Source: Sphere Being Alliance

Roger Richards: My name’s Roger Richards. I serve currently as a producer for a project that we are going to be introducing tonight.

About two years ago, I heard the Blue Avian message for the first time. It hit me directly in the heart. Anybody else have a similar experience?

I think all of us are being brought together right now for various reasons, and the world is coming to the place where we’re being brought up in a higher vibration.

And Corey here, you know, you’re at the front line of that, man. And he was tasked to bring the message of the Blue Avians to a larger audience.

And it was probably about four months ago when he came to me with this idea for a comic book. How do you get this information to the people that are shut down, the people that are locked up? How many of you have family members that you would love to introduce this to, but have no way of doing that?

When Corey said “comic book” at first, I kind of was like, “What?” And then I thought about it and it makes sense.

Comic books have been used going back to World War II as far as a way of disseminating information. The images, the combination of simple text with images, very much like an infographic, it lands and it plants those seeds in the subconscious.

Corey’s been avid about trying to find a way that is an all ages platform for this message to go out. So as he talked to me more and more, this developed.

And then lots of people started coming on board. We now have a very large team of creative individuals and what we’re going to play for you tonight is the launch of the trailer here for “Sphere Being Alliance Return of the Guardians”.

Welcome, everyone. Enjoy the evening. [Applause]

(Trailer: “Sphere Being Alliance Return of the Guardians”)

Jimmy Church: Holy crap! Right? [Applause] I’ll just say it now, I’m Jimmy Church. I’m here to introduce Corey. Fade-to-Black, Coast to Coast AM,

Are you guys all believers? [Applause]

I’m so humbled to introduce Corey. I’ve done this a lot over the last year, introducing Corey and David, and you guys know all that, so, yeah, here I am. No big deal.

But you know what? Everybody wave at me. [Jimmy takes a photo of the audience waving.] That’s for Corey, all right?

All right, I’m going to keep this . . . We’re all here to hang out with Corey, so I’m going to keep this very brief. I do want to say this. Every time that I introduce Corey, or I bring him on the show, or we’re doing interviews, I say the same thing, and I really mean this.

I get emails. I get comments. Everybody knows about Corey, myself and David relationship. You guys all get that. You’ve all heard the interviews, right? Okay. All right. All right.

Everybody says, “Why don’t they talk more? Why aren’t we getting information? Why don’t they talk more?” Right? And I’m like, “That’s all they do!”

Right? That’s all they do is the writing, the website presence, the YouTube, Fade-to-Black. They would be on Fade-to-Black or Coast to Coast every week. I have to book other guests. I do.

But I would do that. They are right there.

Corey, am I wrong in saying that? Can I shut you up? Say, “No!”

That’s what he wants to do. That’s what he’s here to do today. I’m so excited. Please listen to everything that he has to say. It’s not about to question things or to have judgment.

It’s to collect information and share that knowledge with your friends.

We are at the brink of things. Can you guys feel this? No longer are we the strange group, man. It’s the rest of the world that’s trippin’. [Applause] Am I right? [Applause]

I’m going to say this right now, and I mean this. I want to introduce my good friend to you, Mr. Corey Goode. Corey, get on up here. [Applause]

Corey Goode: Thank you! [Corey notices a bird feather on the stage and picks it up and holds it up for everyone to see.] Is this a sign? [Laughter]

Well, thank you for joining me. I appreciate everyone that is live streaming at home joining me as well.

First of all, I’d like to thank Roger and Rene for putting all this together for me. It’s outstanding. Thank you. [Applause]

Most of you have heard my story, and I’m going to go over it again. So a lot of this you’ve already heard, but you have some eye candy to go with it this time.

When I was about the age of six, I was pulled into a program that we refer to as the MILAB program.

They identified me through standardized testing originally.

1 MILAB Standardized Testing

Come to find out, my family has been a part of a multi-generational experiment as well, going back to World War II when my grandfather took part in Operation Whitecoat.

So this was something I was sort of born into that I found out about more recently.

In the past, children were selected through standardized testing and public schools.

Currently, not as many children are used. They used in different smaller programs, but for the most part they’re using clones.

The clones are assets that they see as a little bit more disposable than the children that they were exploiting.

2 Trauma Based Training

They used all types of very bizarre types of training, including sensory deprivation, putting you in deprivation chambers for hours and hours and making you do visual exercises.

They would also put us in very bizarre and upsetting virtual reality scenarios and see how we would react, and do personality profiles and decide how they were going to use us in the future.

They were doing all of that to desensitize us to violence and seeing other people violated, which is difficult to do with children that are intuitive or empaths, but they were giving it their best effort.

3 MKUltra Vs Ultra Program

A lot of people hear of the MKUltra Program and they like to lump everything under that.

The MKUltra Program was a mind control. That’s what the “MK” stood for. All the other Ultra programs and related programs had different training. They had different agendas.

We’ve pretty much been lumping everything under the MILAB umbrella since it’s gone public.

We’re all under mind control – every single one of us. We’re socially programmed by the norms around us.

We’re programmed by television, movies, media, and we’re getting to a point where we’re starting to break free from that on an individual basis.

We’re utilizing our co-creative consciousness to overcome a lot of this mind control. The technology isn’t working the way it used to because of the change in vibration and the raising of our consciousness.

They’ve already lost. [Applause]

4 Unexplained PTSD

Many in the MILAB programs, once they’re put back into their normal life, they are mind-wiped, blank-slated, but they exhibit symptoms of PTSD but there’s no real reason for them to have PTSD.

5 Greys And DUMBS

When I was first being picked up and taken to these MILAB-type programs, I found myself being slowly introduced to non-terrestrials.

You would go into like a virtual reality setting where they put the goggles on you, and you’re sitting in a chair, and there would be a bunch of military and medical people in the room.

And then, when you took the goggles off, there would be a Grey alien sitting at the table. They would just spring it on you. Yeah.

They spent years acclimating people to being in the presence of non-terrestrials, because no matter who you are, it’s going to throw you off.

We’re genetically programmed to respond viscerally to the non-terrestrials.


When I was almost 17, I was brought into the Secret Space Program (SSP), which I had been groomed for all throughout the MILAB program.

7 SSP Duties

They drafted me into Solar Warden. It was my Christmas break, 1986. I was . . . My birthday’s in 11 days, so it’s February 22. It was during December just before my 17th birthday that they brought me in.

They assigned me to a research vessel, and the captain did not want me on board. In the past, they had put what he called “children” on board, and they cried for mom, and it took about a year for them to acclimate, and he did not want to go through that. It was too disruptive.

So instead, they sent me to the Intruder, Intercept and Interrogation program, where they would use intuitive empaths to interrogate non-terrestrials that they had caught in our Solar System or on Earth.

I was in that program for about a year, just under a year. And then they reassigned me back to the Sommerfield.

I worked for scientists and engineers. When I was working on the science side with the scientists, they called me a Specialist. And I was a Technician when I was working with the engineers.

Who remembers talking about the dart craft coming in my back yard to pick me up?

8 DART Craft

Rene did a pretty close depiction right here. It was the first time that I had been taken back to the LOC since I had been separated from the SSP program.

9 Corey S Backyard

There’s the backyard.

Now in the beginning, my wife didn’t know what to think when I was telling here that a spacecraft was picking me up in the backyard. [Laughter]

She went in the backyard a couple times and saw little triangular spots, you know, landing gear divots. And one time she went out and she saw a pair of bare footprints walking out. They disappeared and about 20 feet over, another pair of footprints coming back to the door.

And that’s when she started to really start to believe that something bigger was going on.

10 LOC

The Lunar Operation Command. You notice it’s shaped like a swastika.

When I first went in, around the 1987 period when I saw it, it still looked like this. When I was separated, when I was coming to get debriefed, they had purposely built around it to break up the look of the swastika. So it no longer looks like a swastika.

This was set up by the Germans, obviously, and it was the first human base on the Moon that was allowed by the other groups.

The Moon is considered to be a neutral zone and the territory is . . . You’re not to encroach on the territory.

So they finally got permission from one of the non-terrestrial groups to build in their area.

There are at least 11 sub-surface areas to this base. I was not privy to anything below the hangar area, which is about 3 or 4 floors down.

All right, here we go.

11 Video Preview Of DART Craft Landing At LOC

This is what I was so excited to debut. This is the 3D rendering of the base and the dart craft coming in.

12 SBA Mtg 1

I’ve told this story how I was walked to the front of an auditorium at the LOC. And they just walked me to the front and left me and didn’t tell me what was going to happen.

And when I was sitting there, the room was filled with all types of people, including military and people that looked like they were political.

And the people in the front started heckling me. And in the middle of heckling me, everyone got real quiet, and you can see why.

14 SBA Mtg 3

These two beings appeared behind me. It’s the first time we’d ever seen this Golden Triangle-Headed being.

It was just kind of . . . I don’t know . . . It’s like it was underwater and it didn’t have any bones. It was just very . . . It was weird.

And on its . . . It used its toes as tripods and it was going up and down on those as well. So that got the attention of all the people in the room.

And then they started to ask me questions and Tier Eir was answering through me.

21 Cabal

The Cabal, for the lack of a better word.

22 Cabal Not A Singular Group

The Cabal is not a single group that cannot be defeated. It is a group of loosely knit militaristic syndicates. They’re just criminal – criminal syndicate groups. That’s all they are. They want us to build them up as an all powerful force that cannot be defeated. That’s part of the mind control.

And as you all are seeing, it looks like their time is done. It’s becoming so obvious. [Applause]

Some of the groups are real pragmatic, nuts and bolts, scientific, and they stick to that way of thinking. But others are very esoteric, very much into these different dark belief systems where they use sacrifice and all kinds of horrible things to boost their magic.

23 Destruction Of DUMBS

I think we’ve talked about it on Jimmy Church’s show. Very recently, after the change in administrations, the military-industrial complex, after some changes, started to send Marines into some of these FEMA bases.

After the change of administration, a lot of them were suppose to give up their power. Instead, they locked the doors.

So these Marines were sent to break through all the concrete, cut through the steel, and give them one opportunity to surrender. And if they didn’t surrender, they were to kill everyone in the entire base.

And these bases, as you know, can hold a lot of people. These Marines were special forces, and they were not briefed on anything non-terrestrial. They just thought they were going in to clean out a bunch of criminals.

After they had breached the base, they found theirselves face-to-face with Reptilians doing battle with them.

A lot of these Marines are, you know, Southern boys, and the next thing you know, they’re fighting something that looks like the Devil according to their belief systems.

So these guys were so incredibly traumatized, they couldn’t function after this battle.

This was very recently – in the last two months. And a lot of other bases are being cleared out.

This base, I don’t know where it was located. It was an unacknowledged base. So it wasn’t one of the ones you’d hear about like the Denver Airport or any number of the other ones.

24 Experience Of Duality

The Draco are not all powerful. They have been defeated in the past.

Over the millennia, the Reptilians have been kicked off of our planet. They come back during times of weakness, like after a cataclysm. Most recently, about 12,800 years ago, we had a huge cataclysm, which destroyed a civilization that you’re familiar with – Atlantis.

