jealousy. Most of the time this effects my relationship with this person and I become very combative with them.

This is why it’s of paramount concern for myself and many of you to be careful with desires. You don’t need to desire to be anyone else; except for yourself. Don’t fall into the pattern of comparing yourself to others. It doesn’t matter if someone appears to be more “Intelligent” or “Better Looking” then you. As the saying goes “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”


Everyone has their own opinion on what beauty and intelligence is. You are perfect as you are right now. Intelligence is determined by your own belief; not by comparison. Be grateful for who you are; be grateful for what you know. Gratitude will help you be your perfect self. Because at the end of the day; you are perfect all the time; even the times when you feel or think you’re not.

So my friends; be grateful all the time. When you feel ungrateful; be grateful that you can feel ungrateful. That is the beauty of life; you yourself can be whatever you want to be. When you explore your own inner landscape; you see that it isn’t one or the other. You can be grateful when your ungrateful. You can be ungrateful when your grateful. You don’t have to pick one of the other; they both can coexist in the same space.

That is perfectly illustrated with the Yin and Yang symbol below. When you look at this ancient Taoist symbol you see the unity of light and darkness, good and bad, positivity and negativity. They coexist as one; because they are a whole. Therefore; in one form of another; ungratefulness is gratefulness; it’s just the opposite side of the coin; yet it’s the same coin at the end of the day.


Remember; gratitude can assist in becoming the happiness you already are. Focus on gratitude and you shall be more grateful and happy. Until next time my friends; take care and many blessings to you all.

Timothy Frappier

The Entity of Neutrality and the Story of the Black Knights

Source: Ancient Origins

By Valda Roric

During the Middle Ages, Black Knights began to appear in history and, since the 13th century, a series of legends mentioning the mysterious Black Knights emerged. Although the Black Knights were said to have carried out good deeds and fought to protect cities from unjust rulers and other threats, texts referring to these legends were censored and banned by the Church during the medieval period. Nevertheless, the story of the legendary knight Ashor endured over the centuries.

The origin of Black Knights is closely linked to the legend of Ashor, a knight who had remained skilled and strong, despite his advanced age, and who specialized in the killing of kings and other nobles. Some time around the 13th or 14th century, there was a king with a powerful enemy – a king of another land who oppressed his people. Desperate to defeat his opponent, the good king sent a message calling Ashor to his court.  One night, the king woke up to find Ashor near his bed. The assassin had entered his castle without detection, thus having proven his skill.

Ashor asked the king who he needed to kill and the king gave his order. Ashor accepted the task, but said that he would first check the king’s claims that his enemy was an evil oppressor. Ashor entered the fortress city of the king’s enemy, and witnessed for himself the cruelty of the ruler; his task to assassinate the king would proceed as planned.

Ashor discovered that an old priest, who had once risen up against the cruelty of the evil king, was being held prisoner in the dungeon.  Thus, after fulfilling his order to kill the king, Ashor, moved by the priest’s story, decided to free him from the prison. He entered the dungeon and found the man in bad condition. He was very weak and could barely stand. Unfortunately, the priest proved to be a burden, making it difficult for Ashor to escape. While carrying the old man out of the dungeon, the knight was injured. Nevertheless, the two got up on a horse, escaped the city and made for the woods.

The black knight had freed the city from its evil king and he had escaped. However, with people in pursuit, Ashor understood that he could not tend to his wounds on time and he descended from the horse telling the priest that he would not slow him down and he must continue. The priest thanked him, gave him his blessing and left as instructed.

Ashor waited for his end near a tree. Soon, as blood left the knight’s body, a demon appeared before him telling the knight that his soul belonged to him and he had come to claim him. Before the demon could take Ashor’s soul, an angel also appeared, saying that the knight’s soul belonged to him and that he had come to take it with him to Heaven. Apparently, the knight’s good deeds had been just a little more numerous than his bad ones and he had been forgiven.

As the two entities were getting ready to clash in order to fight for the human’s soul, a third entity appeared. At this time, the angel and the demon had stopped fighting as if they had been frozen. The third entity had no form. In order to be visible, it had appeared as a figure in a black cloak. However, nothing could be seen coming out of the cloak: no hands, no feet, no face. This third entity was Il Separatio, the Anonymous one, the keeper of universal balance, the one who cannot be named.

