A Clarion Call to all of Humanity

This wonderful soul has just poured out her heart to the world. I can relate to this clarion call as it’s the same reason I’m here on this world. To assist in this shift. I stopped desiring a ‘normal’ life long ago; I will not be getting married, I will not be ‘advancing’ through the ladder of career advancement. I have chosen a different path for myself; one that has been extremely uncomfortable.

People just don’t understand what it’s like to see things so clearly. When I awoke in 2010 humanity was on a crash course to creating a dystopian society of such immensity that would shock the average individual. I remember trying to inform my family of what was about to happen, trying to implore them to not ignore these things and become aware of them so that we can find remedy and resolution; instead they rejected me, my theories and my ideas and personally attacked me and judged me as ‘crazy’. It was very depressing at the time and it seemed hopeless and trust me from a temporal perspective we were on the Omega timeline that would have brought humanity to a bleak and dark reality.

We barely made it out of the Omega timeline; we barely managed to secure the necessary critical mass to change humanities’ trajectory to a more harmonious and peaceful future. Yet none the less we were successful in that endeavor and now it’s 100% guaranteed that we will live in a Golden Age.

In fact I see this all unfolding before our very eyes. We have some many more positive groups coming out of the shadows to fight this force of evil. We have the surface positive military via Q informing the population of their work and effort to remove corruption from society.

Whether or not you like Trump is really a moot point; the point being Trump was asked by the positive military group to run for president in an attempt to retake our government and restore the rule of law throughout this great nation. Trump isn’t perfect and he has many behavioral quirks that many of us can relate too. Yet what we need to understand is that Trump isn’t the most important person; it’s the people who are supporting him that we need to focus on.

Then there are many other positive groups that are assisting in our liberation as well and there is no stopping our liberation; it’s simply a matter of time. We have the Light Resistance movement from Planet X that was liberated in 1999 from the Cabal helping us. We have the Galactic Confederation that is assisting us because this planet is the LAST bastion that the dark forces have. When this planet is liberated it will end a WAR that has lasted for MILLIONS of years. Yeah I know some of you may be shocked to hear that; but trust me it’s true.

The very fabric of existence experienced a profound mutation millions of years ago when certain beings decided to project their consciousness into a certain energy field. This energy field was the very same force that the source interacted with. Yet what happened was that these beings became disconnected from the source which caused a HUGE trauma for them. They became deranged, insane and aggressive. They no longer had a connection to the source; thus they were isolated in a extremely negative manner that left them with only one option; to attack others in order to steal their energy in order to survive. Since their connection with the source was severed they had no choice, they needed the energy to survive. 

That is the origin of the looshing paradigm.

When the shackles of slavery are unleashed we’ve going to learn things about ourselves that they seem sci-fi like. Trust me when I say this, it’s going to shock us all. Including myself; there is so much more to learn, yet first we must purge this evil force from this planet.

So my beloved friends, take this beloved clarion call below from Christianne seriously; because its very much real.

Timothy Frappier


Source: Christianne van Wijk


For as long as I can remember, people have deemed me a little odd with my ‘conspiracy theories’.
It’s not like I don’t want fit in and have a conventional life. I too wanted the regular path for a long time. I dreamt of meeting my match. I fantasised about my wedding. I had dreams of holding my new born baby in my arms.
Every time I tried to fit in, something would happen to ‘sabotage’ it. When my father was still alive, he was baffled about my life. “You should be climbing the ladder of your career by now, work 60-hour weeks!”
But every career I tried, failed, because I wasn’t passionate about it.
For many years, I went into victim mode. So many family members dying at once, not being able to have children, attracting the ‘wrong’ men, penniless.
Boohoo, I felt so utterly sorry for myself.
But the thing that bugged me the most was that there was something inside of me that wouldn’t leave me alone. A spark that kept telling me that something big was going to happen in my lifetime and that my life’s mission was linked to that.