And this group was keeping the Reptilians in check at that time. And after they got flattened, the Reptilians came back in force and we have the mess we have now.

And apparently, they are playing a negative role – their group consciousness is.

When Tier Eir showed me our group consciousness, it was shown to me as a person that has extreme PTSD and is somewhat schizophrenic, you know, has been extremely traumatized.

And it turns out that our super consciousness has been in an abusive relationship with the super consciousness of this Reptilian group. And it’s like a cosmic domestic violence-type of situation, and we’re both supposed to be learning something through this process.

There are a number of groups that make up the Draco Federation – one of which is these insectoid beings. They have different types. You’ve all heard of ant-like beings, mantis-type beings, and they genetically modify their own genome and create these other types of insectoids that some people see that have like four arms.

They can design them to do whatever they want.

In the beginning, the ancient breakaway civilizations, they were kind of . . . you know, it was just a concept.

25 Breakaway Civilizations

I was reading about it on the smart-glass pads and, you know, I got the general information that they had been making contact with us for a long time. They had been helping us after cataclysms, and we considered them . . . a lot of people in the past considered them gods.

In this case, the Mayan Group, they are completely service-to-others. That is their mandate.

26 Completely Service To Others

Back when they were on Earth, they were not originally from here. They had been brought here from the Pleiades during a rough time in their star system.

Their population grew to over 40 million people.

They disappeared because their group came back to get them and remove them from the planet, but they did leave a contingent behind that had underground bases and also had bases in the Kuiper Belt.

So they’ve been here with us the whole time.

27 ET Contact An Acclimation Process

I mentioned a little bit about the acclimation process of ET contact.

28 ET Contact Cellular Memory

We have a genetic or cellular memory going way back from these beings. We’re socially programmed with a ‘fight or flight’ response – and genetically.

ETs are aware of this. Some of the negative ones will exploit us to get loosh from us and the negative ones will also appear to us as ‘beings of light’ to manipulate us.

That’s why . . . And I don’t want to discourage people from continuing to do their spiritual path and to reach out for guides, but we do have to be careful and use a lot of wisdom when you’re communicating, because these beings can present theirselves as angels of light and give you great information, but just poison the well as they do.

And it’s happened quite a bit and it confuses the people that are in real contact and it confuses the information, which is the goal. Just be careful when you’re reaching out.

When you’re fishing in the swamp, you can catch an alligator, and those aren’t the ones you want to catch.

29 Life On Mars

Well, we’ve all heard Mars is a dead planet, right? Well, it’s not an uninhabited planet.

30 Construction On Mars

This is a declassified film of Camp Century, a top secret Arctic base. It was from Project Iceworm. (YouTube: )

I’m showing this because not only have they been building bases in Antarctica like this since the ’50s, but this is very similar to how they bases on the Moon and Mars.

They would tunnel out the ground, clear out the ground area like this, and then use mostly local materials, fabricated materials, to build inside. And then they would use nuclear power in the beginning. Then they graduated to where they were using thorium generators, and then now they have zero-point energy. So they don’t have to have the more dangerous technologies.

I’ll let this play for a few minutes and chime in. This is . . . Some of you may have seen this on the Internet. It was released, I don’t know, I think a year or two ago.

Everything was prefabricated. Everything had been put together on Earth, designed to go together like a puzzle – a puzzle by numbers.

And I helped, actually, to build out an outpost on Mars. We used a lot of the local materials on the surface after they had built below ground. And it was very much like this [Camp Century].

It was much lower tech than you would expect.

31 ICC

The Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate. We talked about how they use slave labor.

They have been in continual trade with over 900 ET species. And believe it or not, non-terrestrials from other star systems are traveling here because they love the technology we build.

There are ETs coming to trade in their used cars for cars we build. But that’s not bizarre. I mean, that’s far ahead our Breakaway Civilization is.

Now, they don’t have money in the cosmos. It’s a barter system. They barter and trade technology and biological material. And I’ll kind of leave it at that. I don’t want to get too dark, but it involves the human slave trade with close to a million people a year.

The Inner Earth. It seems to be probably the most popular topic that I’ve talked about.

33 Inner Earth 2

A lot of you remember me talking about witnessing the city in the deep cavern. This is an animation that Rene created to help depict it. It’s very good.

The only difference was the cavern was the size of a state. There’s no way to really accurately depict on scale how large it was. It’s unbelievable. There’s mist up along the ceiling of the cave, cavern.

34 Inner Earth City 3

It was like New York, or Manhattan, under the ground.

Inside these pillars, natural pillars, they had built into what looked like a bunch of condos. I guess that’s where all the . . . They don’t have money. I was going to say that’s where all the rich people live. They don’t have money.

35 Inner Earth City 4

They’re a fourth-density being, and apparently they trace their lineage back to the Earth, and some of them, including the Anshar here, back 18 million years.

36 Anshar Library Books

Here’s a new image of the Anshar library.

37 Antarctica Beginning Of Disclosure

Antarctica: The Beginning of Partial Disclosure, which we want to avoid.

38 Anshar Egg Craft

Recently, I was brought down to the Anshar city. I was teleported, and found myself in an area I hadn’t been. It was a hangar bay that was full of these very large egg-shaped craft.

And waiting there for me was Gonzales, Ka’Aree and two of the very quiet Asian-looking groups that have the crystal under their skin on their forehead. They all have a crystal implanted under their forehead.

They are very tall, they are very quiet and they have a very strong presence. They don’t have to talk.

And I will continue with the experience after we got in the egg-shaped craft. They were obviously ready to go on some sort of an expedition. They were wearing suits that looked something like chain mail.

And when you put them on, they’re activated. The chain mail just kind of . . . the threads get tighter and tighter, and it looks like it’s all one piece – the boots. The helmet looked kind of like kind of like . . . what do people . . . the fencers, a fencing helmet. It’s not called a helmet, a mask.

39 Antarctica The Mission

In the 1938-39 Antarctica expedition, the Nazis discovered Atlantis and they kept it quiet.

They found what we are now calling Pre-Adamite ruins, and this is a group that I showed a picture of that looks like the Pharoahs. They have the very strange torsos. They have weird shaped, narrow ribs, real wide hips. They definitely don’t look like they’re from around here.

The originals were 12~14-foot tall, extremely thin – very skinny. And when they found these bodies, they said it was obvious that they had not developed naturally on this planet. They had developed on a planet with much different barometric pressure and gravity.

Since these ruins have been discovered, we’ve all seen on the news all the different bigwigs and the Cabal that have been going down and visiting Antarctica for many different reasons.

It’s basically turned into a Cabal Disneyland. What has been discovered is that they have discovered three massive ships that were used to crash land on our planet.

They jokingly call them the Nina, the Pinta and the Santa Maria, because [they] brought this group here to Earth.

We flew right through the wall, and then popped out in an ice cavern similar to where I had been taken before.

40 Egg Shaped Craft In Ice Cavern In Antarctica

41 Cabal Excavation

Where we landed, it was probably a football field away, they were hard at work excavating using pressurized steam to dig through the snow. and expose some of the structures.

42 Walking Toward Bodies

There were all types of bodies that were laying out from these Pre-Adamites and their genetic experiments. There was even one, it was a male about . . . close to five-foot tall or shorter, and he was in a fetal position, and he had a tail.

So this group, they were very big into genetic experiments and from what we found there it had gotten completely out of control.

The bodies were not . . . You know how you picture the caveman just frozen and you chip him out and reanimate him? They were in terribly shape. Their bodies were all contorted, arms wrapped around their bodies a few times like they had just been hit by something like a deluge of water which frozen instantly.

43 Gonzales Getting Samples

After we had gone inside the library, and the two . . . I don’t have a name for them right now, the two Asian-looking groups, they went in and immediately started removing . . . In the snowbank there was obviously a corner of a building sticking out.

And the suits we were wearing allowed us to walk right through the wall. And then we were inside this library that was full of all types of scrolls, bound books.

And they walked right to one tray, and they opened up a folding box and started loading it with these metal scrolls. And I saw one of the metal scrolls that had popped open and they had . . . looked like laser etching on them. They were strange looking characters.

I don’t know why they removed them, but they obviously did not want these Pre-Adamites getting access to this information.

The Pre-Adamites, when this deluge happened, everyone on the main continent – they were wiped out.

All of the enclaves across the planet survived. And all they had with them was the technology that they had brought with them and the knowledge to engineer. So they were in survival mode.

44 Mandela Effect

We’ve all heard about the Mandela Effect, right? Is everyone familiar with that?

45 Tier Eir Co Creation

The Mandela Effect is just one component of this Ascension that we’re looking forward to. Our co-creative consciousness is interacting with time-space and matter.

We are co-creating what we are experiencing. We have the power to co-create a positive-temporal reality or a negative one. It just depends on where we feel like we need to be as a collective.

Now, time is elastic, just like space is, and all of these paradoxes we’ve created by traveling back in time, we were trying to fix by going back . . . and we’re just making it worse.

Then all of a sudden, we started realizing, and then it was confirmed from a non-terrestrial race, that these timelines were snapping back together. So we didn’t need to try to fix it.

There is some sort of intelligent . . . There’s something intelligent about the way the universe was working. It baffles a lot of the scientists, but it doesn’t baffle this group.

46 Ascension

As I stated, Ascension is going to be a co-created experience. We are creating the Ascension and we are creating it in tandem with what is happening in our galaxy.

There are energetic changes going on that are undeniable and we have to either acclimate to them or they are going to tear us apart.

And that’s where . . . You know, we see the good are getting better. The bad are getting worse. And I’ve added to it: the crazy are getting crazier. They can’t handle the energies. No one can.

Now, just about everyone is expecting some sort of solar event. The information goes everything from complete 360° degree, full circumference, mass coronal ejection that they believe is going to happen.

And when that happens, the Sun will appear to go dark for a number of days before it pops back into equilibrium and comes back alive.

And in that moment, they expect there to be a moment of flashes, and a lot of this is feedback through the Cosmic Web from other star systems.

As the energies are hitting them, these cosmic energies that are causing all this change, it feeds back from star to star, and depending on where you are in the Cosmic Web, you’re going to have this Ascension event or event that helps us go through a massive genetic and consciousness change.

What Tier Eir has explained to me is that this density change that we’re going to experience, it is almost completely a consciousness component. It is a change in consciousness.

And once we have a different, broader consciousness, we realize our co-creative abilities and then matter changes – our bodies, the world around us changes, because we change it. [Applause]

[Linda Moulten Howe asked Corey a question, but it was inaudible. Here’s Corey’s answer.]

In different areas of the galaxy, in between . . . as we rotate around the galaxy, the Great Year, or cycle, [about 26,000 years], we’re . . . in certain open areas there are giant gas clouds, for the lack of a better word, that we’ve been aware of for a long time.

They were sending craft out gathering telemetry from these very hot gaseous clouds. And when they were taking a look at this energy that our Solar System is traveling through as we travel around the galaxy, they were noticing that the people were starting to behave bizarrely.

So they reproduced that energy in a controlled environment and they found out that negative people started to have sort of a breakdown. They couldn’t . . . They were having mental and emotional breakdowns. And people that were positively oriented were starting to bliss out.