Anonymus is the personification of perfect neutrality. He is neither good, nor evil, he is beyond all divisions. Il Separatio spoke and said that the knight had done just as much good as he had done evil. Therefore, none of the two sides could claim his soul. He belonged to Il Separatio. At that moment, both the angel and the demon disappeared and Anonymus turned to the knight.

Ashor’s wounds had been healed. He got up and talked to Il Separatio. The entity told Ashor that he had become free and no longer belonged to ‘the system’. He was outside it, beyond it. Il Separatio told the knight that he could do whatever he wanted, that he could live for as long as he wanted, that he could travel anywhere (including other planets). When he was to become bored of all of this, then he was to call upon Il Separatio to stand before him once again and tell him about the true purpose of their existence. Ashor was told that, as now he was no longer part of the system, his actions no longer mattered for the world. Should he do good deeds, other would do bad deeds and the universal balance would remain unchanged. Should he do bad deeds, others would do good deeds and, again, the balance of the universe would remain the same.

According to legend, Il Separatio disappeared once he finished his explanation, while the knight Ashor still lives among humans today. It is said that he had chosen to do good deeds as a black knight even though his actions no longer mattered for the world. Ashor, the Immortal, remains the prototype for the image of the black knight.

Featured image: ‘The Black Knight’ by theflickerees / deviantart

Beyond Imagination! The Cosmic Wildcard

Source: In5D

by Gregg Prescott, M.S.

Do you feel like something really big is on the horizon but you cannot put your finger on what it is? What if there was a ‘Cosmic Wildcard’ that no one can truly imagine?

There are many possibilities that could qualify as the Cosmic Wildcard, so we will try to cover a few of them.

The Photon Belt

The Photon Belt is a belt or ring of photons is going to envelop the Earth, causing a cataclysm and/or initiating a spiritual transition, with the time period leading up to “The Shift” referred to as “The Quickening.”

The theory is based on an immense belt of photons orbiting around the Pleiades. According to some beliefs, Earth will pass through this belt of photons, resulting either in humanity’s elevation to a higher plane of existence.

Authors Virginia Essene (born 1928) and Sheldon Nidle write that the Photon Belt represents a temporary window for spiritual transition during which time humans can reach a higher level of existence, which they term the “galactic” level.

Samael Aun Weor, who adopted the idea in the late 1970s, refers to the Photon Belt as “Alcyone’s rings” (or “the rings of Alcyone”). Weor claims that “Alcyone is the principal sun of the Pleiades and in its orbit gravitate seven suns, our sun being the seventh which circles Alcyone.” According to Weor, Alcyone has rings made of “radiation” caused by the “splitting of the electron.” Weor refers to this “radiation” as “manasic” (from the Sanskrit term for the mind, manas), and indicates that “it in some way relates to [the distinction between] the inferior manas (lower mind or lower self) and the superior manas (higher mind or Higher Self).” Weor purports that “the electrons in Alcyone’s rings release a type of unknown energy”.

Galactic Superwave

According to Paul LaViolette, there has been galactic superwaves that emanate from our galactic core which occur every 13,000 - 26,000 years or so. This would fall on the approximate timetable of the precession of the equinoxes, which is a 26,000 year cycle.

According to Paul LaViolette, there has been galactic superwaves that emanate from our galactic core which occur every 13,000 – 26,000 years or so. This would fall on the approximate timetable of the precession of the equinoxes, which is a 26,000 year cycle.

According to LaViolette:

Galactic core explosions actually occur about every 13,000 – 26,000 years for major outbursts and more frequently for lesser events.

The emitted cosmic rays escape from the core virtually unimpeded. As they travel radially outward through the Galaxy, they form a spherical shell that advances at very close to the speed of light.

While there are many possibilities that can occur such as the ones listed above, there also remains the possibility of something occurring that no one ever anticipated.

Schumann Resonance

The Earth’s heartbeat is known as the Schumann Resonance, which has been recorded atSpeculation infers that the Earth may stop rotating once the Schumann Resonance reached 13 cycles per second. At that point, the Earth would stop rotating for 3 days and then start spinning in the opposite direction, causing a magnetic reversal of the poles.approximately 7.83 cycles per second for presumably thousands of years. In recent years, the Schumann Resonance has been rising and was recently recorded as high as 8.50.

Speculation infers that the Earth may stop rotating once the Schumann Resonance reached 13 cycles per second. At that point, the Earth would stop rotating for 3 days and then start spinning in the opposite direction, causing a magnetic reversal of the poles.