And then it came. 2010. An invitation.
I was in Glastonbury in a shop speaking to the designer of the dresses I was trying on. She mentioned that in a few days she was going to run an Ayahuasca ceremony. She felt the nudge to ask me if I was interested to join. Before I could even think, I had said YES.
Scared shitless I was.
I looked into it and it became very clear that this would not be like a recreational drug. That it was considered a sacred medicinal plant that will lift the veil of illusion. I wasn’t aware I had any illusions though… (yup).
As the medicine kicked in and I was starting to see the fractal pattern behind all of creation, I was first confronted with my illusions. Or rather ‘delusions’. And goddammit; I had no idea that I had so many. So that process washed away my desire to have kids, to find my prince on the white horse and to get my career.
Why? Because I was finally shown what that feeling inside me was for all those years that wanted me to focus on ‘the event’.
When I had puked my guts out I started to see who my being was. I was really surprised when I was shown (by my own spirit) that I was a ‘starseed’. I looked around me in the ceremony tent to see if there were any other ‘starseeds’. Then astrally travelled to family members to check. To friends. Wow, hardly any starseeds?!
My spirit explained that a small number of us had chosen to incarnate at this time to assist humanity in the ‘big shift’. As I was being shown all this, I was so relieved to know why I had always had this feeling deep inside my gut and why the ‘normal’ things didn’t work out for me.
It became clear from my visions that there were two ways I was to be of service:

1. The fun part was to wake up the collective through films. As I had an ability to see into the future with my visions, I could use this ability to foretell events in my films and documentaries.
2. The not so fun part. Awaken them with my presence. Triggering the shadow out of people just by being myself. With the aim of assisting the release of the stuck energy in many souls.

I have never shared this with people in this way before because I thought it may be read the wrong way and that people would think I’m blowing my own trumpet. The ‘starseed’, the ‘helper’: come off your high horse, girl!
The thought of being judged terrified me. Still, after the ceremony I decided to fully devote my life to ‘the shift’.
I made film after film, most of the time on such a low budget that for many years I lived in my van and parked on people’s driveways.
The triggering people by being myself was really taxing. Sure, with my flawed personality I would get into arguments too, but my ‘sacred triggering’ wasn’t linked to that. My gift was to SEE souls and spirits and dark energies knew I could see this and would get livid with my presence there.

Why am I writing this to you? Why am I putting myself in this vulnerable position to be judged and trolled?
I’m highly sensitive to offensive comments but I am still choosing to post this at this point in time.

People. I gave up everything in order to do this service. I was shown that the only way this shift will work, is when enough people will wake up. And this shift is VITAL.
If we don’t wake up in larger numbers, a very dystopian agenda is going to be carried out. A transhumanist agenda.
These conspiracy nutters? A lot of them are right! Some of them are out there, but a lot of them are not! Don’t discard of all the warnings. Listen!
The key?! You are a SPIRIT.
You can NEVER die. You can only change form. Death is OK.
What is not OK? Living in fear and making decisions out of fear.

I am begging you. At this point I’m on my knees before you. Please do not go with what the mainstream is telling you. The vaccine is not what you think it is. Do not make your body available for A.I experiments. It will make you lose humanity and will transition you to an extremely degraded form of life.
I know this and I have seen this. I am willing to die for you to share this message. I mean that.
Please, I ask you, awaken from your stupor. Explore your inner shadows. Stop relying on your intellect only, but instead move back to your heart and ask for your spirit to guide you. Manage those programmed voices in your head and gently stop feeding them with more mainstream information.

You have been lied to. I’m sorry to burst your bubble but it’s true. Nature has all the solutions and simply aligning with her will give you all the immunity you need. And then when it’s time to go, it is because your time has come. Be graceful and accepting about the way of the spirit.

Please… this is probably the only time I am going to put myself on the line by sharing this in this very particular way:

Be a spirit, in your heart. Invite back that full integrity of your timeless spirit and let that be your navigator.
Question, question, question.

The truth is stranger than fiction, I promise you that. We can create a heavenly energy here on earth, but your input is NEEDED!

Thank you for reading to this point.
Thank you for sharing this.

May your spirit recognise this and wake up from the program. It will be a bit uncomfortable to start with. Then it will set you free. Have faith.

Disclaimer: I do NOT endorse Ayahuasca. Proceed with caution. Sabotage happens within these ceremonies too. Inviting full integrity of spirit is enough to get realigned.