They realized pretty quickly that as our Solar System passed through this cloud, that not only was this energy going to around the magnetosphere of our star and then feed in through both poles, then traveling to each of the planets where they have magnetic connections to, but that this energy feeds back throughout the entire Cosmic Web.

In our local stellar neighborhood, about 52 stars, we’re in the very center. And there is a supergate that is just outside of our Solar System that gives you access to not only everywhere in our galaxy but other galaxies.

So it’s used for travel and commerce by many different beings. So we’re in a very coveted area of this local stellar neighborhood.

(Inaudible question)

It’s a feedback from within the Cosmic Web, which I’d have to give more information. I’ve talked about it on Cosmic Disclosure about how there’s an electric connection between each star as they’re traveling . . . as it’s spinning around the galaxy.

It’s like electricity. They take the path of least resistance. That’s how stargates work. You’re traveling through the Cosmic Web.

Well, I guess that’s it. We would like people to subscribe to our YouTube channels and we really want people to play close attention to this project. We’re really excited about it.

As Roger said, I’ve been asked, “Why would you do Cosmic Disclosure, bring on all these guests, to legitimize the information, and then go the route of sci-fi?”

Tier Eir had basically told me that what we’re going here is a great job, but we’re preaching to the choir. We need to reach out to other genres and plant these seeds in their consciousness.

And if we do so, we can bump that 100th monkey effect up to a millionth monkey effect.

And we can use this medium to help to guide the co-creative consciousness in a more positive direction.

And from the beginning, Tier Eir told me it did not matter whether people believed me or not. He said it was of no consequence. It was of a consequence to me, because I was the one out there talking, but I finally realized that he was right.

It’s not about whether people believe me or not, it is about how they process and assimilate the information.

If the Blue Avian message can help us raise our consciousness, then we’re going to be ready for this energetic explosion from the Sun. [Applause]

Thank you. We’ve got a little bit of time. Does anyone want to do a Q&A? [Audience approves.]


Do we have another mic? Awesome. Raise your hand and Rene will . . . he’ll pick whoever he wants.

Question: I’m wondering about since the frequency has gone to 36Hz, the Schumann Resonance, it’s getting very fast. We’re going very fast through this process, and I’m wondering, what do you think? Do you think that the Ascension event will come before the Full Disclosure?

It’s possible because it just jumped from 2015 was 16Hz. Before that it was . . . all along they’d been measuring it at 7.8Hz.

Corey: Right. Right, yeah, and there has been . . . A lot of scientists will disagree that there’s been a change in the Schumann Resonance. They play with numbers a lot, just like they do with earthquakes.

But, yes, the frequency of our entire Solar System is changing and we have to have the ability to change along with it.

That’s why we’re seeing a lot of people having a lot of triggering and mental issues and emotional issues right now.

We’re being forced to deal with our karma and all the things . . . and you may notice . . . all the things that you’ve buried a long time ago. Have they started popping up out of the blue and you’re being forced to deal with them?

Well, there’s a reason for that. All of the emotion tied to those experiences, those emotions have density. They have . . . They’re tangible and they’re a part of you.

These energies, as they’re passing through us, when they hit those things we haven’t dealt with, those energetic anchors, they hold us back. We can’t progress until we start to deal with ourselves. We have to follow the message. You don’t have to change your religion, your belief system. All you have to do is to start trying to forgive others.

If you don’t forgive others, they have this same power over you now as they did when they traumatized you.

You have to forgive yourself for what you’ve done, and you have to focus daily on being more service-to-others, become more loving. And it really helps if you get on a high vibration diet, because that is going to help you deal with these energies in a more positive way. [Applause]

Question: Hi. I’m a little curious about the jobs that you had . . . were given when you entered this program. Could you elucidate? And also, why you were allowed to talk about this? No one’s stopping you.

Corey: Well, as it turns out, there is sort of a disclosure war going on. There are factions of the Air Force that have been working with like the NSA, DIA, and other military intelligence groups, and they have a space program that they have been promised is going to be made public very soon. And they are excited about it.

This is a program that I used to call the ‘lower secret space program’. It’s lower technology, and they are told that they are the top of the pyramid. There’s nothing above them and they believe it.

And if you tell them otherwise, they are ready to fight you.

Now, the Navy also has a much more advanced program. There’s a lot of competition between the Navy and the Air Force in space.

Right now, the Navy, a faction of the Navy, has wanted all of this to come out.

Are all of you familiar with William Tompkins? What he has been doing is sanctioned by a certain group within the Navy, Naval Intelligence. And that group is a part of the Alliance and a part of the group that had been encouraging me to bring information forth that was much more detailed and talked a lot more about what was really going on out there than even the people in these Air Force programs knew about.

Question: Corey, I came up with this question a year ago, but after today, I think I know your answer. Basically, are you optimistic about the eternal struggle between good and evil for the positive outcome? You can rephrase the question or just say ‘yes’ or ‘no’.

Corey: No, you’re right. There . . . We’re seeing it all around us. The energetic changes are causing the evil people to become more evil, which . . . they expose theirselves. They can’t control their behavior.

They expose theirselves and as we’re becoming . . . the good people are becoming more awake, we’re getting to the point that we’re not going to take it any more.

It’s time that we get out and start demanding answers, demanding the full truth. When they come out with these partial disclosures narratives, we need to be in their face and saying what about this, what about this, and make it impossible for them to draw out over 50 or 100 years this partial disclosure narrative that they’re planning on doing, which is they’re going to tell us, “We found Atlantis. It’s amazing!” And that’s going to blow everybody’s minds as it is.

A good portion of the planet thinks that the planet is only 7,000 years old, so it’s going to blow their paradigms immediately.

And then after that, they’re going to reveal this Air Force DIA, NSA program that they have that is barely more advanced than the ISS. They have two bases up that they made out of repurposed rocket stages as they were launching rockets into space, the lower programs.

They’re going to reveal this and they’re going to say, “Oh, by the way, not only do we have the Secret Space Program, but we’ve discovered these weird ruins on other planets.” That blows our minds again.

What they’ve been doing in Antarctica is since for the last almost 14 or 15 years they’ve had very prestigious professors, archaeologists coming down and helping them document it.

They’ve been videoing it, documenting it, documenting the whole process, except they’re going to give us a sanitized version to where it’s only human.

They’re removing . . . the one site where they’ve been filming, they’ve removed all the Pre-Adamites and the hybrids and just left the ancient humans that were working with this Pre-Adamite group.

And then later on they’re going to “discover” these ships and these Pre-Adamite beings.

And what these Cabal groups had planned on doing is then saying, “Oh, yeah, we knew about this the whole time. We’re related to them. We’re their bloodline. Therefore, you should worship us and make us your leaders of the planet.”

And we’re not going to let that happen.

I don’t see how it’s possible, but all of these groups have agreed that that is the narrative, that is what they’re going to push.

Question: Corey, I’d like to know what your knowledge is on the medical field of titanium and implants that are being put in people for mind control.

Corey: I haven’t heard that specifically, but they use all sorts of methods like that. They use vaccinations for viruses like the flu vaccine. I use to work at a company, a pharmaceutical company, that produces a large number of those vaccines.

I did computer support, and I was talking to the bioengineers, and I asked them, “Do you take these shots?” And they’re like, “Oh, no. I would never give my family these shots.”

And I asked, “Why?”

And they stated there were all kinds of things, genome, that “we put in those things that people don’t know about including insect genetics”.

Questioner: And mercury?

Corey: Yeah. But they’ve also been putting in nanites that are inactive. They are activated by a field that is turned on.

Question: Hi, Corey. My question is about the Ascension and it relates to The Law of One, which you’ve recently been reading. How does the density relate to the rest of us who haven’t read that and what we call “dimensional rising”? Is there a correlation between the two, or are they just two separate things?

Corey: Yeah, those terms get inter-exchanged quite a bit. [The way] Tier Eir and Ka’Aree have both explained densities to me is that each density is just a different consciousness frequency.

A lot of people think that, you know, if there’s a fourth or fifty-density being in the room, we’d be like [Corey moves his arm in front of him], you know, “Where are they?”

No. If you think about it, you have bacteria, plants, animals. You know, you’ve got first, second density beings that we can touch, we can interact with. Some of them can make us sick.

So it works the same way going up the rung, up the ladder. These beings are physical, but they’ve obtained such a higher level of consciousness above ours that they, at that point, they have almost full use of their co-creative consciousness in their abilities to manipulate matter and time and space. Therefore, they are able to teleport and do things that seem magical to us.

Question: Does that seem more to be the physical abilities, because when we raise in dimension, what I’ve heard about that is becoming more service-to-others and not having any of the lower dimensional polarities. Does that also come into play with this?

Corey: At a certain point. There are positive-negative duality within the densities going up, I believe, to the fifth. I’m still learning a lot of . . . You know, a lot of this stuff, we’re trying to figure things out. We’re all picking up pieces off the ground, little pieces, and then grinding them together into this lens that we use to process all information.

So that’s where distortions come in. All of us, all of us, have distortions.

And when we do get Full Disclosure, we’re all going to be in for a shock. We’re all going to have to shift our paradigm and our belief systems to the new reality.

Question: Since 2007, I’ve been keeping a dream journal. And in many of my dreams, I’ve experienced getting training, learning lessons, being checked out in craft, just learning how to use energy healing, how the universe works, and there’s always beings there – one or more beings, usually humanoid.

Usually, I don’t see them, but I know that they’re there. Never any Greys. Never any reptoids, usually humanoid beings that are providing these lessons, providing this training. Those examples are just a few.

So I wondered if there is anybody else, or you, have come across that, and are they doing that?

Corey: Yes, there is a large confederation of benevolent beings that are trying to influence us. I’ve been getting so many communications from people, I mean, doctors, lawyers, attorneys, that do not follow this field.

They have an experience where they see a Blue Sphere. They Google and they find my information and they contact me to start asking me questions.

What is happening is there are so many of you out there – I’d say just about every one of you sitting down here – you’re not from here. Most of you are not from here.

There are a lot of other people like us that have bought into the lie, and they forgot who they were.

These experiences are trying to remind them of why they’re here.

A lot of people think that Gonzales and I are the only ones in contact with the Blue Avians. There are thousands of people out there in contact with the Blue Avians. And they’ve all been given different missions.

Question: Hi, Corey, I have two quick questions. The first one is besides doing our work on our karma, and on the energy and the high vibration diet, is there anything that we can physically do to prepare for the Ascension and a shift in the energy, the cosmic energies?

And then the second question is, what can we do to help? Is there a way to donate money? Do you have a vehicle to which we can donate money to support what you’re doing and to support this whole process and what can we do. Let’s say this is the first time I’ve heard you speak or I know anything and I walked in. What can I do to help?

Corey: Yeah, I mean, I do take donations. I’m hopefully starting to get to a place where I will not need donations, but we are crowdfunding this campaign.

And our website did go live and if people want to donate, they can there.

And I’m sorry, what . . .

The preparation is almost entirely a spiritual shift that we need to undergo. Our bodies and spirit – mind and spirit – are so interconnected that on a physical level we do need to start being careful what we are putting in our bodies, what information we’re putting in our minds – there’s so much negative information or tainted information out there. It’s really hard right now.

