The Cabal Peadophile Rings Must END! | Did George HW Bush Really Run A Child Prostitution Ring In The 80s?

This is the type of Evil we condone when we turn a blind eye to that which is happening on this world. We’ve allowed these people to get into positions of authority and its time to end this perpetual cycle of violence, abuse, suffering and grief.

If we truly wish to protect our way of living and this beautiful world then we must cut the head off the snake. When it finally hit me what these people are doing to our children, I couldn’t help but sob over what has and is transpiring.

These people must be STOPPED! That is one of the reasons I decided to start this blog, that is why I volunteer my time, that is why I donate money to many causes and movements I feel will benefit humanity. People like this infuriate me, the blatant disregard to the sacredness of life truly is unacceptable! I shall do what I must to stop these people.

I know many of you feel the same as I do, but many of us are weary when it comes to seeing change manifest, but slowly it is coming. I know many of your are tired, I know many of you may feel weak, but I ask for you to keep moving forward. Remember this is what we’re up against, people who have no respect for life whatsoever, who would take the innocence of a child and exploit it for their own selfish gain. We cannot let these sick psychopaths beat us, we MUST stop them for our children’s sake and those who have yet to come.

This is why I support Tory Smith, because he’s had the courage to stand up against these sick individuals.  He’s revealed that not only are these children being abused and raped, but sacrificed as well. We must understand much of the control that these Cabal members are able to exert upon the masses is due to these type of acts. They take these children to key locations on Earth and sacrifice them. Most of the time they are high energy zones, where ley lines cross intensifying the energy and therefore having a broader affect upon our collective consciousness.

If these sacrifices where to stop, they would lose their power so fast. The power doesn’t reside in their armies, money or technology. There power resides in the mental realm, where the archons(ankle-biters) do their bidding. These sacrifices are meant to feed the ankle-biters in the Etheric Grid and non-physical realms. To strengthen the control grid that cannot be seen. They use sacrifices to gain favor, but what they’re really doing is strengthening the grid.

It is time that we the People put a end to this. I’m asking for you who are reading this to please do whatever you can to help further disclosure or any other movement that will benefit humanity. You don’t have to do much, just intending to do something in this Now moment makes a difference. Meditate on disclosure or putting a end to these abuse of children, donate money to people who are working for disclosure, volunteer, start a blog, etc… Whatever you choose to do is the RIGHT thing to do, don’t worry if your not doing enough, your intention leaves a energy imprint and that makes a huge difference.

I look forward to the day when these sacrifices stop, I look forward to the day when these criminals are brought to court, I look forward to the day when there is Peace on this world. This day I speak of is here right NOW. Let us be the peace that we wish to see on this world. We shall overcome!

– Tim Frappier


The former President of the Untied States George H. W Bush was implicated in the Franklin Cover-up.

Source: NeonNettle

By: Steve Thresher

The Finders or The Franklin Cover-up’ was perhaps one of the most terrifying glimpses into the elite peadophile rings seen to date. Between 1988 and 1991 the Republican Party in America was implicated in an elite child prostitution ring, not too dissimilar from the Elm Guest House scandal in the UK with the Conservative Party. The former President of the Untied States George H. W Bush was implicated in the Franklin Cover-up although no charges were ever filed.

In 1989 The Washington Times ran a front-page article that stated that call-boys as young as 15 years old took midnight tours of the White House that implicated Bush. One of the men arrested was Craig J. Spence, he feared for his life as he allegedly knew some very dark secret about George H. W. Bush. He said he was afraid that the CIA would kill him and make it look like a suicide. He died in mysterious circumstances in a hotel room; coroners said the cause of death was suicide.But what could he have known that would have led to his murder? Bush was head of the CIA after all between 1976-77 so he would have had the connections to orchestrate an assassination. He was met with fierce controversy when he was appointed as head of the CIA because of his involvement with Watergate and his advocating of Richard Nixon during the fallout.
in 1989 the washington times ran a front page article that stated that call boys as young as 15 years old took midnight tours of the white house

© Wiki:
In 1989 The Washington Times ran a front-page article that stated that call-boys as young as 15 years old took midnight tours of the White House.
The Franklin Cover-up is far more insidious and its history is incredibly disturbing, if any of it were true anyone who could expose it would be a target for those in power. It has been speculated that George H.W Bush ran the Congressional Blackmail Child Sex Ring in the 1980’s or ‘Operation Brownstone/ Operation Brownstar’. It is alleged that Bush would take children from orphanages to Senator Barney Frank’s condo (Brownstone) where U.S. Senators and U.S. Congressman would drug and rape them.Anyone who could expose this as truth is either dead or hiding all incriminating evidence expunged, it has since been cast adrift in the realm of conspiracy theorist.Whistleblower Stew Webb a former United States Marine has been trying to expose the extent of Bush’s involvement with the child prostitution ring. He said; “The true story never has been told that children from orphanages all across America during the 1980s came to Washington DC, paid by the US Taxpayers, to unknowingly participate in the Congressional Blackmail Child Sex Ring.”

Webb has also claimed that an investigator Ted Gunderson was hired in the 1990s to get rid of any witnesses or children who may have been transported to Washington DC. Gunderson allegedly met Bush in 1988, one year before Spence’s ‘suicide’.
it is alleged that the children were drugged and taken senator barney frank   s condo where they would be sexually abused © Twitter
It is alleged that the children were drugged and taken Senator Barney Frank’s condo where they would be sexually abused.

According to sources Bush
, would be there to greet the children with Dick Cheney and John Sununu as they arrived at the White House of the Vice Presidents home. The children would be put up in a hotel with their caretakers and later on the children would be picked up and taken to Senator Barney Frank’s condo, the caretakers assuming absolutely nothing was amiss would think nothing of the children being escorted by government official.The caretaker would then receive a phone call saying that he children were asleep after the White House State Dinner and could not return to the hotel room and that they would be returned tomorrow morning. It was not until 6 months later than the children would start saying unusual things implying that they were sexually abused, the caretakers began to ask questions and approached People Magazine.People Magazine spent a million dollars investigating all the orphanages that had made claims that the children they cared for were abused. The journalist that Webb spoke to about these claims was never allowed to publish the story. Could this all be true, or is it a conspiracy theory where all the dots are being connected in a way that suits the theory? After more than 25 years the truth is buried deeper than we can ever dig and as with recent scandals power can simply make anything disappear.