Declaration of the Violation Against Humanity’s Free Will and Birth Rights


Source: Edward Morgan

Was man given Free Will when he took his place on the surface of our home planet Earth? Teachings and educational accounts say “Yes” and this Prime Directive comes into play everyday in the decisions of our Society’s Co-Creative Consciousness. However, many questions arise as to the veracity of this claim. For example: Does our Earth surface Humanity allow unfettered good to happen to its inhabitants naturally? Or are our lives controlled and subjugated by fear? Do we manifest our Creator’s intended spirituality and evolution? Or, are our Birth Rights under heavy attack in attempts to control us by Dark Forces? Does all of Humanity approve of the wars we’re involved in? Or do Humanity’s wars benefit the few self-appointed “elites?” Are our elections run freely and do the masses votes count? Or, are we under the illusion of Democracy where voting is second to actual vote counting. Who then, do our politicians and government serve if not the people?

We offer up to Humanity, the Earth Alliance, the Angels, the Guardians, the Non-Terrestrial overseeing bodies, the Ascended Masters, the Galactic Federation, the Galactic Confederation, and all other participating Galactics and concerned parties that Humanity’s Free Will and Birth Rights have been severely violated in our human history and are under intolerable attack right now. We ask that the global elite power control be ended and that Humanity be given and restored, the true Birth Right of our Creator’s intended inheritance.

Through the course of human events, it once again becomes necessary for people to dissolve the illegitimate controlling bands of power which have connected them with other persons and beings and to assume among the powers of the Earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of the Universe and the Prime Directive of the One Infinite Creator entitle them, a profound respect to the Forces of the Universe requires that they should declare the causes which compel them to the separation.

We hold these truths to be clarion among the Universe, that all Men are created to their Highest Potential, that Mankind was given certain Universal and Human Birth Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness among the Earth and in its rightful place among the Universe. That to secure these rights, PUBLIC GOVERNMENTS were to be instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the open and honest consent of the governed, that whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Birth Right of the Humanity and it’s People to alter or abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Indeed, Governments should not be changed for light and transient causes; but when a long train of abuses and usurpations of Humanity reduces said Humanity to mental, emotional, physical, financial and spiritual enslavement under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security. — Such has been the patient sufferance of the Global Nations under control of the Secret Government Global Cabal. The history of the Global Elite is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations, all having in direct object the establishment of an absolute Tyranny over the world identified as the New World Order.

To prove this, let facts be submitted to a dutiful and honorable Universe:

Humanity’s Free Will and Birth Right has been violated when:

A global financial system is allowed to enslave people through fear and the creation of “Babylonian Money Magic Slave System”

Election fraud is perpetrated on the voting masses through systematic voter purging, vote flipping, voter disenfranchisement, disallowance of whole and rightful voting tallies

Mass media portends election tampering when in collusion with party officials to support certain candidates while dissuading others or falsely announcing outcomes prior to final poll results and/or announce fabricated poll standings

The system of government is bypassed with unconstitutional Executive Orders usurping the power conferred in the Congress and right of representational rule is often abridged in exchange for money

Aggressor nations and allies like the US and NATO carry out Illegal Wars without consent of the US Congress, without Declaration of War, without authority from the UN, and without approval from the victim nation

During the ongoing “War on Terror” public discourse is bypassed, muzzled and quelled by force and perpetrated as a threat to the welfare of a free and open society through social engineered and orchestrated descent or abject opposition to peace creating a divide and rush to judgment with often biased collusion and controlled narrative through broadcast television intended to instill more fear into the masses

Crimes against nature, the environment, Gaia, food crops, our skies and oceans are committed against peaceful protest with illegitimate police forces and misinformed accomplices working against the common good and, rather, for the protection of corporate interests and greed and hidden agendas of the elite

The very existence of Humanity is threatened by further war and aggressions in the pursuit of resources, money and pursuit of material over spiritual betterment

Healthcare is not freely provided to those in need but made a profit motive and an entire pharmaceutical and healthcare industry is propagated on profits over patients managing people to stay sick or clinically diseased and vaccinated often harboring the very disease they are in public trust to prevent. Healing technologies are developed, paid for through taxation yet inaccessible to the masses

Free energy technology is proven and available but undisclosed under the guise of “National Security” and status quo

Electromagnetic Fields are used as weaponry over Humanity causing depression, lethargy, lack of will and vitality

Surveillance technology creates a totalitarian state of repressive, obtrusive, over-reaching intrusion into daily life of free persons