Using discernment is very difficult. There is too much to discern.

So this is going to be more of a spiritual type of answer than a physical one.

Question: Hello. Our question is about . . . We have two questions. Can you talk more about the Alliance, like who are these beings? Are they humans? Are they hybrids? And are we all part of the Alliance because we’re here?

And is there a linear timeline of when we’re going to hit these clouds?

Corey: Okay, the second question first. We have been hitting the outskirts of these clouds since at least the 1930s if not the 1920s. So it’s been going on for a long time, but we’re heading to the thickest part of it.

I’m sorry, what was the other . . . ?

Questioner: The Alliance.

Corey: The Alliance! Yes. Anyone who is working to raise the vibration and to work for Full Disclosure – you’re the Alliance. [Applause] Yeah.

The biggest thing that they’ve been trying to impart on to me is that every single one of us. We have to stop looking for something to come from the sky and change everything.

Those of us that are going through this change that are awakened, we are the ones that we’ve been waiting for. We are the ones that are going to fix this and change this. No one is going to come in and do it for us.

We’ve helped contribute to the problem. We’re going to have to contribute to the solution. [Applause]

Question: Hi, Corey. What . . . I have two things. One thing is the world’s coming unglued right now. There’s a lot of media bashing of Putin and Trump and I know you guys have mentioned a couple of things. I don’t know if you want to share your viewpoint if there’s a lot of media lies or if it is a true exposure that’s going on.

And also when you’re talking about individuals being connected with, have you heard of any Blue Spheres being put around people, and if so, what would those actions be? What would be happening?

Corey: Typically, in my experience, if they’ve put a Blue Sphere around someone, they’re trying to shield them from something – or protect them from something.

Question: Have you been aware of that happening?

Corey: Yes.

Question: Okay, great.

Corey: It’s happened to me and the crew I was with on the Mars expedition.

Question: Okay, cool. And then anything you can comment, because a lot of people are coming unglued out there and it seems like . . . is the media like lying? Or is it really true exposure of these people?

Corey: There is so much propaganda from every side, every side, even the Alliance. There’s a lot of propaganda with them, and the current president – I don’t like to say Trump, because so many people get triggered, you know – the current president, even though he’s really perplexing me on what’s he’s doing on the environmental stuff and all that, he was and is backed by this Alliance that is trying to bring about disclosure and get rid of this syndicate that’s been running the West. [Applause]

Question: Hi, Corey. Have the Blue Avians or anyone told you exactly how many dimensions our universe has? And would it be eleven? I could be wrong, but our current quantum physics says it’s eleven dimensions and could that, if it in fact is eleven, is that why so many people see 11:11 around or some multiple of eleven?

Corey: That’s a good question, because I see it all the time too. It’s bizarre. And usually that is to me just a synchronicity. That means you’re on the right path.

Now, Tier Eir had told me that there is an infinite number of densities. I say “infinite” because everything is designed to return you to Source. And if we’re all One, we’re like fragments that are all trying to return back to Source and we have to go through these densities.

Now, dimensions, parallel dimensions, there are infinite parallel dimensions.

Question: Recently, Steven Greer went on record saying you’re a really nice guy, but . . .

Corey: . . . but . . . I’m brainwashed.

Question: . . . that the human trafficking that you talk about out there is a falsehood.

Corey: I wish it was.

Question: I wanted to see if you had a response to his claims.

Corey: Well, he’s had his briefings. I think a lot of his briefings have come from the Air Force faction. They believe what they’re telling him, and I don’t see why he would have a reason to doubt them.

The positive and negative aliens existing, that’s just a belief system. We all have them. Science is a belief system.

So I can’t fault him for having his own beliefs, because we all have our own beliefs and not everyone’s going to agree with me.

And, you know, there is some stuff that I’m sure I’ve gotten wrong that when we do get a disclosure event, you know, I will see that there is some things that . . . you know, I’m human, that the things that I observed on the glass pad, that was decades ago.

I really don’t have anything against him or any negative feelings towards him, because I know that he’s on his journey and doing the best he can just like each of us are. [Applause]

Question: Hi, Corey. I want to say, thank you, thank you, thank you for everything you’ve done, and for risking your life. [Applause and standing ovation]

Corey: You’re all going to be on my next blog.

Well, I think we’re getting close to the end here.

Question: (Inaudible)

Corey: By 2026. The question Linda [Moulton Howe] was why was Elon Musk to determined to get to Mars by 2026?

There is a time window, that they have . . . it’s between 2018 and 2024 that they’ve . . . These different syndicates groups have used probably future technologies, plain old classical physics on the mechanics of our Solar System when they were going to reach the most energetic part of this cloud.

And that’s when they’re expecting this [solar] flash and these events to occur . . . is in that time window.

A lot of the elites pumping money into finding a way to get off the planet and to put colonies on other planets for “continuity of species” in case something happens to the Earth.

And a lot of them believe that . . . They have different beliefs about what’s going to occur when this solar flash happens.

Some of them believe it’s just going to knock out electronics for a little while. It’s going to be like the Year 2000, the Y2K thing. It’s not going to be that big of a deal.

Others believe we’re going to get hit by giant mass coronal ejection and burn everything up.

The groups that believe that are seeding information to people that have the resources to go off planet to start to do a continuity of species program, which we’ve already had since the ’50s and ’60s.

We’ve already been creating vaults out in a place you ask me about that I said I couldn’t say a whole lot about at Contact in the Desert, . . . I was trying to be quiet here.

There are continuity of species vaults that they plan on using to repopulate the planet or also after they terraform Mars.

So Elon Musk, his agenda, I believe, is a good one. He’s wanting break free from the control system that wants to keep us out of space.

The same with Virgin Space. They’re trying to get out and not only set up a situation to where there would be continuity of species if an event happened on Earth, but they’re also wanting to start to take advantage of the vast minerals that are out there.

There are asteroids out there that are a good part precious metals and what we call ‘rare earth’ minerals that they can mine and use.

Legislation has already been passed for it to protect them legally if they . . . It’s sort of like if there were any human rights violations that happened or anything they won’t be held accountable on Earth for the things that will happen and that’s a law. That’s already been passed. That’s out there.

I can get information on name of the law, but Dr. Salla has reported on it extensively.

Okay, we’ll do one or two more.

Question: Okay. Thank you, again. I’d like you to elaborate a little bit if you could on the 20-and-back program, and the timelines that you saw there and compare them to what you’re seeing on your second twenty.

Corey: When you’re in a 20-and-back program, you’re completely isolated from everything that’s occurring on Earth. You’re isolated from television, radio. There wasn’t the Internet when we traveled back then, but they do not allow you access to any information that you could use to exploit once you’ve been returned to the regular timeline.

So I would not have seen anything, because I was completely removed from the Earth for that time period.

Question: (inaudible)

Corey: Back in the day, they used to use mainly a chemical-type of blank-slating. It was a chemical . . . They used chemicals and then hypnosis and program you with screen memories, which are the hardest things to shake loose.

3~5% of the people that they blank-slate, the memories come back. And these are usually the intuitive empaths or the highly sensitives.

What occurs is that you have this physical hard drive here [Corey points to his brain]. Well, what you are experiencing is not only stored right here, otherwise you wouldn’t have memories of past lives.

What occurs is that you have all this information up in the cloud, virtually. People that are intuitive empaths or highly sensitives, they have more of a connection to their higher self and it’s almost like if you have a hard drive die on you in a data center, or something happens and the information is removed from the hard drive, it just backs up or downloads from the cloud or the backup.

This is a process that happens in trickles and then it just hits you all at once.

Most of it hit me within two weeks of coming back. Then I had a lot of the screen memories like . . . Originally, my memory of when I was taken from my house to enter the program, was that I was teleported through some sort of stargate out of my room.

After all of the screen memories had been broken through, I remembered I got up, walked out of my house to the front, got in a white van, and they drove me to Carswell Air Force Base.

So they’re real . . . I mean, they’re brilliant in how they do this brainwashing and blank-slating and . . . They are diabolical.

Question: (Inaudible)

Corey: Yes, well, a lot of the people that have had these 20-and-back experiences . . . and a lot of scientists, they will do six years, or eight years. They’ll come back and they’ve been . . . Not only have they been blank-slated, but they’ve been given screen memories that causes them to have a reaction and then be the biggest skeptics of all . . . that “Oh, nah, that’s just crazy talk”, when they were up there serving .

It’s different with each person how . . . They can’t use the same type of blank-slating and mind control with each person too. They have to have a personality profile and understand how the person . . . It’s a huge process and it’s a very involved process.

It’s not just a matter of them giving you a shot, giving you a false memory and then patting you on the butt and saying go on your way. It’s a huge process.

One more.

Question: Hi, Corey. I’m right here. My question, I hope it’s not too silly, and it might have been answered already, but it’s pretty simple. It’s concerning what we’re going through right now and all the protesting that’s happening all over the country.

To me I’ve been having mixed feelings, especially my generation’s been like a generation where they want to stand up and they want to be heard, yet I feel that the tactics of protesting might not be the best in my . . . from my perception.

Corey: Right.

Questioner: My question to you is what are the Blue Avians . . . what would be your advice to this uprising or protests against something that we know kind of has to happen and what not.

Corey: Well, I do believe that there need to be protests, but I do know for a fact that the control structure right now is to divide and conquer. And they know that the gig is up. They want us to be at each other’s throats, because imagine all of that passion being directed at the control structure and how quickly they would . . . I mean, it would be over.

They cannot allow that to happen.

So if we can redirect this passion, it would be a good thing. [Applause]

Thank you. Thank you.

Former Pentagon official calls for big UFO reveal after secret investigation

Source: Wtop


NORTHERN VIRGINIA — If evidence proving that extraterrestrials visited Earth has been squirreled away behind locked doors in Nevada, a former Pentagon official is calling for a big reveal.

“Show it to the National Academy of Sciences. Don’t hide it. Show it! We’ve been waiting for it! We’ve been waiting for it forever,” retired Air Force Col. David Shea said, raising his voice. “But so far, that hasn’t happened, and I don’t know why.”

Shea, 80, was the Air Force’s press spokesman on UFOs at the Pentagon from 1967 to 1971. He considers himself an “agnostic” when it comes to whether some unidentified flying objects are ships piloted by intelligent beings from faraway worlds.

“I would believe if I saw some evidence that showed we were visited by alien spacecraft, but there hasn’t been evidence to my mind of such,” he said in an interview at his Northern Virginia home.

In 1969, Shea wrote the news release that announced the end of Project Blue Book, an Air Force investigation of more than 12,000 UFO reports.

It concluded that there was no threat to national security, no sign of advanced technology and no evidence that UFOs are extraterrestrial.

And with that, it appeared to the public that the government had washed its hands of UFOs.

But in December, almost 50 years after Project Blue Book ended, came explosive news.

The New York Times reported that Bigelow Aerospace had been storing material recovered from “unidentified aerial phenomena” in its buildings in Las Vegas as part of a secret Pentagon UFO investigation project called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP).