Under this premise, a magnetic pole reversal may affect the way the hemispheres in our brain interact. Three possible scenarios exist in such a situation:

  • 1. Nothing happens to our brains.
  • 2. The hemispheres of our brains instantly interact with one another, opening up synapses to higher metaphysical abilities.
  • 3. We all go crazy!

Cosmic Rays

Cosmic rays from coronal mass ejections may possibly mutate our DNA into the next realm of spontaneous evolution.Cosmic rays from coronal mass ejections may possibly mutate our DNA into the next realm of spontaneous evolution.

David Sereda has been working diligently in this area of science. According to Sereda, since 2006, scientists have been noticing a difference in the decay rates in nuclear particles, which had been consistently reliable in previous years.

What does this mean? It isn’t typical to see such a drastic change in these decay rates. Scientists are seeing a change of 1/10th of 1% in these particles, which was previously unheard of and is unexplainable at this moment. When a particle speeds up, it means it’s radiating more energy. This includes the energy and particles within our own bodies. Studies on DNA have indicated that even very weak changes in the energy field can cause profound changes in our DNA.

Galactic Ribbon and Galactic Bubble

There is an energy field at the edge of the Milky Way Galaxy that’s described as a ribbon. “This is a shocking new result for us and one that is not entirely understood,” said David McComas, the lead scientist on a NASA mission called IBEX.

This “ribbon” is a long band of high-energy particle emissions that could feasibly alter our DNA.

There also exists a Galactic Bubble that appears to be growing in size above and below the Milky Way Galaxy:

There also exists a Galactic Bubble that appears to be growing in size above and below the Milky Way Galaxy:

Is it possible that these changes are related to our location to the center of the Milky Way Galaxy as we near the precession of the equinoxes? Do the changes in our Sun have any relevance to the changes in our solar system? How do these changes affect us on a cellular level?

Mass UFO Landing

How would you react if, “out of the blue”, a mass UFO landing occurred? What if this was your galactic family wanting to bring you back “home”? If you had to make a decision right now, without being able to consult friends and family, would you leave or would you stay with Mother Earth?

The Harvest

According to the Law of One channelings:

The book argues that the goal of a soul is to “polarize” in one of two different directions: “Positive polarization” (labeled as “service-to-others”) through identifying with others empathetically, or “negative polarization” (labeled as “service-to-self”) through “separating” the self from others. Souls are said to “harvest” and proceed to the next level once they are properly “polarized”.

Some argue that this is a harvesting of energy by archonic forces while others believe this is a harvest of souls who are ready for their next level of spiritual progression.

Converging Waves

In May of 2016, I released an article and video entitled, “THREE Massive Tidal Waves Are Coming And It’s Not What You Think!“. In this video and article, I explained how I saw three massive tidal waves coming, yet there was no fear.

The following is an excerpt from that article:

Water is a mutable energy. It can be solid, liquid, or gas. If you think of a tidal “wave”, the wave can be viewed as a wave of energy This is what I feel the dream is portraying to me.

There is a huge wave of energy arriving that all of us will be focused on. In the meanwhile, another wave of energy will be coming from the opposite direction and will converge with the initial energy wave. At that point, something magical will happen! Whether that’s moving into the next stage of spirituality, becoming a lightbody, or something else is unknown, but it will be MAGICAL!

If these waves are viewed as conscious waves of energy, then this could very well be the transformative event that would qualify as the Cosmic Wildcard.

The Unknown Wildcard

The true unknown wildcard may come in the form of something completely unanticipated and could happen in the blink of an eye. Most people within this genre innately feel that whatever this event may be, it will be positive.

Many of us have a sense of impending urgency compiled with a desire to "go home". Whether home is going back to the organic Earth or to your galactic planet of origin, the feeling remains. We all feel like we are on the verge of something magnanimous, yet it is difficult to pinpoint exactly what that might be.Many of us have a sense of impending urgency compiled with a desire to “go home”. Whether home is going back to the organic Earth or to your galactic planet of origin, the feeling remains. We all feel like we are on the verge of something magnanimous, yet it is difficult to pinpoint exactly what that might be.

Regardless of what happens (or doesn’t happen), ALWAYS use your own discernment. Be aware that as long as we are still within this matrix, we will remain pawns in a much larger game. As events unfold, try to think logically about what possible motives may exist for whatever choice you decide, as well as how your decision may affect those you love.