Message To The Earth Alliance

I want to thank you for taking the time to read my letter and also express my appreciation for you all in taking a stand against the cabal. At this time we all know that the cabal, this criminal syndicate must be dismantled and purged from the nations of this world. This is something we all agree. So I won’t be wasting your time talking about them too much, what I want to discuss is what we do afterwards.

Many of your believe that partial disclosure would be the best route for humanity, by giving them controlled data dumps, revelations and disclosures you believe that humanity will transition more smoothly with the least amount of casualties and problems. I know your intentions are admirable and I understand this mindset and how it may appear to be the best route for humanity, but let us review exactly what this entails.

From my gathering and understanding you’ll be revealing the DIA and Air Force space programs to humanity; along with the ruins in Antarctica. It’s also been proposed that you basically give humanity a sanitized version of this revealing as well. You intend to take all the technology from the ruins along with the Pre-Adamites alien bodies found there as well.

It’s also been shared that you plan on initiating some kind of disinformation campaign to discredit anyone else who will be revealing certain aspects of the ruins, secret space programs and cabal you don’t want revealed.

I would like to offer my understanding of this plan of action and why I feel this will not work.

I would like to start out with a very simple and powerful statement made by many in the past, but we’ll share the one most people are familiar with. In John 8:32 Jesus says “If you continue in My word, you are truly My disciples. 32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”

Jesus lived a life according to the tenants of the Truth. He didn’t sanitize his statements, teachings and lessons in order to avoid causing trouble. He caused a lot of trouble and many didn’t like his teachings. He was very abrasive and radical according to many during his time, but yet that didn’t prevent him from speaking the Truth. He shared the Truth because he believed in it’s power. He knew it was for the best.

Because Truth be told, the Truth will set you free. Take for example, this debacle we have with free energy and life saving technologies. These things would relieve the burden of countless billions. It would end poverty, starvation and medical complications almost overnight. This is just one example of how the Truth really is the best thing for humanity.

Consideration for the people should be placed as as high priority, but the benefits you’re focusing upon are short term. The long term is what we need to consider, because we’re not solely here to make life easier for us all right now. We’re also here to provide a better future for our children and our children’s children. We need to stop kicking the can down the road, someone needs to pick it up already.

Would you like your children lying to you about things because of the fact they believe you wouldn’t be able to handle it? That happens all the time, it happens with me and it’s something we’re all dealing with. Yet in the end it only ends in suffering and pain. A lie cannot live on its own and we’re seeing that today. We’ve gotten to the point were some believe the Truth is antithesis to life. That’s an illusion though, one that can only be perceived from a mentality of deception and lies. This decision about full disclosure and partial disclosure is the same thing that happened in the 50’s and we all know they choose to lie and look where that has got us.

Look at the distrust in government or any kind of authority for that matter. The government is lying to the people, the cabal is lying to the people and that’s why they’re losing their power. If you think the switching of the guard will prevent that, I’m sorry but in my opinion your surely mistaken. You already have many people working against your partial disclosure and it’s already falling apart at the seams.

Now granted you’ve done studies on the effects of revealing the Truth to unsuspecting victims and it appears to show that they wouldn’t be able to handle the Truth, but I ask you this; were you able to handle the Truth? Did you perhaps try a study where you had someone who relatively knew what was going on and was in that group to see how it would play out? Did you perhaps look into what the long term benefits of revealing the Truth would result. What about this, did you ask the people whom you represent if they would like the government to lie to them about these things?

I know one thing, when disclosure happens I will be doing my best to help others deal with these truths. It’s really not hard to handle the Truth, the friction we experience as shock is a catalyst for real change. The time for the Truth has come and it’s of my opinion you should be on board with this 100%.

Then there is also the other space programs as well. Do you think they’re just going to be like, “Go ahead with your partial disclosure, we’re not going to do anything about it; we’ll just float up here in our big space carriers and hangout at the Lunar Operations Command and not care what’s going on the surface.”

Not only does that seem not feasible or something reliable, but you’ll also have to take on a program that Corey Goode has stated has highly advanced technology, possibly even more so then your own. Then we have Cobra from The Portal who seems to be in contact with another resistance movement that may be even more advance then the Solar Warden. For God sakes they allegedly have their own planet that they’ve called Planet X! Your going to take on the whole freakin planet?

The sheer amount of disinformation you would have to pump into the public cannot be achieved. Why do you think the cabal lost control over the flow of information? Do you honestly believe you could do better? They’ve lost a lot of their control and it’s continuing to snowball out of their control. This will happen to you and many people are going to be skeptical when disclosure happens.