Shea was not surprised by news of the project’s existence, but he thinks if more people were aware of the government’s history with UFOs, they would better understand why, in his opinion, the government should not get involved again.

“The UFOs never seem to go away,” he said.

Government investigations and scientific studies

What is considered the modern UFO era began as Americans’ Cold War fears of the Soviet Union were heating up.

In 1947, a veteran pilot flying near Mt. Rainier in Washington reported seeing nine strange objects flying in formation at incredible speeds.

The sighting made national news, and the same year, the Air Force (still the Army Air Forces at the time) began investigating — with intelligence officers in charge — reports of UFOs.

“They really weren’t sure what was going on. But by the end of ’49 they quickly became convinced that there was no threat, and there was no visitation, there was no advanced technology, and that was a good time to get out of the business, but they didn’t,” Shea said.

The work went on under several code names including “Project Sign,” “Project Grudge” and “Project Blue Book.”

Scientists were asked to evaluate if the work should continue, first by the CIA in 1952 and then by the Air Force in 1966.

The latter study was led by physicist Edward Condon of the University of Colorado. “He concluded that the continuation of Project Blue Book is of dubious value,” said Shea.

In all, Project Blue Book examined 12,618 sightings reported between 1952 and 1969. Over 5 percent of those sightings — 701 — remain unidentified. “Does that mean they were spacecraft from another civilization? No, not necessarily. It just means there was not enough data to verify what they were. So that’s the problem,” Shea said.

Interestingly, “Project Blue Book” is the name of a new drama series that will begin airing this winter on the History Channel.

“It would appear that it will be more fiction than fact,” Shea said after reviewing promotional materials.

The History Channel describes the series as “based on the true, top-secret investigations into Unidentified Flying Objects (UFOs) and related phenomena conducted by the United States Air Force.” It also says a central figure in the series, Dr. J. Allen Hynek, “is recruited by the U.S. Air Force to spearhead a clandestine operation called Project Blue Book.”

Shea said that Project Blue Book investigations were never top secret, and that in real life, Hynek was hired by the Air Force as a special consultant on UFOs, not to “spearhead” Project Blue Book.

Missteps and misunderstandings

Shea is a public relations pro who spent 29 years with the Air Force and another 20-plus years working for Hughes Aircraft and, later, Raytheon. To complete his master’s degree in mass communication from the University of Denver in 1972, he wrote his thesis about how, from a PR perspective, the Air Force handled reports of unidentified flying objects.

“The story of the Air Force and UFOs is essentially a tale of a credibility gap wider than the Grand Canyon,” Shea wrote. “During its more-than-20-year history of investigating flying saucers, the Air Force has been accused of almost every conceivable sin, and had been guilty of most.”

In the 1940s and ’50s, UFO sightings that got press attention would prompt a quick explanation from the Air Force. “In those early days, any explanation of a sensational case seemed preferable to the Air Force than simply saying, ‘We don’t know at this point, the case is still under investigation,’” wrote Shea.

And because Air Force intelligence was kept in charge of the investigations, Shea said, there was unnecessary secrecy. “You know the intelligence people won’t tell their mother anything. They keep things close to the vest,” he said.

Of course, the Air Force’s actions led to questions and skepticism.

“What was initially an intelligence matter quickly evolved into a PR problem of the greatest magnitude,” Shea wrote. “The Air Force, ignoring public opinion on the subject, failed to communicate its conviction that UFOs were no cause for alarm and consequently was unable to convince the American public that what it was saying about UFOs was true. As a result the Air Force’s integrity and credibility as a fighting force was seriously questioned.”

Asked if, to his knowledge, the government covered up evidence of alien visitation in the past, Shea answered: “Absolutely not. It would be impossible to do so in our environment of leakers and whistleblowers.”

In its defense, Shea points out that the Air Force was placed in the impossible position of trying to prove that aliens are not whizzing around above Earth. “You can’t prove that something doesn’t exist. Why doesn’t the other guy prove that it does exist?” he said.

He also thinks the Air Force has been misunderstood. “The Air Force has never said that UFOs aren’t spacecraft from another civilization. What the Air Force has said is that there’s no convincing evidence that they present a threat, or they advance scientific knowledge, or that they are alien spacecraft. Convincing evidence is the key, and that’s what we don’t have,” said Shea.

What evidence would convince him that extraterrestrials have visited this planet?

“It would be great if an alien were to knock on the door of 1600 Pennsylvania Ave., but I don’t expect that to happen,” Shea said. “I would be convinced of extraterrestrial visitation should someone or some organization present to the National Academy of Sciences an ET piece of hardware that the NAS declares not of earthly origin.”

Should investigations continue?

Despite what he called “exhaustive” investigations and studies of UFOs, Shea said, the government has come up with nothing. “No eureka moment. No threat. No advanced technology. No alien spacecraft,” he said.

According to the Department of Defense, AATIP ended in 2012, but journalist Leslie Kean reports there’s evidence that the program is continuing without federal funding.

Shea doesn’t think that’s a good idea. “Why would the government want to do that again?” He asked. “We’ve been there, done that.”

Some argue that UFOs determined by Project Blue Book to be unexplained should be reinvestigated. “I submit it wouldn’t reveal anything new. There’s not enough data there to analyze and determine causes,” said Shea.

Regarding videos of UFOs apparently taken from military planes and reportedly studied as part of AATIP, Shea said: “What did they see? Who knows what they saw? Am I impugning their integrity? No. Not at all. They saw something, but we don’t know what it is, and we don’t have the evidence to suggest what it may be. So again, it comes back to the word ‘evidence.’”

Just because a military pilot spots or chases a UFO doesn’t mean the unidentified object should be considered a threat to national security, said Shea. “I would say we would be concerned if they were fired upon. We would be concerned if they started bombing our bases. None of that has happened, so whatever they’re seeing doesn’t seem to be hostile in nature. Not to worry, is what I would say.”

To The Stars Academy of Arts & Science — a public benefit corporation co-founded by musician Tom DeLonge and launched last year — is pursuing its own UFO research. It includes several former government higher-ups and is accepting money from investors.

“More power to them, I think they’re on a wild ghost chase. But I think we need to have some interest in that,” said Shea. “If they come up with something that the government hasn’t, great.”

Asked if he’s ever seen a UFO, Shea said no.

“You’d think with all my interest or experience in this, a friendly visitor would come visit me. Hasn’t happened,” Shea said, laughing.

Video produced by Ginger Whitaker.

An Alien Message To Mankind: “Do You Wish That We Show Up?”

Source: Collective Evolution


  • The Facts:An alleged message has come through from an ET being to humanity via a man named ‘Eric’. It has a number of powerful reflection points to consider regarding our role as humans.
  • Reflect On:Are we alone in the universe? How would you react if you knew for certain we were not? When it comes to ET beings, we have yet to have them come down en masse because mass consciousness is not ready. How are you making yourself ready for this?

We’re about to dive into a ‘transmission’ or ‘channeled’ message that allegedly came into a man by the name of Jean Ederman aka Eric Julien. Jean had been practicing projecting his mind when he came in contact with what he called benevolent ET beings, this is when he received the message. Note: we will refer to him as Eric from here on out.

Before we get into the message, it’s important to dive into a background about Eric, attempt to determine who he really is and whether or not his background can be considered credible. Either way even as we move through this information, we strongly suggest you use your own intuition on this to explore. Blind denial doesn’t do us good in the same way blind acceptance doesn’t.

A few quick things to get out of the way right away: the reality of remote viewing, astral projection, channeling, and the existence of ET’s. There is a ton of credible evidence exploring these topics at a black budget and military level. These abilities are used and millions have been spent exploring them within the US military. You can learn more about CIA remote viewing programs here, the military use and study of psychic abilities here, and more about ET’s and the documents to prove the reality of them in a groundbreaking film here.

With those resources laid out to help open up to the reality of how all of this is possible, we can continue with an open mind. I find it important to lay out those resources before hand because quite simply, most people do not realize that all of these “abilities” or “pseudoscientific frauds” are actually very well studied, documented and real. In fact, it’s likely your tax dollar paid for the extensive study and training of these very abilities.

Eric’s Story

Eric claims to have been a military jet pilot, air traffic controller and airport manager, and holds a masters in economics. He states that since the age of 6, he has been having experiences with ET’s and UFO’s.

Eric has published a book called The Science of Extraterrestrials in 2006. That work was reviewed by a number of ET and UFO researchers and it obtained high regard. As a pilot in the military, he claimed to have had contact with extraterrestrial technology, including piloting an ET craft.

A prominent UFO researcher named Michael Salla had this to say about Eric’s book and work, “A number of prominent French researchers/scientists have reviewed his book and thought very highly of it, and concluded that it is not a plagiarized work which was one of the initial criticisms leveled against him. I have read one of these critiques and it is clear that the author who was initially very skeptical was impressed by Eric’s work.”

Over time, Eric has gone on to speak at a number of ET and UFO conferences and has shared interesting accounts he claims to have been involved in regarding ET’s and ET technology.

The Style of The Message

There are a few key notes to look at when exploring the channeled message below. The style of the message is deliberate and with purpose. It is not ‘dictative’  or condescending . This is typically seen when people are attempting to inform as opposed to pushing beliefs onto others. The choices for how humanity deals with the challenges it currently faces is left as a choice for humanity, as opposed to a dictation of precisely what to do. This is in alignment with many other messages that allow for the spiritual growth and evolution of a species to take responsibility for where they are and empower themselves to make a change, as opposed to waiting for someone to save them. This is an important note.

The overall text is coherent and intelligent, drawing on a number of difficult challenges humanity faces and does not seem to contain any self bolstering or ego gratification tactics that other messages often contain.

Related CE Video: Why Humanity Is So Obsessed With ET/Alien Contact

The Message

On a final summation of the above, regardless of whether Eric’s story is a fact or not, the message below still provides great value to us. I say this because we cannot know for certain whether or not he did channel this message, but we have the control and power to take value from the message.

I wanted to pull out some key pieces to this that I thought were meaningful to provide value and things to reflect on when we read this. A channeled message is only valuable when we decide what to do with the information and act upon it from within.

“We are not mere observations; we are consciousnesses just like you. Our existence is a reality, but the majority of you do not perceive it yet because we remain invisible to your senses and instruments most of the time.”

“We wish to fill this void at this moment in your history. We made this collective decision on our side, but this is not enough — we need yours as well.” (They are saying here that humanity must be open and asking for ET communication if we want it.)

“A great roller wave is on the horizon. It entails very positive but also very negative potentials. At this time wonderful opportunities of progress stand side by side with threats of destruction.” (referring to the shift in consciousness taking place that we touch on A LOT. Watch our documentary about it here.)

“We are sad to see men, women and children suffering to such a degree in their flesh and in their hearts when they bear such an inner light. This light can be your future.”

“Our relationships could develop in stages. Several stages of several years or decades would occur: demonstrative appearance of our ships, physical appearance beside human beings, collaboration in your technical and spiritual evolution, discovery of parts of the galaxy.”

There are plenty of memorable moments in the text below, but those are a start. Read on and enjoy!