The truth of our human origins are kept hidden from Humanity thus denying us our Birth Right to knowledge and evolution

Humanity has endured these oppressions for far too long and at great cost to Human Life, sense of Safety and Security, and Prosperity. Humanity has been protesting these violations and voting for change, change that gets usurped by the global elite and not administered in earnest to the service-of-others. We have appealed to our courts and magnanimity for years to no avail. In the current times, we must, therefore, acquiesce in the necessity, to denounce our bonds of dissolution and demand that the truth be disclosed, and hold the Global Elite Cabal as conscious and guilty violators, murderers, and instigators of Crimes against Humanity, in Peace – as Co-inhabitants of our wondrous, rich, just and bountiful planet Earth.

We, therefore, a small band of Awakened Humans of Planet Earth on behalf of all Humanity, appealing to the Supreme Judge and Non-Terrestrial Supreme Federation currently in our Sol System via the Guardians, Resistance Movement, Galactic Federation, Ascended Masters and others in awareness, solemnly publish and declare, in the Name, and by the Authority of the Prime Directive on behalf of the good people of the Earth, that by Birth Right, WE ought to be Free and Held Harmless, that Humanity is Absolved from the Enslavement of the Global Elite Cabal and the extending and harming powers extended from therein. That we have by Right the ability to Ascend to Humanity’s inevitable potential along with the Earth – Gaia, with help and assistance of Higher Evolved Beings and those former oppressors who undergo supervised and qualified, celestial and Non-Terrestrial healing, and are just, righteous and solemnly repentant.

We are thankful that the planet should be going through its rightful ascension right now, but not happy that the true benefits to Humanity are being unfairly withheld from the overwhelming majority of us. Please heed the cries of the Earth’s Beings, be they Microbial Life, Mineral Life, Plant Life, Sea Life, Animal Life, Mammalian Life, Avian Life, Human Life, Extra-Terrestrial Life, Extra-Dimensional Life, Inner-Earth Life. The Universe surely hears the cries of the trees, the sickness of the ocean, the coughing of the skies, the dying of the fertility of the earth’s once bountiful food harvest, and the sorrow of our Brothers and Sisters as unified voices that need to be heard and responded to in this greatest hour of need.

We therefore submit Our plea, in the Love and Light of the One Infinite Creator, one day hoping to join You and the Universe as a Free and Ascended Humanity, glorifying in the Power and Peace of the One Infinite Creator.

Feel free to add your name in the comments below and share.


Age of Aquarius Activation Report

Source: Cobra

Our Age of Aquarius meditation was a huge success, as we have more than reached the critical mass by about 250,000 people participating.

This has further stabilized the Age of Aquarius positive timeline with very favorable long time consequences.

As a result of our Age of Aquarius activation, all significant plasma anomaly and all plasma toplet bombs have been removed. Although this will not trigger the Event as I have expected, it is a great leap forward. All the remaining obstacles towards the Event are much smaller and will take much less time to clear, so we are on a timeline that is converging faster and faster into the Compression Breakthrough.

What is remaining are ships of the Draco fleet that are hidden in quantum superposition state in sublunar space. These spaceships are being cleared by advanced quantum cannon weapons of the Galactic Confederation that are codenamed Mjolnir (Hammer of Thor):



The first attempt to clear the Draco fleet happened in late 2017 and early 2018 but had to be aborted due to the collapse of the Alpha timeline. Now, as a result of our successful Age of Aquarius activation, Operation Mjolnir has been reactivated again and is currently proceeding smoothly according to the plan, and Draco fleet is being cleared with full speed.

The Light Forces have communicated that in the last phase of Draco fleet clearing, there is about 10% probability that the Cabal will try to stage a fake alien invasion with TR-3B craft and about 5% probability that Draco will try to stage a real invasion with the remaining Draco ships emerging from quantum superposition state into the physical and attacking the surface population:


In both scenarios, the dark force fleets will be defeated very quickly by the Galactic Confederation, but with small but non-negligible collateral damage among the surface population. Both the Light and the dark are trying to avoid those two scenarios, the Light because it would bring unnecessary suffering to the surface population, and the dark because open combat with Confederation fleet would bring swift and absolute defeat of all dark factions.

Aside from the clearing of the Draco fleet, the Light Forces are also clearing all grid inversion technologies that the dark forces have in their possession. Those technologies distort the energy grid around the planet and are the basis of the Matrix construct.

