A Thank You Letter to the Galactic Confederation and Resistance Movement Members

I want to personally thank the Galactic Confederation and Resistance Movement Members for their service, help and dedication in freeing humanity. Without them we would not be where we are today; they are the driving force behind the scenes that counterbalances the evil and negativity we see on this world.

They are the unsung heroes whom we do not know; they die to free us knowing full well we know nothing of their sacrifice. They face a force so formidable that requires great caution, care and strategy to overcome. I know many of you may be on the sidelines when it comes to intel from Cobra.

Yet I can assure you that he is a positive being working to help free humanity. Does that mean everything he says is true? No, of course not; but he operates from the mindset of helping humanity. He trusts his own inner judgement and strictly evaluates information, ideas, facts and beliefs to properly form a standpoint that is conducive to his intention of creating a more harmonious, positive and abundant society.

That is why I have trusted him for many years now. I judge a person by the content of their character; I’ve learned much about Cobra, but I’ve never met him personally. Yet none the less I’ve used my own inner guidance to assess his statements, posts, opinions and beliefs.

I can assure ANYONE reading this article that he has the intention to help humanity. Which in my opinion is the MOST IMPORTANT attribute you should consider when discerning information. Intentions can be likened to state of mind; if your state of mind is to gain at the expense of others; then no matter what information or facts you bring forward can be utilized for some selfish reason.

Think about it; I could have a history of 20 years in the Secret Space Program that could be verified by others whom have been in it as well. That would created a image of confidence in the minds of many. With the confirmation of authenticity I could then propagate ideas, beliefs and “facts” that are fabrications of the false narrative. Yet many whom cannot confirm or disconfirm would fall victim to it.

By no means am I accusing anyone whom has claimed to be in these programs as frauds or fakes. So please don’t think I’m calling out anyone, because I’m not. I’m just explaining the psychological process of how something could occur.

The point I’m trying to make is that discernment is VERY important. Your own sense of inner guidance is essential in creating a new positive reality.

If there is any doubts about my motivations, I want to assure you EVERYTHING I DO I DO TO HELP HUMANITY!!!! I have no ulterior motive. I follow the Law of One to my best of ability.

Yet I am human and face the same struggles as you. So by means am I perfect, but yet I can say with 100% certainty that I am a positive being.

So once again I want to thank the Galactic Confederation and Resistance Movement for all the effort they are putting into freeing humanity. I salute your efforts and praise your sacrifice. You face enemies that are very menacing and formidable that sends fearful tremors throughout my body. To all those whom face this enemy I commend you as heroes and as being such will never be forgotten. Regardless of awareness; I will know you.

Thank you for your Service,


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