Eric writes: “… after having learned how to mentally project myself to a place in the presence of benevolent extraterrestrials, I received the following message…”

[This channeling was translated from French into English by Dan Drasin, a Marin-based film-maker and researcher].

Begin Message:

Each one of you wishes to exercise your free will and experience happiness. Your free will depends upon the knowledge you have of your own power. Your happiness depends upon the love that you give and receive.

Like all conscious races at this stage of progress, you may feel isolated on your planet. This impression gives you a certain view of your destiny. Yet you are at the brink of big upheavals that only a minority is aware of.

It is not our responsibility to modify your future without your choosing it. So consider this message as a worldwide referendum, and your answer as a ballot.

Neither your scientists nor your religious representatives speak knowledgeably about certain unexplained aerial and celestial events that mankind has witnessed for thousands of years.

To know the truth, one must face it without the filter of one’s beliefs or dogmas, however respectable
they may be.

A growing number of anonymous researchers of yours are exploring new paths of knowledge and are getting very close to reality. Today, your civilization is flooded with an ocean of information of which only a tiny part, the less upsetting one, is notably distributed.

Bear in mind that what in your history seemed ridiculous or improbable has often become possible, then realized — in particular in the last fifty years.

Be aware that the future will be even more surprising. You will discover the worst as well as the best.

Many of those who study our appearances point to lights in the night, but without lighting the way. Often they think in terms of objects when it is all about conscious beings.

Who are we?

Like billions of others in this galaxy, we are conscious creatures that some call “extraterrestrials,” even though the reality is subtler. There is no fundamental difference between you and us, save for having experienced certain stages of evolution.

As with any other organized society, a hierarchy exists in our internal relationships. Ours, however, is based upon the wisdom of several races. It is with the approval of this hierarchy that we turn to you.

Like most of you, we are in quest of the Supreme “Being” or “State of Being.”

Therefore we are not gods or lesser gods but virtually your equals in the Cosmic Brotherhood. Physically we are somewhat different from you but most of us are humanoid-shaped.

We are not mere observations; we are consciousnesses just like you. Our existence is a reality, but the majority of you do not perceive it yet because we remain invisible to your senses and instruments most of the time.

We wish to fill this void at this moment in your history. We made this collective decision on our side, but this is not enough — we need yours as well.

Through this message you can become the decision-makers. You, personally. We have no human representative on Earth who could guide your decision.

Why aren’t we visible?

At certain stages of evolution, cosmic “humanities” discover certain scientific principles regarding matter. Structured dematerialization and materialization are among them.

Your humanity has achieved this in a few laboratories, in close collaboration with other extraterrestrial creatures — at the cost of hazardous compromises that remain purposely hidden from you by some of your representatives.

In addition to the aerial or space-based objects or phenomena known to your scientific community as physical “UFOs,” there are essentially multidimensional manufactured spaceships that possess these expanded capacities.

Many human beings have been in visual, auditory, tactile or psychic contact with such ships — some of which, it should be noted with caution, are under the influence of hidden powers that govern you, which we often term “the third party.”

The relative scarcity of your observations is due to the dematerialized state of these ships. Being unable to perceive them yourselves, you cannot acknowledge their existence. We fully understand this.

When most observations do occur, they are arranged on an individual basis so as to touch the individual soul and not to influence or intrude on any organized social system.

This is deliberate on the part of the various races that surround you, but for a variety of reasons and results. For negative multidimensional beings that play a part in the exercise of power in the shadow of human oligarchy, discretion is motivated by their desire to keep their existence unknown.

For us, discretion has been motivated by the respect of the human free will that people can exercise to manage their own affairs so that they can reach technical and spiritual maturity on their own.

However, humankind’s entrance into the family of galactic civilizations is greatly expected.

We can appear in broad daylight to help you attain this union, but we have not done it so far, as too few of you have genuinely desired it because of ignorance, indifference or fear, and because the urgency of the situation did not justify it.

Who are you?

You are the offspring of many traditions that throughout time have been mutually enriched by each others’ contributions.

Your goal is to unite, while respecting these diverse roots, to accomplish a common purpose, a united project. The appearances of your cultures help keep you separated because you give them far greater importance than you give your deeper beings.

Shape, or form, has been deemed more important than the essence of your subtle nature. For the powers in control, this emphasis on differences of form constitutes a bulwark against any form of positive change.

Now you are being called on to overcome the identification with form while still respecting it for its richness and beauty. Understanding the consciousness behind form allows us to love all humans in their diversity.

Peace does not mean simply not making war; it consists in becoming what you, collectively, are in reality: a fraternity.

The solutions available to achieve this are decreasing, but one that could still catalyze it would be open contact with another race that would reflect the image of what you are in a deeper reality.

Except for rare occasions, our past interventions intentionally had very little influence on your capacity to make collective and individual decisions about your own future.

This was motivated by our knowledge of your deep psychological mechanisms. We reached the conclusion that freedom is built every day as a being becomes aware of himself and of his environment, getting progressively rid of constraints and inertias, whatever they may be.

However, despite the actions of numerous brave and willing human souls, those inertias have been successfully maintained for the benefit of a growing, centralized power.

What is your situation?

Until recently, mankind lived in satisfactory control of its decisions. But it is losing more and more the control of its own fate, partly because of the growing use of advanced technologies that affect your body as well as your mind and will eventually have irreversibly lethal consequences for earthly and human ecosystems.

Independently of your own will, your resilience will artificially decrease and you will slowly but surely lose your extraordinary capacity to make life desirable. Such plans are on their way.

Should a collective reaction of great magnitude not happen, this individual power is doomed to vanish. The period to come shall be one of rupture.

This break, however, can be a positive break with the past as long as you keep this creative power alive in you, even if it cohabits, for the time being, with the dark intentions of your potential lords.

What now? Should you wait for the last moment to find solutions? Should you anticipate or undergo pain?

Your history has never ceased to be marked by encounters between peoples whose discovery of one another occurred in circumstances of conflict and conquest.

Earth has now become a village where everyone knows everyone else, but still conflicts persist and threats of all kinds get worse in intensity and duration.

Individuals who have many potential capacities cannot exercise them with dignity. This is the case for the greatest majority of you, for reasons that are essentially geopolitical.

There are several billion of you, but the education of your children and your living conditions, as well as the conditions of numerous animals and much plant life are under the thumb of a small number of your political, financial, military and religious representatives.

Your thoughts and beliefs are modeled after partisan interests while at the same time giving you the feeling that you are in total control of your destiny — which in essence is the reality, but there is a long way between a wish and a fact when the true rules of the game at hand are kept hidden.

This time, you are not the conqueror. Spreading biased information is an effective strategy for manipulating human beings. Inducing thoughts and emotions, or even creating organisms, that do not belong to you is an even older strategy.

A great roller wave is on the horizon. It entails very positive but also very negative potentials. At this time wonderful opportunities of progress stand side by side with threats of destruction.

However, you can only perceive what is being shown to you. The diminishing of many natural resources is inevitable and no long-term collective remediation project has been launched. Ecosystem exhaustion mechanisms have exceeded irreversible limits.

The scarcity of resources whose entry price will rise day after day — and their unfair distribution — will bring about fratricidal fights on a large scale, from the hearts of your cities to your countrysides.

This is the reason why, more than ever in your history, your decisions of today will directly and significantly impact your survival tomorrow.

Hatred grows… but so does love. That is what keeps you confident in your ability to find solutions.

However, human behaviors, formed from past habits and trainings, have great inertia that leads to a dead end. The critical mass has not been reached, while the work of sabotage is being carried out cleverly and efficiently.

You entrust your problems to representatives whose awareness of common well being inexorably fades away before corporatist interests.

These putative servants of the people are far more often debating the form than the content. Just at the moment of action, delays accumulate to the point when you have to submit rather than choose.

This inertia is in many ways typical of any civilization. What event could radically modify it? Where could a collective and unifying awareness come from that will stop this blind rushing ahead?

Tribes, populations and human nations have always encountered and interacted with one another. Faced with the threats weighing upon the human family, it is perhaps time that a greater interaction occurred.

There are two ways to establish a cosmic contact with another civilization: via its standing representatives or directly with ordinary individuals.

The first way entails fights of interests, the second way brings awareness. The first way was chosen by a group of races motivated by keeping mankind in slavery, thereby controlling Earth’s resources, its gene pool, and the mass of human emotional energy.

The second way was chosen by a group of races allied with the cause of the Spirit of Service. Some years ago we did introduce ourselves to representatives of the human power structure, but they refused our outstretched hand on the basis of interests that were incompatible with their strategic vision.

That is why today individuals are to make this choice by themselves without any representatives interfering. What we proposed in the past to those whom we believed were in a capacity to contribute to your happiness, we propose now — to you.

Few of you are aware that non-human creatures have been involved in the centralizing of power in your world, and in the subtle taking of control. These creatures do not necessarily stand on your material plane, which is precisely what could make them extremely efficient and frightening in the near future.

However, also be aware that quite a few of your representatives are in fact fighting this danger, that not all alien abductions are conducted to your detriment, and that resistance also exists amongst those dominance-oriented races.

Peace and reunification of your peoples would be a first step toward harmony with civilizations other than yours. That is precisely what those who manipulate you behind the scenes want to avoid at all cost because, by dividing, they reign.

They also reign over those who more visibly govern you. Their strength comes from their capacity to instill mistrust and fear. This considerably harms your very cosmic nature.

This message would be of no interest if these manipulators’ influence were not reaching its peak and if their misleading and murderous plans did not materialize within a few years from now.

Their deadlines are close and mankind will undergo unprecedented difficulties for the next ten cycles [years?]. To defend yourselves against this aggression that bears no face, you need at least to have enough information that points to the solution.

Here again, appearance and body type will not be enough to tell the dominator from the ally.

At your current state of psychic development it is extremely difficult for you to distinguish between them. In addition to your intuition, training will be necessary when the time has come. Being aware of the priceless value of free will, we are inviting you to an alternative.

What can we offer?

We can offer you a more holistic vision of the universe and of life, constructive interactions, the experience of fair and fraternal relationships, liberating technical knowledge, eradication of suffering, controlled exercise of individual powers, access to new forms of energy and, finally, a better comprehension of consciousness.

We cannot help you overcome your individual and collective fears, or bring you laws that you would not have chosen. You must also work on your own selves, apply individual and collective efforts to build the world you desire, and manifest the spirit to quest for new skies.

What would we receive?

Should you decide that such a contact take place, we would rejoice over the safeguarding of fraternal equilibrium in this region of the universe, fruitful diplomatic exchanges, and the intense Joy of knowing that you are united to accomplish what you are capable of.

The feeling of Joy is strongly sought in the universe, for its energy is divine. What is the question we ask you?


How can you answer this question? The truth of soul can be read telepathically, so you only need to clearly ask yourself this question and give your answer as clearly, on your own or in a group, as you wish.

Being in the heart of a city or in the middle of a desert does not impact the efficiency of your answer. YES or NO.

Just do it as if you were speaking to yourself but thinking about the message. This is a universal question, and these mere few words, put in their context, have a powerful meaning.
This is why you should calmly think about it, in all conscience. In order to perfectly associate your answer with the question, it is recommended that you answer after another careful reading of this message.