Also, the Light Forces are clearing the underground Reptilians utilizing sonic weapons.

Also, the Light Forces are clearing directed energy weapons and EMP pulse weapons from military satellites in Low Earth Orbit.

Also, the Light Forces are clearing the quantum primary anomaly that is preventing physical materialization of Ascended beings on the surface of the planet. Clearing of the quantum primary anomaly is occurring through induced false vacuum decay:




Dragon sources have communicated that at our Age of Aquarius activation, a positive timeline shift has occurred and are asking everybody to “focus only on writing your favorite, chosen life script. The more detailed visualization of the desired optimum life script one would wish for, the more confirming to the new timeline this be.”

Immediately after our activation there were signs in the sky around the world:

The positive timeline is already manifesting on the physical with the arrest of Ghislaine Maxwell:


As a result of this, the concept of mass arrests is reaching mainstream media for the first time ever:


And could also lead to the arrest of Bill Gates:


Prince Andrew is already nervous:


But first, Ghislaine Maxwell needs to stay alive long enough to testify. That is why the Light Forces are asking everybody who feels so guided to participate in the following meditation:


Next few months until November / December will see the peak of timeline war between the new positive Age of Aquarius timeline and the old Cabal dominated negative timeline. Without our mass meditation, the negative timeline would be much more pronounced, but we have managed to prevent many negative scenarios.

There will be many attempts to divide the surface population and to induce violence:


One of the Jesuit plans is to create the breakup of the United States (similar to what happened to USSR and Yugoslavia) by escalating the left-right polarization at the time of November elections.

This is why they are planning to introduce Hillary Clinton as a presidential candidate to ensure maximal polarization:


The second main Jesuit plan is to trigger a Chinese EMP attack on USA that would escalate into a new world war:





One aspect of this plan is that China would use their advanced craft that are similar to TR-3B and stage a fake alien invasion from their main Secret Space Program military base at Dingxin:


TR-3B-like craft would also emerge from China’s underground Great Wall:


And from its Iranian counterpart:


The Light Forces are estimating the probability of the fake alien invasion at 10%, of China-USA war at 12%, of breakup of USA at 25%, and of US civil war at 35%.

In the next few months, there might be mass meditations issued to mitigate any of those scenarios if that will be needed.

As a result of our Age of Aquarius activation, the double Paris / Versailles Goddess Vortex has been partially activated:


What is needed now is a Sisterhood of the Rose group in Paris with regular weekly physical meetings.

What is also needed are Tachyon chambers located in Venice and Rome in Italy. We have a sponsor who is willing to finance the construction of the chambers, we only need a person in Rome and Venice who is willing to be the guardian of the chamber and host it in his/her location within any of those two Italian cities. Such persons (ONLY located in Rome and Venice) can contact project501@tutanota.com for further instructions.

The Light Forces have communicated that in this crucial time in human history, it is the highest purpose for the network of tachyon chambers to expand to areas around the planet currently not yet covered:


Also, the Light Forces have suggested the use of Dragon developed advanced laser technologies that can help Lightworkers and Lightwarriors in those challenging times:


Although the next few months will be very volatile, we need to keep our focus on manifesting the Age of Aquarius.

Victory of the Light!

Exclusive from Gen. Flynn: If We Don’t Act, 2% of the People Are About To Control the Other 98%

Source: The Western Journal

I was once told if we’re not careful, 2 percent of the passionate will control 98 percent of the indifferent 100 percent of the time.

The more I’ve thought about this phrase, the more I believe it. There is now a small group of passionate people working hard to destroy our American way of life. Treason and treachery are rampant and our rule of law and those law enforcement professionals who uphold our laws are under the gun more than at any time in our nation’s history. These passionate 2 percent appear to be winning.

Despite there being countless good people trying to come to grips with everything else on their plates, our silent majority (the indifferent) can no longer be silent.

If the United States wants to survive the onslaught of socialism, if we are to continue to enjoy self-government and the liberty of our hard-fought freedoms, we have to understand there are two opposing forces: One is the “children of light” and the other is the “children of darkness.”