Think of this too, once the cabal is taken care of, focus will be placed upon you. Right now you have the luxury of not really being known. Many share some information about the Earth Alliance, but not much. I cannot think of a single name of a person in the Earth Alliance, besides Joseph Dunford being a possibility. Unlike the Cabal though, I can name drop them like no tomorrow, Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Kissenger and etc.. There is much more information on the cabal then there is on the Earth Alliance and frankly this isn’t good at all.

I for one believe in transparency and considering the fact we don’t have much information on this Earth Alliance really is disheartening. As a result I’m very skeptical and critical from the get go with this Earth Alliance and then on top of this proposal to implement partial disclosure; I’m starting to change my sights to this Earth Alliance because if seems that you’re starting to become the very force your fighting.

I’m not accusing you of any intentional wrong doing, I believe you really are trying to do what is best for humanity, but just from a perspective that is heavily influenced with fear. When I discovered the Truth it really set me free. A lie has no appeal whatsoever, but the Truth possesses a sense of allurement that is undeniable. Those who seek the Truth can see through much of the deception and lies. Granted they may get some things wrong, but overall their understanding of the situation is quite accurate.

Let’s also consider how the Air Force space program really took the revelation that a more advanced space program exists other then their own. How did they respond to this information? Did they believe that lying to them about what was really going on was the right thing? You see, when people get in positions of authority they lose sight of what it is like to be lied to. You whom are “authority” figures in the Earth Alliance need to keep that in consideration.

Lies will only breed more lies. We need to end the cycle of lies and put a end to this abomination. The cabal isn’t the problem, we are the problem. It’s the way we think, behave and react that needs our focus. Simply put, this is a war for our mind. The cabal’s time is at end, but that doesn’t mean everything is going to work out. If we replace them with another group of people who do the same thing, this drama will continue.

The cabal believed they were doing the right thing, they believed in their plan of genocide and thought it was the best for humanity. The lower caste of the cabal wanted it for selfish reasons, but many of the higher castes believed it was the right thing. Hilter believed he was doing the right thing, he thought that by removing the impure from our societies we would be able to create the perfect man.

If you truly believe in doing what is right, then stand by the Truth regardless of what others say. Don’t rely on your isolated tests, but instead put your faith in yourself and in humanity. They can handle the Truth and it’s going to happen regardless of what you do, so why not be on the winning side?

You may think this decades long plan will work, but I’m sorry to say this, it’s not going to. If you in the Earth Alliance choose to go down this path then I will do what I must to help the people of this world whom I love dearly. I will oppose you with every ounce of strength I can gather. Where you spread lies I will spread Truth. Where you cover things up I will reveal. You will not be permitted to lie to the people, regardless of your thoughts on what is best for humanity; because we’re not the ones equipped to decide on such manners.

The Truth will always be what is best for humanity. There is no debate about it. Simple and easy, so just do it already and be remembered as a hero instead as another tyrant. Your reputation is also at stake here; choose wisely.

Timothy Frappier




6 thoughts on “Message To The Earth Alliance

  1. I will fight the lie with every fiber of my being. I will …no..I have no choice but to spread the truth and bting the light to all of us the collecyive. Oneness means whole not alone. Can you imagine what a watered down partial disclosure will be up againts if we already moved this far with the nothingness you claim that’s here amongst us. We can forgive if trust van be established. We never wanted to hate the cabal or any groups we just want our freedom.


  2. The allies are messing it up – They’ve delayed WAY past the time that security has been in place. The whole spiel from Wilcock and Corey misses a lot of the story. Nothing is up to the cabal to disclose. It’s simply a matter of the allies (humans) making their move and fully arresting everyone. The groundwork has all been done but the humans can’t get their nerve up to actually make the move.

    David and Corey know pieces and their info will be revealed along with a lot more that they don’t seem to get into or possibly know about.

    The GF and Ascended Masters will be overseeing the proceedings once the arrests come down and there will be no compromises, half disclosures or anything other than full removal of all guilty parties, full disclosure of all their crimes, full disclosure of all hidden technology and full disclosure of all the races that are around us.

    In my opinion, based on what I’ve uncovered.


  3. Maybe it is time for us to use OUR power.
    WITH SO MUCH NEGATIVITY everywhere – is negativity preventing the process of disclosure from moving forward?
    Maybe our true power for change lies in mass meditation and prayer by those of us who are ready. TOGETHER, Actively bringing the change we desire OURSELVES, for OURSELVES.
    Maybe this is what the Masters are trying to get across to us, to show them WE ARE READY.


  4. All I know is that those that are supposedly the ones that do the disclosures is dropping the ball. I have notice that it is all bout the money from as many book sells and conventions as they can do. So personally I think it’s time to replace them and get another group in their place.


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