Do not rush to answer. Breathe and let all the power of your own free will penetrate you. Be proud of what you are! Then do not let hesitation get in the way.

The everyday problems that you may have can weaken you. To be yourselves, forget about them for a few minutes. Feel the force that springs up in you. You are in control of yourselves!

A single thought, a single answer can drastically change your near future, in one way as in another. Your individual decision of asking in your inner self that we show up on your material plane and in broad daylight is precious and essential to us.

Even though you can choose the way that best suits you, rituals per se are essentially useless. A sincere request made with your heart and your own will, will always be perceived by those of us to whom it is sent. In your own private polling booth of your secret will, you will determine the future.

What is the lever effect?

This decision should be made by the greatest possible number among you, even though it might seem like a minority.

It is recommended to spread this message, in all envisageable fashions, in as many languages as possible, to those around you, whether or not they seem receptive to this new vision of the future. Do it using a humorous tone or derision if that can help you.

You can even openly and publicly make fun of it if it makes you feel more comfortable, but do not be indifferent, for at least you will have exercised your free will. Forget about the false prophets and the beliefs that have been transmitted to you about us.

This request is one of the most intimate that can be asked to you. Making a decision by yourself, as an individual, is your right as well as your responsibility. Passivity only leads to the absence of freedom.

Similarly, indecision is never efficient. If you really want to cling to your beliefs, which is something that we understand, then forcefully say NO.

If you do not know what to choose, do not say YES because of mere curiosity. This is not a show, this is real daily life. We exist. We are alive.

Your history has had plenty of episodes when determined men and women were able to influence the thread of events despite their small number.

Just as a small number is enough to take temporal power on Earth and influence the future of the majority, a small number of you can radically change your fate as an answer to the impotence in face of so much inertia and so many hurdles. You can ease mankind’s birth to Brotherhood.

One of your thinkers once said:

“Give me a hand-hold and I’ll raise the Earth.”
Spreading this message will then be the strengthening of the hand-hold. We will be the light-years long lever and you will be the craftsmen to “raise the Earth” as a consequence of our appearance.

What would be the consequences of a positive decision?

For us, the immediate consequence of a collective favorable decision would be the materialization of many ships, in your sky and on Earth.

For you, the direct effect would be the rapid abandoning of many certitudes and beliefs. A simple conclusive visual contact would have huge repercussions for your future.

Much knowledge would be modified forever. The organization of your societies would be deeply upheaved forever, in all fields of activity.

Power would become individual because you would see for yourself that we exist as living beings, not accepting or rejecting that fact on the word of any external authority. Concretely, you would change the scale of your values.

The most important thing for us is that humankind would form a single family before this “unknown” we would represent!

Danger would slowly melt away from your homes because you would indirectly force the undesirable ones, those we name the “third party,” to show up and vanish. You would all bear the same name and share the same roots: Mankind.

Later on, peaceful and respectful exchanges would be thus possible if such is your wish. For now, he who is hungry cannot smile, he who is fearful cannot welcome us.

We are sad to see men, women and children suffering to such a degree in their flesh and in their hearts when they bear such an inner light. This light can be your future.

Our relationships could develop in stages. Several stages of several years or decades would occur: demonstrative appearance of our ships, physical appearance beside human beings, collaboration in your technical and spiritual evolution, discovery of parts of the galaxy.

At every stage new choices would be offered to you. You would then decide by yourself to enter new stages if you think it necessary to your external and inner well-being. No interference would be decided upon unilaterally. We would leave as soon as you would collectively wish that we do.

Depending upon the speed to spread the message across the world, several weeks, or even several months will be necessary before our “great appearance,” if such is the decision made by the majority of those who will have used their capacity to choose, and if this message receives the necessary support.

The main difference between your daily prayers to entities of a strictly spiritual nature and your current decision is extremely simple: we are technically equipped to materialize.

Why such a historical dilemma?

We know that “foreigners” are considered as enemies as long as they embody the “unknown.” In a first stage, the emotion that our appearance will generate will strengthen your relationships on a worldwide scale.

How could you know whether our arrival is the consequence of your collective choice? For the simple reason that we would have otherwise shown up long ago at your level of existence. If we are not there yet, it is because you have not made such a decision explicitly.

Some among you might think that we would make you believe in a deliberate choice of yours so as to justify our arrival, though this would not be true. If that were the case, what interest would we have in openly giving you access to these opportunities for the benefit of the greatest number of you?

How could you be certain that this is not yet another subtle maneuver of the “third party” to better enslave you? Because one always more efficiently fights something that is identified than what is kept hidden.

Isn’t the terrorism that corrodes you a blatant example? Whatever, you are the sole judge in your own heart and soul. Whatever your choice, it would be respectable and respected.

In the absence of human representatives who could potentially seduce into error you ignore everything about us as well as from about those who manipulate you without your consent.

[There seems to be some text missing in the translation here.]

In your current situation, the precautionary principle that consists in not trying to discover us no longer prevails. You are already in the Pandora’s box that the “third party” has created around you. Whatever your decision may be, you will have to get out of it.

In the face of such a dilemma, one ignorance against another, you need to ask your intuition. Do you want to see us with your own eyes, or simply believe what your “authorities” say? That is the real question! After thousands of years, one day this choice was going to be inevitable: choosing between two unknowns.

Why spread such a message among yourselves?

Translate and spread this message widely. This action will affect your future in an irreversible and historical way at the scale of millennia. Otherwise, it will postpone a new opportunity to choose until several years later — at least one generation, if that generation can survive.

Not choosing stands for undergoing other people’s choice. Not informing others stands for running the risk of obtaining a result that is contrary to one’s expectations. Remaining indifferent means giving up one’s free will.

It is all about your future. It is all about your evolution. It is possible that this invitation will not receive your collective assent and will be disregarded. Nevertheless no individual desire goes unheeded in the universe.

Imagine our arrival tomorrow. Thousands of ships. A unique cultural shock in today’s mankind’s history. It will then be too late to regret not making a choice and spreading the message because this discovery will be irreversible.

We do insist that you do not rush into it, but do think about it… And decide. The big media will not necessarily be interested in spreading this message. It is therefore your task, as an anonymous yet an extraordinary thinking and loving being, to transmit it.

You are still the architects of your own fate…


End Message

Remember, use your intuition to connect and feel out this message and what it means for you. I will end with, blind acceptance is just as unhelpful as blind skepticism.

in 2012 we put out a film called The Collective Evolution 3: The Shift for free. It explores why we are living in the most important time in our history. You can watch that film here.

Free Franco DeNicola Screening: The Shift In Consciousness

We interviewed Franco DeNicola about what is happening with the shift in consciousness. It turned out to be one of the deepest and most important information we pulled out within an interview.

We explored why things are moving a little more slowly with the shift at times, what is stopping certain solutions from coming forward and the important role we all play.

Watch the interview here.

Arachnid Chimera Group Disclosed in TV and Movies?

By Jonathan Carty

Since I have my laptop back I will be able to compile the several possible references to the Chimera Group who we have just learned are Arachnid beings incarnated into humanoid bodies. After Cobra revealed this just recently my mind went back to several shows and movies where a spider or something similar to a spider was depicted as being the very top of the control structure, which is the case for this planet.


“…Now it can already be revealed that the Chimera are actually insectoid (arachnid) beings incarnated into humanoid bodies…”

Let us also recall QAnon sharing an update guiding people to ‘Follow the Spiders’:

The first thing I remembered was the movie Monsters Inc. This is a Pixar film which follows a couple of ‘lovable’ multi-dimensional (they open portals to children’s bedrooms) monsters who work in a factory whose purpose is to scare children and generate as much fear as possible (the more fear the better) and use this as power for their city. The more fear they generate, the more they are rewarded.

Based on the title of the movie (Monsters Inc.) and the fact that this is a large operation within the movie, this indicates that this is a business and this is perfectly reflected with the information given to us by various whistle-blowers and researchers. These Archon/parasite beings require low-vibrationary energy (fear, anxiety, anger, rage, etc.) in order to live. For example, the more pain and fear generated in an SRA (Satanic Ritual Abuse) ritual, the happier and more ‘fed’ the negative beings are.

The CEO of this fear-generating factory within the movie is Mr. Waternoose, a spider/crab-looking being:

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CEO of Fear-Generating Factory in Monsters Inc, Henry J. Waternoose.

The next example that flashed in my head was an episode of an animated adult show called South Park. In this episode the Catholic church is debating on whether or not to change a holy document saying it’s okay for priests to marry so they wouldn’t molest children. But after consulting the ‘Queen Spider’ (the highest authority) in the Vatican, she dictated that the law would not be changed and thus molesting children would continue.

The Queen Spider from South Park.

It’s important to point out here that the Chimera Group work with the non-physical Archons/parasite beings who give orders to fellow incarnated Archon Italian Black Nobility Families which were strongly tied to the Vatican and even featured family members as Popes. You can watch a short clip from the show of the encounter with the Queen Spider at the link below (I tried to upload my own clip but YouTube blocked it):

The next strong possible instance of this disclosure was in the 1990s sci-fi series Babylon 5, which I have written about extensively in the past as being a show which disclosed several important pieces of information including the ongoing efforts to liberate the planet and more.

In this show the Earth government (there is only one world government, and in the President’s office there is Freemasonic/Illuminati symbolism peppered everywhere) is attacked and infiltrated by ancient beings called The Shadows. They are extremely malevolent and have a very arachnid-like appearance. They are the top of the pyramid in the show:

Image result for the shadows babylon 5

Ancient Malevolent Being Called The Shadow.

A side note, they use beings called the Drakh (reference to Dracos Reptilians?) to do work for them, which is what actually happened in reality, based on whistle-blower testimony and intel:


“This [Chimera] group includes the leaders of the dark forces from the Andromeda galaxy. They came to Earth in humanoid physical bodies 25,000 years ago and quarantined the planet. They have built a scalar electromagnetic fence around the Earth (the Veil), effectively preventing positive ET contact and thus isolating humanity.

Then they constructed a vast network of subterranean cities, using Draconians as slave handlers and Reptilians as slaves and controlled the human population on the surface of the planet from there…”

Image result for the drakh babylon 5

Slightly Out-Of-Phase Beings Called The Drakh Who Did The Bidding Of The Evil Spider-Like Shadow Beings.

The next very disturbing comparison to these spider beings is from the epic disclosure download The Matrix. In The Matrix Universe (which is basically ours) powerful spider/octopus-like machines with several eyes take control of humanity and use them as a power source:

Image result for the matrix machines

Advanced Intelligent Machine From The Matrix Which Has A Spider/Octopus Appearance. We Would Also Note The Several Eyes Which Is What We See On Spiders.

One more disturbing comparison within this movie is when Morpheus is explaining the situation to Neo and the movie shows footage of human babies being incubated in an egg-like container:

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Movie Poster Depicting A Baby Incubating Within An Egg Created By The Machines.

This is also similar both in appearance and to the spider’s reproductive process as we know they lay eggs:

Image result for spider and eggs

Various Species Of Spiders And Their Eggs.