As I recently wrote, the art and exercise of self-governance require active participation by every American. I wasn’t kidding! And voting is only part of that active participation. Time and again, the silent majority have been overwhelmed by the “audacity and resolve” of small, well-organized, passionate groups. It’s now time for us, the silent majority (the indifferent), to demonstrate both.

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The trials of our current times, like warfare, are immense and consequences severe and these seem inconquerable.

As a policewoman from Virginia told me, “People don’t feel safe in their homes and our police force is so demoralized we cannot function as we should. In my 23 years with my department, I have never seen morale so low.”

Another woman from Mississippi told me that we need our leaders to “drop a forceful hammer. People are losing patience. It simply must be stopped! Laws MUST be enforced … no one is above the law.”

Don’t fret. Through smart, positive actions of resolute citizen-patriots, we can prevail. Always keep in mind that our enemy (these dark forces) invariably have difficulties of which we are ignorant.

For most Americans, these forces appear to be strong. I sense they are desperate. I also sense that only a slight push on our part is all that is required to defeat these forces. How should that push come?

Prayers help and prayers matter, but action is also a remedy. Our law enforcement professionals, from the dispatcher to the detective and from the cop to the commissioner, are a line of defense against the corrupt and the criminal. It is how we remain (for now) in a state of relatively peaceful existence.

We must support them with all our being. They are not the enemy; they bring light to the darkness of night through their bravery and determination to do their jobs without fanfare and with tremendous sacrifice.

The silent majority (the indifferent) tend to go the way of those leading them. We are not map- or mind-readers; we are humans fraught with all the hopes and fears that flesh is heir to. We must not become lost in this battle. We must resoundingly follow our God-given common sense.

Seek the truth, fight for it in everything that is displayed before you. Don’t trust the fake news or false prophets; trust your instincts and your common sense. Those with a conscience know the difference between right and wrong, and those with courage will always choose the harder right over the easier wrong.

I believe the attacks being presented to us today are part of a well-orchestrated and well-funded effort that uses racism as its sword to aggravate our battlefield dispositions. This weapon is used to leverage and legitimize violence and crime, not to seek or serve the truth.

The dark forces’ weapons formed against us serve one purpose: to promote radical social change through power and control. Socialism and the creation of a socialist society are their ultimate goals.

They are also intent on driving God out of our families, our schools and our courts. They are even seeking the very removal of God from our churches, essentially hoping to remove God from our everyday lives.

Remember, we will only remain united as “one nation under God.”

And yes, there is a “resistance movement” by the forces of darkness. However, we must also resist these onslaughts and instead take an optimistic view of our situation. Like war, optimism can be pervasive and helps to subdue any rising sense of fear.

We must, however, be deliberate about our optimism. Otherwise, we may get lost in discouragement and despair of any failings we encounter. We must be tenacious in the ultimate end we wish to gain. That end is to remain an unwavering constitutional republic based on a set of Judeo-Christian values and principles. We must not fear these and instead embrace each.

Our path requires course corrections. To move our experiment in democracy forward, we should fight and reject the tired and failed political paths and instead pursue a more correct path that shines a bright light on liberty, a path with greater and greater control of our livelihoods instead of being controlled by fewer and fewer of the too-long-in-power politicians. They have discarded us like old trash.

Our will, our individual liberties and freedoms, remain powerful forces and must be understood and applied smartly. We must not be overly stubborn. Following the Constitution as our guide and adapting to change as we have throughout history, we learn more about what freedoms humans desire.

At times, however, we have to fall back on what got us here. We cannot afford to lose our God-given human rights and the strong inner desire for freedom to choose and to breathe the fresh air of liberty. We must stand up and speak out to challenge our so-called “leaders” of government. We put them in charge; we can remove them as well.

It is through our rights and privileges as American citizens that we challenge the political class and leverage our election process so “we the people” can decide who will govern.

We must not allow a small percentage of the powerful to overtake our position on America’s battlefield. We, as free-thinking and acting individuals, must control how we will live and not allow a few passionate others to change our way of life.

To the silent and currently indifferent majority: Wake up. America is at risk of being lost in the dustbin of history to socialism. The very heart and soul of America is at stake.

In war, as in life, most failure comes from inaction. We face a pivotal moment that can change the course of history of our nation.

We the people must challenge every politician at every level.

We also must stand and support our law enforcement professionals: They are the pointy end of the spear defending us against anarchy.

Now is the time to act.