Then they pan to a shot of all of the Machines/Spiders tending to their fields of ‘eggs’:

Related image

Scene From The Matrix Where The Machines Are Tending To The Endless Fields Of Containers Filled With Humans Of Various Ages.

I would like to point out here that it’s possible that these various TV shows and movies were simply using one type of creature, archetype or appearance which most people are afraid of (spider or octopus, etc), in order to convey the emotion or energy of the antagonist (the bad guys) to help establish the plot of the movie.

However, thanks to various whistle-blowers and researchers we also know that part of the way their black magic works is that they have to tell us what they are doing or going to do in order to comply with the Universe’s primary foundational principle of Free Will. If we say or do nothing, then this is considered consent and we agree to be collectively enslaved or whatever the intention of the being happens to be.

In any case, these comparisons are disturbing to say the least, and I can only imagine people’s reactions when they find out evil spider people have been controlling them and their family and friends for thousands of years. It’s gonna be a real epic Full Disclosure.

Someone in the comments section on Cobra’s blog pointed out the spider-like web designs on various currencies. I happened to have an old British pound from some years ago and I looked at it totally differently after reading that. It also gave more credit to that little creature on the American dollar bill being a spider instead of an owl:

Image result for dollar bill spider

Is This A Spider Or Owl On The American Dollar Bill?

We could logically see it as a spider, since the surrounding designs seem to be web-like. Definitely a creepy change of perspective for me personally.

Do you know of any other spider-like references in TV and movies? Please leave a comment below so others can be aware of them. I might even update this article with your information. Thanks for checking this out everyone and I wish each of you much love as always ❤


How The Mentality Of Battle Interfaces With The System Of Control

Battle partakes in the premise of polarity. Thus when one engages in such acts it’s either going to result in this or that. This dualistic way of interfacing with reality is the very foundation of control.


The fundamental cornerstone in maintaining this system of control is being able to convince humanity of the lack of interconnectedness. It’s entire existence is based upon the premise of forming a consensus within each individual consciousness that we are separate beings and their is no inherent higher-power that connects all of life. It molds the minds of humanity in order to form uniformity within the collective consciousness.


If a consensus amongst humanity was to be formed about the interconnectedness of life the system of control would collapse. Thus the system automatically picks and choices it’s battles based upon the spiritual development of the individuals. It locates and triangulates all beings upon this planet whom are thinking outside the box. It identifies problematic individuals early in their development and uses insidious methods in suppressing them and making sure their impact is kept to most minimum level.

Never has such a sophisticated system of control been present upon this planet as it has been since 1996. When the Archons arrived from the Orion system they made major overhauls to the veil surrounding humanity in order to delay their eventual defeat. The Archons use scalar weapons, time travel, mind control, implants, frequency adjusters and many other tools in order to keep humanity within their desired frequency. Yet the most insidious and effective method is through entrainment. They’ve programmed our mental and emotional bodies to emulate their own. They’ve made us like them by steering our choices in a certain pattern in order to create a energetic affinity. They need us to emulate them in order to derive sustenance from us. They feed off our fear, negative emotions and trauma.


The Archons have been doing this for a very long time and have perfected their methods to the point where very little physical interaction in maintaining control is needed. Thus their able to control the whole planet with as few as a thousand beings; perhaps even less. They’re the ones who control the Dark Alliances from behind the curtain. Yet even above these Arachnid Archons  is a being called Yaldabaoth that is a plasma entity controlling the energetic layout upon this planet. Yaldabaoth is fallen archangel.

The game that is being played on this planet is one where one side is using the ideals of free-will to steer and direct humanity into a certain choice that will allow them to maintain their position of power and the other side is steering to awaken and free humanity from this illusion of control.

The most dangerous aspect of this situation upon this planet is the potential for humanity to engage in the battle mentality. Where we identify so intensely with our desired outcome that we blindly attract it’s opposite because we’re operating from a state of fear. This is a daulistic approach to life and will only perpetuate the problems we are experiencing.  A short clip that embodies this archetype is Yoda’s advice to Anakin.



This system of control is based upon the notion of preferable experiences and is deeply rooted within the archetype of illusion. The friction that is generated from this modality of perceiving reality “feeds the dragon” and leaves humanity blinded to it’s effects.

One’s intentions must be birthed within the sacred space of unconditional love. We must let go of all that we fear to lose. Because we cannot prevent any type of loss with fear; fear only hastens the loss from happening. When we become attached to certain desires it can potentially blind us from seeing the damage it will or is causing. That is what happened in the Orion system and it took quite some time for us to learn from our behaviors.


These are some things that I have learned about the system of control; but the one thing that really can assist in liberating us from it is to be love, act on love and spread love. It can start with just a extra smile to a total stranger; to paying for someone’s meal at Mcdonalds or by assisting someone in need. Each act of kindness and love births our eventual liberation.

Timothy Frappier






Erased History: How Rockefeller Bankrolled Soviet Russia

Source: Activist Post

By Jon Rappoport

Forgotten history: US bankers financing US enemies—and why it is important now

In 1971, Gary Allen published his book, None Dare Call it Conspiracy. It quickly became an unofficial best seller.

Over the years, several million copies have been sold.

Allen’s thesis was stark: super-rich American capitalists were financing socialism. This bizarre paradox was resolved when socialism was properly understood—not as “power to the people”—but as elite power over the people. In other words, as a hoax.

These days, the socialist hoax is still unknown to most of the population.

Cloak a global power grab as progress for all of humanity.

Here, from chapter six of None Dare Call it Conspiracy, “The Rockefellers and the Reds,” is a devastating passage commenting on the period just after the Russian Revolution of 1917:

“The Rockefellers assigned their public relations agent, Ivy Lee, to sell the American public the idea that the Bolsheviks were merely misunderstood idealists who were actually kind benefactors of mankind.”

“Professor Antony Sutton of Stanford University’s Hoover Institution, notes in his highly authoritative Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development:”

“’Quite predictably…[Ivy] Lee concludes that the communist problem is merely psychological. By this time he is talking about “Russians” (not Communists) and concludes “they are all right.” He suggests the United States should not engage in propaganda; makes a plea for peaceful coexistence; and suggests the United States would find it sound policy to recognize the USSR and advance credits [give loans].’ (Antony Sutton, Western Technology and Soviet Economic Development, 1917-1930, Hoover Institution on War, Revolution and Peace, Stanford University, Calif., 1968, p.292)”

“After the Bolshevik Revolution, Standard of New Jersey [Rockefeller] bought 50 per cent of the Nobel’s huge Caucasus oil fields even though the property had theoretically been nationalized [by Russia]. (O’Connor, Harvey, The Empire Of Oil, Monthly Review Press, New York, 1955, p.270.)”

“In 1927, Standard Oil of New York [Rockefeller] built a refinery in Russia, thereby helping the Bolsheviks put their economy back on its feet. Professor Sutton states: ‘This was the first United States investment in Russia since the Revolution.’ (Ibid, Vol.1, p.38)”

“Shortly thereafter Standard Oil of New York and its subsidiary, Vacuum Oil Company [Rockefeller], concluded a deal to market Soviet oil in European countries and it was reported that a loan of $75,009,000 to the Bolsheviks was arranged. (National Republic, Sept.1927.)”

“…Wherever Standard Oil would go, Chase National Bank was sure to follow. (The Rockefeller’s Chase Bank was later merged with the Warburg’s Manhattan Bank to form the present Chase Manhattan Bank.) In order to rescue the Bolsheviks, who were supposedly an archenemy, the Chase National Bank was instrumental in establishing the American-Russian Chamber of Commerce in 1922. President of the Chamber was Reeve Schley, a vice-president of Chase National Bank. (Ibid, Vol.11, p.288) According to Professor Sutton: ‘In 1925, negotiations between Chase and [Russian] Prombank extended beyond the finance of raw materials and mapped out a complete program for financing Soviet raw material exports to the U. S. and imports of U. S. cotton and machinery.’ (Ibid, Vol.11, p.226) Sutton also reports that ‘Chase National Bank and the Equitable Trust Company were leaders in the Soviet credit business.’ (Ibid, p.277)”

“The Rockefeller’s Chase National Bank also was involved in selling Bolshevik bonds in the United States in 1928. Patriotic organizations denounced the Chase as an ‘international fence.’ Chase was called ‘a disgrace to America… They will go to any lengths for a few dollars profits.’ (Ibid, Vol.11, p.291) Congressman Louis McFadden, chairman of the House Banking Committee, maintained in a speech to his fellow Congressmen:”

“’The Soviet government has been given United States Treasury funds by the Federal Reserve Board and the Federal Reserve Banks acting through the Chase Bank and the Guaranty Trust Company and other banks in New York City.”

“’Open up the books of Amtorg, the trading organization of the Soviet government in New York, and of Gostorg, the general office of the Soviet Trade Organization, and of the State Bank of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and you will be staggered to see how much American money has been taken from the United States’ Treasury for the benefit of Russia. Find out what business has been transacted for the State Bank of Soviet Russia by its correspondent, the Chase Bank of New York’. (Congressional Record, June 15, 1933.)”

“But the Rockefellers apparently were not alone in financing the Communist arm of the Insiders’ conspiracy. According to Professor Sutton ‘… there is a report in the State Department files that names Kuhn, Loeb & Co. (the long established and important financial house in New York) as the financier of the [Russians’] First Five Year Plan. See U. S. State Dept. Decimal File, 811.51/3711 and 861.50 FIVE YEAR PLAN/236.’ (Sutton, op. cit., Vol. II, p. 340n.)”

“Professor Sutton proves conclusively in his three volume history of Soviet technological development that the Soviet Union was almost literally manufactured by the U.S.A…”

“…Sutton shows that there is hardly a segment of the Soviet economy which is not a result of the transference of Western, particularly American, technology.”

“This cannot be wholly the result of accident. For fifty years the Federal Reserve-CFR-Rockefeller-lnsider crowd has advocated and carried out policies aimed at increasing the power of their satellite, the Soviet Union. Meanwhile, America spends $75 billion a year on defense to protect itself from the enemy the Insiders are building up.”

NOTE: The descendants of these bankers are now doing everything they can to build up the story that Donald Trump won the presidency by colluding with Russians. To call this an irony, in view of the above information, would be a vast understatement.

However, the motives of these current Globalists are clear: regardless of whether Trump meant to keep his promises to destroy Globalism (aka worldwide socialism), his mere mention of Globalism as the enemy, during the presidential campaign, and his declared opposition to Globalist “free trade” treaties, was sufficient to warrant an all-out attack on him.

The whole idea of nationalism as preferable to Globalism could act as a contagious germ spreading to the people of other countries—so Trump as the face and symbol of such sentiments had to be defamed and crushed.

Through various front organizations, cutouts, dupes, brainwashed useful idiots, and violent hired thugs, that operation to crush Trump is well underway.


Many, many of Trump’s supporters want to see Globalism buried.

Ultimately, they are the real target of the Globalists, who want to neutralize and disperse them and make them passive and demoralized.

(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, The Matrix Revealedclick here.)

The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALEDEXIT FROM THE MATRIX, andPOWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for hisfree NoMoreFakeNews emails here or his free OutsideTheRealityMachine emails here.